Linear operators, quantum mechanics

In summary, the operator A is defined as taking a function and doing two things to it: taking the partial derivative of the function and adding to it 3 times the initial function.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Show that two of the operators are linear and one is not
Relevant Equations
I am struggling with what each piece of these equations are. I generally know the two rules that need to hold for an operator to be linear, but I am struggling with what each piece of each equation is/means.
Lets look at one of the three operators in question.
I need to get an understanding of what each piece of the above equation says. Correct me when I am wrong.
A is the operator, but this also says that f(x) is the operator? does the partial derivative represent a partial derivative of our operator? If that is true our operator A is now equal to the partial derivative of our operator + 3 times our operator?

To show linearity we need to show A(f(x)+g(x)) is true and the scalar property, but let's first stick with this first one.

So I am already confused because we have an f(x) in the problem and our linearity rules have another f(x).

Here is my attempt at a solution, but it is practically worthless because I do not get what each piece means:

"= (∂f/∂x)*f(x) + (∂f/∂x)*g(x) + 3f(x)*f(x)+ 3f(x)*g(x)
"=A*f(x) + A*g(x) Not sure if this is right, not sure what A represents...
Any help would be appreciated, I think I am close, but I am not able to make sense of each variable.
I have searched far and wide online, but can't make sense of the info out there, too many elementary steps are skipped.
Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you.
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  • #2
cookiemnstr510510 said:
Homework Statement:: Show that two of the operators are linear and one is not
Homework Equations:: A(f+g)=Af+Ag

I am struggling with what each piece of these equations are. I generally know the two rules that need to hold for an operator to be linear, but I am struggling with what each piece of each equation is/means.
Lets look at one of the three operators in question.
I need to get an understanding of what each piece of the above equation says. Correct me when I am wrong.
A is the operator, but this also says that f(x) is the operator? does the partial derivative represent a partial derivative of our operator? If that is true our operator A is now equal to the partial derivative of our operator + 3 times our operator?

To show linearity we need to show A(f(x)+g(x)) is true and the scalar property, but let's first stick with this first one.

So I am already confused because we have an f(x) in the problem and our linearity rules have another f(x).

Here is my attempt at a solution, but it is practically worthless because I do not get what each piece means:

A is the operator that acts on a function. The result of applying the operator A on a function is to take the derivative of the function and add to the result three times the function.
Now, what you wrote as the action on f(x) + g(x) is incorrect. It should be

  • #3
nrqed said:
A is the operator that acts on a function. The result of applying the operator A on a function is to take the derivative of the function and add to the result three times the function.
Now, what you wrote as the action on f(x) + g(x) is incorrect. It should be

Do you mean the result of A on a function is to take the partial derivative of the function?
  • #4
nrqed said:
A is the operator that acts on a function. The result of applying the operator A on a function is to take the derivative of the function and add to the result three times the function.
Now, what you wrote as the action on f(x) + g(x) is incorrect. It should be

I think I get it, so our initial equation: A(f(x))=(∂f/∂x)+3f(x) is defining what the operator A does. And what it is telling us is that A, the operator, takes a function and does two things to it:
1. it takes the partial derivative of the function, and
2. adds to it 3 times the initial function.
If that is it that makes sense to me.
  • #5
Okay so here is my new attempt at the whole problem:
Complete question attached.
The two properties I need to fulfill are:

first example:
A(f(x))+A(g(x))=(∂f/∂x)+3f(x)+(∂g/∂x)+3g(x) to me the RHS of this equation looks like LHS (just in different form)

cA(f(x))=c[(∂f/∂x)+3f(x)] LHS=RHS, Linear

Next example:
B(f(x))+B(g(x))=(1/2)f(x)(∂f/∂x)+(1/2)g(x)(∂g/∂x) LHS=RHS, Linear

c*B(f(x))=c[(1/2)f(x)(∂f/∂x)] LHS=RHS, Linear

Last example attached.
I immediately see a problem with it. What I say this operator saying is this: The operator C takes a function f(x) in and outputs the definite integral from 0-->5 ∫(x-y)^3 f(y)dy. I don't understand how we could even set up the properties to see if linear? what is the f(y) doing in the integral, what is f(y) and why are integrating W.R.T y?
I am assuming this one is not linear, but could someone show me why? I don't see how I could go about showing this.


