Let's have a Get-To-Know-Each-Other

  • Thread starter Ephratah7
  • Start date
  • #36
George Jones said:
You may be too young to know, but a famous country singer has the same name as I do, so I was making a joke.

One of my brothers has perfect pitch, and he tells me that I couldn't carry a tune in a bushel basket. My daughter has yet to realize this.

oh, i see...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
An introductions thread, huh? Cool.

I'm Arun, and I'm a graduate student in astrophysics. I spend about 11 hours a day in my office doing physics-related stuff of some kind. In the few hours that I'm not at work, you'll probably find me doing some activity or another at my church; that and the physics building are basically what my life centers around, sort of like the singlet wavefunction for a helium electron. Oh, and I spend about 8 hours a day at home, sleeping of course. That's about it. Yeah, I don't have much of a life. But cut me some slack, it's grad school! :smile:
  • #38
Evo said:
I used to be the nicest person on earth. Everyone said my only fault was that I was too nice.

Now I am a mean, old, crotchety, set in my ways, harpie. I prefer the dark and would be happy living in a cave.
No, no, none of that. Its all a cover, I have discovered the truth, you are simply in hiding. See below. Now I ask the audience, which is the PF Mentor and which is the former world famous beauty and actress?




They are one in the same. Ms Wood apparently invented her demise and now posts among us. :wink:
  • #39

The resemblance is remarkable! Evo, you could easily pass as Natalie Wood! Absolutely amazing!
  • #40
hypatia said:
I stand on tile over cement floors for most of the day, I found that orthotic arch support insoles with gel heel cushions work really good for me. I also do gentle plantar tendon streching befor I get out of bed. Befor the insoles, some mornings I could not put weight on my left foot. It is getting better.

It seems we share a lot in common. I too repeatedly forget to add an "e" to the word "befor."

Small World.
  • #41
hypatia said:
I stand on tile over cement floors for most of the day, I found that orthotic arch support insoles with gel heel cushions work really good for me. I also do gentle plantar tendon streching befor I get out of bed. Befor the insoles, some mornings I could not put weight on my left foot. It is getting better.

I bought some drug store insoles and they have helped. But I find that when my foot heals, I try to run again and I re-injure it. But the insoles definitely help when I have to stand on concrete for hours!

I don't think I'm going to be able to be a jogger anymore.
  • #42
:smile: Again, I will introduce myself again. I'm Frances Margaret, a 15-year-old girl, very interested in math (even my family). Ephratah7 is the one who introduced this forum to me. She's my sister.. I was born in Dagupan City, June 8, 1992. I'm a little childish..hehe.. I'm a fourth year high school student, expecting to graduate on March 28, 2008. I'm planning to take Engineering but I also want to take Accountancy because I want to become like my mother, a professional CPA. If you want to view my profile for more information, click this link>>> http://profiles.friendster.com/ephratah

(but it is private)

God Bless.
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  • #43
Hi all,
Fairly new to the forum, posted a few responses to people's questions. I'm a second year MEng Electronic Engineering undergraduate at the University of Leeds, UK. I have had a keen interest in physics and engineering for as long as I can remember!

Nice to meet you all...Just a suggestion to the admin - perhaps an introduction 'room' should be added to the forum. It works very well on a forum (Non-Physics/Science) I am an admin for.
  • #44
Mike Cookson said:
Hi all,
...Just a suggestion to the admin - perhaps an introduction 'room' should be added to the forum. It works very well on a forum (Non-Physics/Science) I am an admin for.

Nice suggestion :smile:..
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  • #45
lisab said:
I bought some drug store insoles and they have helped. But I find that when my foot heals, I try to run again and I re-injure it. But the insoles definitely help when I have to stand on concrete for hours!

