Linear Programming - satisfaction only at least one constraint

In summary, the conversation discusses a form of relaxation or modification of a linear programming problem where the satisfaction of at least one constraint is considered feasible, rather than all constraints being satisfied. This can involve solving multiple LP problems and considering the concept of "tight" constraints at an optimal solution.
  • #1
Linear Programming - satisfaction of only at least one constraint


Is there a form of relaxation/modification of an LP of the form
[tex]\text{min }\;\;f^\mathsf{T}x\\\mathbf{A}x\leq b[/tex]
such that if only anyone of the constraints is satisfied, then the solution ##x## is regarded as feasible?

Here ##\mathbf{A}x\leq b## represents a row of linear constraints.

Gratitudes in advance.
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  • #2
I don't really understand what you mean. If we have a constraint with only one inequality instead of a system of more than one, then we have a new LP-problem.
  • #3
Erland said:
If we have a constraint with only one inequality instead of a system of more than one, then we have a new LP-problem.

The LP I am concerned with has a number of inequalities. However, I need to only have at least one of them satisfied. This can be any combination of the inequalities, not a particular one.

Say the LP has 5 inequalities to satisfy. I want to have that satisfying at least one of the 5 means that the solution is feasible, as opposed to having all of the 5 satisfied, like in a standard LP. However, it can be any combination of the constraint, for example [1 0 0 0 0], [0 0 1 1 0], and many others, where 1 and 0 correspond to each of the inequality being satisfied or unsatisfied respectively.
  • #4
I see... If there are n inequalities, you could solve n LP problems, one for each inequality, and choose the one with smallest value.
  • #5
There is the concept of whether a constraint is "tight" at an optimal solution. If you find an optimal solution subject to n inequality constraints then to improvie on that solution, look at dropping the constraits that are satisified as exact equalities.

FAQ: Linear Programming - satisfaction only at least one constraint

What is linear programming?

Linear programming is a mathematical method for finding the optimal solution to a problem with multiple constraints. It involves creating a mathematical model of the problem and using linear equations to represent the constraints and objective function.

What does "satisfaction only at least one constraint" mean in linear programming?

This phrase refers to a type of constraint in which at least one of the variables must meet a certain condition, but not all of them. This allows for more flexibility in finding a feasible solution to the problem.

How is "satisfaction only at least one constraint" different from other types of constraints in linear programming?

In other types of constraints, all variables must meet a certain condition, whereas with "satisfaction only at least one constraint," only one variable needs to meet the condition. This can make the problem easier to solve and can also lead to a wider range of possible solutions.

What types of problems are best suited for using "satisfaction only at least one constraint" in linear programming?

This type of constraint is useful for problems where there are multiple options for satisfying a certain condition, and it is not necessary for all options to be used. For example, in a production problem, there may be several machines that can produce a certain product, but only one needs to be used to meet the demand.

What are the steps for solving a linear programming problem with "satisfaction only at least one constraint"?

The steps for solving a linear programming problem with this type of constraint are the same as for any other linear programming problem. They include identifying the decision variables, writing the objective function and constraints, graphing the feasible region, and using graphical or algebraic methods to find the optimal solution. The only difference is that when considering the "satisfaction only at least one constraint," you will only need to ensure that at least one of the variables meets the given condition, rather than all of them.