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  • #6
cookiemnstr510510 said:
I think I get it, so our initial equation: A(f(x))=(∂f/∂x)+3f(x) is defining what the operator A does. And what it is telling us is that A, the operator, takes a function and does two things to it:
1. it takes the partial derivative of the function, and
2. adds to it 3 times the initial function.
If that is it that makes sense to me.
Yes, exactly.

Note that I skipped a step when I wrote the effect of A on g+f. To be really detailed, one shoudl write


Using the fact that taking the derivative of a sum is the sum of the derivatives, one gets what I wrote earlier:

∂f(x)/∂x+∂g(x)/∂x +3(f(x)+g(x))

which is of course

∂f(x)/∂x+∂g(x)/∂x +3f(x)+3g(x)

Which is A(f(x))+ A(g(x))
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  • #7
nrqed said:
Yes, exactly.

Note that I skipped a step when I wrote the effect of A on g+f. To be really detailed, one shoudl write


Using the fact that taking the derivative of a sum is the sum of the derivatives, one gets what I wrote earlier:

∂f(x)/∂x+∂g(x)/∂x +3(f(x)+g(x))

which is of course

∂f(x)/∂x+∂g(x)/∂x +3f(x)+3g(x)

Which is A(f(x))+ A(g(x))
Oh wow, okay so I was wrong again! thank you.
So since our initial operator, A, takes a function and takes the partial derivative of it first. So for sum of two functions (f(x)+g(x)) we are taking the partial derivative of this entire quantity, not each individual part. so it would then look like your answer: (∂(f(x)+g(x))/∂x)
  • #8
cookiemnstr510510 said:
Okay so here is my new attempt at the whole problem:
Complete question attached.
The two properties I need to fulfill are:

first example:
A(f(x))+A(g(x))=(∂f/∂x)+3f(x)+(∂g/∂x)+3g(x) to me the RHS of this equation looks like LHS (just in different form)

cA(f(x))=c[(∂f/∂x)+3f(x)] LHS=RHS, Linear

Your conclusion is correct. Although it is confusing when you write LHS=RHS, but I guess you mean the LHS and RHS of the equations near the top, in which case you are 100% correct.

Next example:
No, to get B(f(x)+g(x)), you must simply take the expression for B(f(x)) and replace every instance of f(x) by f(x)+g(x), which is not what you did.
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  • #9
cookiemnstr510510 said:
Oh wow, okay so I was wrong again! thank you.
So since our initial operator, A, takes a function and takes the partial derivative of it first. So for sum of two functions (f(x)+g(x)) we are taking the partial derivative of this entire quantity, not each individual part. so it would then look like your answer: (∂(f(x)+g(x))/∂x)

You have some serious misconceptions that you need to iron out. To take your example:

##A(f(x)) = f(x)\frac{df}{dx}##

Now, if you want to operate on ##f(x) + g(x)##, a trick to see how to do this is first to let ##h(x) = f(x) + g(x)## and now:

##A(f(x) + g(x)) = A(h(x)) = h(x)\frac{dh}{dx} = (f(x) + g(x))\frac{d}{dx}(f(x) + g(x)##

In addition to clearing up why the operation works like it does, it also highlights the point that a function is a function and you cannot treat it any differently just because you write it as a sum. For example, we have:

##\cos (2x) = \cos^2 x - \sin^2 x = 2\cos^2 x - 1 = 1 - 2\sin^2 x##

If an operator acts on the function ##\cos 2x##, it cannot operate differently on these other variations. You can't come out with a different answer for ##A(\cos(2x))## just because you write it as ##A(\cos^2 x - \sin^2 x)##

cookiemnstr510510 said:
Last example attached.
I immediately see a problem with it. What I say this operator saying is this: The operator C takes a function f(x) in and outputs the definite integral from 0-->5 ∫(x-y)^3 f(y)dy. I don't understand how we could even set up the properties to see if linear? what is the f(y) doing in the integral, what is f(y) and why are integrating W.R.T y?
I am assuming this one is not linear, but could someone show me why? I don't see how I could go about showing this.