I don't think I'm going to be able to be a jogger anymore.
Orthotics are much different than any insole you can buy at a store. I have tried nearly all of the store bought ones and they didn't make much difference. I take over 12,000 steps at work every day and my feet were too sore to do much but sit after work. With orthotics, my heels and arches don't hurt like they used to. They still hurt but I am not limping at work anymore. I ordered mine online (http://www.orthoticsdirect.com/?gclid=CJX80vXRgJICFQUqlgod7Anw-g"). They sent a box with bio-foam that you step on to make an impression of each foot and they shaped the orthotics out of metal from the impressions. The first few days wearing them my feet hurt but in different places. Now, I don't go anywhere without them.
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  • #46
Hey I'm Moe Darklight. That's not really my name. When I three I wanted to be a garbage-man then I wanted to be a zoologist then a biologist then a comic book artist then for the past few years I wanted to write and direct movies because a bunch of cartoons I made got shown at a bunch of film festivals which was nice but then I had my quarter-life crisis and realized you have to deal with people too much when you make movies and I don't really like dealing with people that much so now I've finally decided I want to be a writer because I realized my true my passion is flipping burgers.

I'm finally going to go to university this fall. I own a cat who is psychotic but we all love him anyway and I write stuff like this: http://farmhousemagazine.com/13Fgr.html . Some day I'll get the cojónes to submit another story somewhere. I also write poems sometimes, even though I'm quite terrible at that.

I love science and I really love debating I think it's one of the best ways to learn and exercise one's thinking muscles at the same time.
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  • #47
I'm 55 (not for long) and have worked as an inspector, clerk, asst. superintendent, and superintendent on construction projects, process chemist in a pulp mill, lead operator of one of the most advanced paper machines in the world, and consultant to pulp and paper mills (especially in boiler operation, steam systems, and power generation and distribution). When I grew sick of traveling (literally and figuratively), I took a job as a network administrator of a very large ophthalmic practice, and after helping out in the lab a bit, I got inspired to take the ABO test and was certified as an optician. When medical problems with perfumes in the workplace got too tough, I switched to the auction business and took a firearms/militaria division doing maybe $4M a year gross to over $15M gross in less than 4 years. I'm currently unemployed due to this disability - it's tough for me to be out in public because so many people wear perfumes, scented cosmetics, fabric softeners, etc.

Since HS, I have sung and played in bands and worked off much of my college bills that way, playing frat parties, etc. Once I stopped consulting, I was able to devote more time to music, and ran open-mike blues jams for a few years, and played a lot of biker bashes and some company BBQs, as well, until the perfume issues got so bad (asthma, arthritis flare-ups, migraines) that I even had to give that up.

I've done a lot of observational astronomy and astrophotography (paper-machine shift-work puts one into odd hours/sleep patterns), and am currently wrapping up a 2-year study of M51-type galaxy associations with a collaborator in NY and another in Finland. We expect to re-submit the paper in a week or so, and I will link to the preprint when it is accepted for publication. A referee suggested additional analysis that improved the quality of the paper greatly, and we are grateful for that guidance. There will be follow-up papers as well.

Along with music, I have an abiding interest in photography, which is abetted by digital photography because it eliminates the costs of film and processing. I enjoy gardening, and as some of you know, I'm a big fan of very hot chilies, though I like to fill our chest freezers with excess produce all summer and make pickles and other preserves, too. I have backed off on one hobby because of the cost, but hope to resume as things stabilize. I have a very high-quality faceting machine (like a tiny machine-shop), and have painstakingly faceted gem-stones of all types (except diamonds). Every one of my female relatives has gotten at least one of my stones. I facet and polish these stones much more accurately than the stuff that you see in the jewelry stores, to maximize their color and shine. Several local jewelers have bought up almost everything I have offered them, and one (owner of a large old, respected jewelry store) once urged me to increase my prices. One jeweler (who specialized in custom pieces) offered my stones to his best customers as upgrades to commercially-available stones because they were not only visibly better, but they featured girdles that were substantial enough to hold up under hard use without chipping from prong pressure.

Did I mention that I love really hot chilies?:rolleyes:
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  • #48
turbo-1 said:
I'm 55 (not for long) and have worked as an inspector, clerk, asst. superintendent, and superintendent on construction projects, process chemist in a pulp mill, lead operator of one of the most ...

