What is the Largest Integer Factored into Two Primes?

  • Thread starter x_endlessrain_x
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about finding the largest integer "n" that can be factored into two primes, with the person asking for any ideas and being told that the largest known n grows every week. The conversation then shifts to discussing the largest known primes and a website dedicated to them. Finally, the person gives the answer as M^2, where M is the largest known prime.
  • #1
hi! i am looking for the largest integer "n" had been factored into 2 primes.
eg. n=p*q where p,q are primes.

any idea?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Um, do you mean factored, or do you mean largest known n such that n=pq?

Not sure about the former. The latter probably grows by a couple of digits every week
  • #3
yes, i mean the largest known n such that n=pq where p,q=primes

thx again
  • #4
So really, what you're asking for is the two largest known primes. I'm not sure if this is the best option, but it's certainly big:
is the product of two primes and has about 10 million digits.
  • #5
  • #6
this is where this should have gone :-p

no problem...

M^2 is the answer, where M is the largest known Prime.

FAQ: What is the Largest Integer Factored into Two Primes?

What does "Largest n had been factored" mean?

"Largest n had been factored" refers to the largest number, n, that has been successfully decomposed into its prime factors. This means that all of the prime numbers that make up n have been identified.

Why is factoring large numbers important?

Factoring large numbers is important for various reasons. It is a fundamental mathematical concept that helps us understand the properties and relationships of numbers. It also has many practical applications, such as in cryptography and computer security.

How is factoring large numbers done?

Factoring large numbers is typically done using algorithms and computer programs. Some of the commonly used methods include trial division, Pollard's rho algorithm, and the quadratic sieve.

What is the current record for the largest n that has been factored?

The current record for the largest n that has been factored is a 768-bit number, which was achieved in 2009. This means that the number has over 230 digits and was factored using the general number field sieve algorithm.

Why is it difficult to factor large numbers?

Factoring large numbers is difficult because there is no efficient algorithm that can quickly determine the prime factors of a given number. As the numbers get larger, the time and computational power required to factor them also increases significantly.