Note that a definite integral turns a function into a number. For example:

##\int_0^{\pi} \sin x \ dx = 2##

Simlarly, if you take a function of two variables, ##f(x, y)## and integrate with respect to one variable, then you get a function of the other. E.g.

##\int_0^1 xy \ dx = [\frac 1 2 yx^2]_0^1 = \frac y 2##

This allows you to define an operator by taking a function and integrating it in some way. To take your example$$C(f(x)) = \int_0^5 (x-y)^3f(y) \ dy$$
The RHS is a function of ##x##, as the ##y## variable gets integrated out, as it were. So, ##C## takes a function of ##x## and spits out a function of ##x##. ##C##, therefore, is an operator.

To see whether ##C## is linear or not, you need to think about the properties of the integral. Hint: a definite integral is generally a linear "thing"!
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  • #10
PeroK said:
Note that a definite integral turns a function into a number. For example:

##\int_0^{\pi} \sin x \ dx = 2##

Simlarly, if you take a function of two variables, ##f(x, y)## and integrate with respect to one variable, then you get a function of the other. E.g.

##\int_0^1 xy \ dx = [\frac 1 2 yx^2]_0^1 = \frac y 2##

This allows you to define an operator by taking a function and integrating it in some way. To take your example$$C(f(x)) = \int_0^5 (x-y)^3f(y) \ dy$$
The RHS is a function of ##x##, as the ##y## variable gets integrated out, as it were. So, ##C## takes a function of ##x## and spits out a function of ##x##. ##C##, therefore, is an operator.

To see whether ##C## is linear or not, you need to think about the properties of the integral. Hint: a definite integral is generally a linear "thing"!

Physicists may find the following pedantic, but it can be very helpful to distinguish between the function ##f## and the value ##f(x)## of that function at the point ##x## in its domain. So, suppose you consider functions as vectors in some otherwise unspecified vector space ##V##. Then the operator ##C## defined in the quote above is defined as
C : V \to V, \qquad (Cf)(x) = \int_0^5 (x - y)^3 f(y)\,dy.
That is, ##C## takes the function ##f \in V## and maps it to ##Cf##, and we tell what ##Cf## is by specifying the value ##(Cf)(x)## at any point of the domain of ##Cf##.

To see if ##C## is linear, check whether ##C(f + g) = Cf + Cg## and ##C(a \cdot f) = a \cdot Cf##.
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  • #11
Yes, I nearly added that myself, but I thought I'd said enough already. Not pedantic at all, IMO.
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  • #12
PeroK said:
You have some serious misconceptions that you need to iron out. To take your example:

##A(f(x)) = f(x)\frac{df}{dx}##

Now, if you want to operate on ##f(x) + g(x)##, a trick to see how to do this is first to let ##h(x) = f(x) + g(x)## and now:

##A(f(x) + g(x)) = A(h(x)) = h(x)\frac{dh}{dx} = (f(x) + g(x))\frac{d}{dx}(f(x) + g(x)##

First, thank you for your response. Although I am still a bit confused, I am making some sort of progress.
Let me stick with the example quoted and go a bit further with it.
So my initial operator A is acting on some function f(x) and when it acts on that function it gives us ##f(x)\frac{df}{dx}##.