Did I mention that I love really hot chilies?:rolleyes:
You should add ... the https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1529810&postcount=21". :-p
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  • #49
mheslep said:
I didn't know that my upbringing would clash so hard with stuff in other states. I felt absolutely safe hitching all over Maine, staying with strangers, and trusting verbal agreements with bar-owners, etc. Lots of that assurance decayed as I experienced the "standards" that others adhered to in other locations.
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  • #50
Moonbear said:
My kitten is covering the duck that Jeans' isn't. :biggrin:

  • #51
Hi, I'm Werg22, a freshman by all accounts. They say I'm smart, but I tell them they're stupid :biggrin:. I'm a generally good-looking fellow with a great sexy voice - but please don't send me love letters :wink:. I have a variety of hobbies - by far the most important being sitting in my chair philosophizing on all matters of life and whatnot (i.e. doing absolutely nothing).
  • #52
Werg22 said:
Hi, I'm Werg22, a freshman by all accounts. They say I'm smart, but I tell them they're stupid :biggrin:. I'm a generally good-looking fellow with a great sexy voice - but please don't send me love letters :wink:. I have a variety of hobbies - by far the most important being sitting in my chair philosophizing on all matters of life and whatnot (i.e. doing absolutely nothing).

Will you go out with me?:approve::cool::bugeye:
  • #53
You're going to have to make a reservation. :wink:
  • #54
Werg22 said:
You're going to have to make a reservation. :wink:

:smile:you sure? you'll go out with a girl?
  • #55
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  • #56
VashtiMaiden said:
:smile:you sure? you'll go out with a girl?

I don't know what you've heard about me...
  • #57
Werg22 said:
I don't know what you've heard about me...

haha.. sorry, thought you're a girl. haha, gomen-ne.:smile:
  • #58
Hi everyone. :)

I'm z-component:

Ever since I was young, I loved airplanes and flying. During middle school, I wanted to be a commercial airline pilot. In my junior year of high school (2004), I joined PF and stayed ever since. Around the same time, I realized that I wanted to become an aeronautical engineer.

Currently, I'm a sophomore in aerospace engineering at Penn State, age 19. When I finish my degree, I'm considering graduate school. A major goal of mine is to become a licensed private pilot, at the very least. I love what PF allows students, professionals, and all avid readers to do here, and I will donate again when I have more money (poor college student).

I don't post as much here, but I log on everyday and read. I've met some great personalities here.
  • #59
19yo and sophomore already? How'd you manage to get there so very quick?
  • #60
I was always one of the younger in my class. I was 17 when I graduated high school while most of my friends were 18. My birthday is in July.
  • #61
I'm a college student by day, a carhop at sonic by night, and a drunk videogamer by night-night
  • #62
I'm a university student by day, a regular at a good old british public house by evening, a gamer by some night-nights and a sound engineer at weekend =]
  • #63
Just joined college. Doing electrical engineering. I've been at PF for about a year I think. Amazing place!
  • #64
chaoseverlasting said:
Just joined college. Doing electrical engineering. I've been at PF for about a year I think. Amazing place!

yes, this forum is cool. lol. I like it here.
  • #65
Mike Cookson said:
I'm a university student by day, a regular at a good old british public house by evening, a gamer by some night-nights and a sound engineer at weekend =]

Bruce Wayne's got nothing on ya.
  • #66
Hi I'm scorpa, obviously not my real name but that's what you get. I'm a university student in medical laboratory science right now, and am looking forward to graduating so I can pursue my dreams of traveling and buying one darn nice Harley :). I kind of go back and forth on the idea of graduate school, but I figure I'll know if I want to take that route once I am doing my 4th year research project. In my spare time which I don't have enough of I love mountain biking in the river valleys, rollerblading, hiking, camping, motorcycling (even though I don't have one now), and poorly attempting to play the guitar. I am a freak when it comes to vehicles and do what I can to keep my vehicle looking and running good. My favorite season is summer and am rarely found inside once the snow is gone and I am out of school.
  • #67
My name is cyrus. The end. :smile:
  • #68
Cyrus said:
My name is cyrus. The end. :smile:

...nice. :smile:
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  • #69
Cyrus said:
My name is cyrus. The end. :smile:

I'm intrigued. Prithee, do go on, good sir.
  • #70
Werg22 said:
Bruce Wayne's got nothing on ya.

Haha, but I can't ride a horse, shoot or pull like he can! haha.

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