So our operator is acting on a function f. If I wanted to show that this operator was either linear or not I would use my two linearity properties (addition and scalar multiplication). To show addition I would need my operator to act on not only one function f(x) but on f(x)+g(x)--> ##A(f(x) + g(x))##
I like your idea about letting h(x)=f(x)+g(x).
So initially my operator turns a function f(x) into itself times its derivative, ##f(x)\frac{df}{dx}##.
So whatever my operator is acting on it will do those two things.
In the case of ##A(f(x) + g(x))## A has to spit out the thing inside of it, or f(x)+g(x) and the derivative of the thing inside of it which is ##\frac{d}{dx}(f(x) + g(x)##

For linearity we want A(f(x)+g(x))=A(f(x))+A(g(x))
In our case this operator would not be linear, because we are multiplying two sums like (a+b)(c+d)?
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  • #13
cookiemnstr510510 said:
First, thank you for your response. Although I am still a bit confused, I am making some sort of progress.
Let me stick with the example quoted and go a bit further with it.
So my initial operator A is acting on some function f(x) and when it acts on that function it gives us ##f(x)\frac{df}{dx}##.

So our operator is acting on a function f. If I wanted to show that this operator was either linear or not I would use my two linearity properties (addition and scalar multiplication). To show addition I would need my operator to act on not only one function f(x) but on f(x)+g(x)--> ##A(f(x) + g(x))##
I like your idea about letting h(x)=f(x)+g(x).
So initially my operator turns a function f(x) into itself times its derivative, ##f(x)\frac{df}{dx}##.
So whatever my operator is acting on it will do those two things.
In the case of ##A(f(x) + g(x))## A has to spit out the thing inside of it, or f(x)+g(x) and the derivative of the thing inside of it which is ##\frac{d}{dx}(f(x) + g(x)##

For linearity we want A(f(x)+g(x))=A(f(x))+A(g(x))
In our case this operator would not be linear, because we are multiplying two sums like (a+b)(c+d)?

Yes, that the operator that is not linear. Technically, to show something is not linear you need a counterexample. In this case:

##A(f(x) + g(x)) = (f(x) + g(x))(f'(x) + g'(x))##

## \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ = f(x)f'(x) + g(x)g'(x) + [f(x)g'(x) + g(x)f'(x)]##

## \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ = A(f(x)) + A(g(x)) + [f(x)g'(x) + g(x)f'(x)]##

And, because that last expression in the square bracket is not always zero, then we see that ##A## is not linear.

FAQ: Linear operators, quantum mechanics

What is a linear operator in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, a linear operator is a mathematical object that acts on a vector space of quantum states, transforming one state into another state. It represents a physical observable or dynamical quantity, such as position, momentum, or energy, and is a fundamental concept in understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

How do linear operators behave in quantum mechanics?

Linear operators in quantum mechanics behave in a specific way known as linearity. This means that the operator obeys the principle of superposition, where the effect of applying the operator to a combined state is equal to the sum of the effects on each individual state. Additionally, linear operators are Hermitian, meaning that they are self-adjoint and their eigenvalues are real.

What is the significance of eigenvalues and eigenvectors in quantum mechanics?

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors play a crucial role in quantum mechanics as they represent the possible outcomes of a measurement of a physical observable. The eigenvalues are the possible values of the observable that can be measured, while the eigenvectors represent the corresponding states of the system. The measurement of an observable will result in one of its eigenvalues, with the corresponding eigenvector as the state of the system after the measurement.

What is the commutator of two linear operators in quantum mechanics?

The commutator of two linear operators in quantum mechanics is defined as the difference between the operators' product in two different orders. It is an important quantity as it determines whether or not two operators can be measured simultaneously. If the commutator of two operators is zero, they are said to commute, and their corresponding observables can be measured simultaneously with arbitrary precision.

How are linear operators used in the Schrödinger equation?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes the evolution of a quantum state over time. Linear operators are used in the Schrödinger equation to represent the Hamiltonian, which is the total energy of the system. The Schrödinger equation is a linear partial differential equation, and solving it allows us to determine the time evolution of a quantum system.
