Understanding Line Intersections and Reflections in Collision Detection

  • Thread starter sundar0206
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with finding the intersection between a point moving along a plane and a line, as well as the reflection of the vector upon intersection. The equation of a line and its normal are related by the fact that their gradients multiply to -1. To find a line perpendicular to another, the gradient of the original line can be used to calculate the gradient of the perpendicular line.
  • #1
I have been coming across a very very basic mathematics problem and still can't get my head around it. Should admit not the best to really talk maths to but I need the following

I am doing a collision detection algorithm..

For this I have a point that moves .I got the position of the point. But then here is the problem.

How do i really find where the vector in which the point moves intersect with a line...

If It intersects I need to reflect the vector..

Would be really nice to help me out in this issue..

Also can someone explain to me how the equation of the line AX+BY+C = 0 y=mx+c and the normals related ...

Also how does one fine a line perpendicular to another..

Well too many question and very unordered. Sorry about that . Jus typed all the questions on my mind

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  • #2
sundar0206 said:
For this I have a point that moves .I got the position of the point. But then here is the problem.

How do i really find where the vector in which the point moves intersect with a line...

If It intersects I need to reflect the vector..
I haven't studied vectors in great detail, so I'm finding it hard to understand exactly what you're saying here, however, I will give it a shot and hopefully it'll be along the lines (no pun intended) of what you're looking for.

If a point is moving along a plane, defined by some function y=f(x), it will intersect the line ax+by+c=0 if and only if there are real solutions for x (and thus y also) that satisfies both functions.

e.g. particle moves along [itex]y=x^2[/itex], to find if it intersects [itex]3x-y-2=0[/itex] simply solve these simultaneously. i.e. substitute [itex]y=x^2[/itex] into the line equation.


So the intersections are at x=1 and x=2. Finding the y-value, sub these x-values back into one of the functions. So, [itex]y=1^2,2^2[/itex] Therefore the points of intersection are (1,1) and (2,4).

To find the angle at which the particle traveling along [itex]y=x^2[/itex] 'collided' with the line, find the gradient of the tangent at the point of collision and the gradient of the line by the use of calculus.

Lets just take the point (1,1).
At x=1, [itex]dy/dx=2[/itex]

So the gradient is 2 while the gradient of the line is... [itex]y=3x-2[/itex] comparing to y=mx+b where m is the gradient, hence, 3.

Now use the formula [tex]tan(\theta) =\frac{tan(m_1)-tan(m_2)}{1-tan(m_1)tan(m_2)}[/tex]

where m1 and m2 are the graidents and [itex]\theta[/itex] is the angle of intersection.

The reflection of the vector would just be [itex]180^o-\theta[/itex]

Also can someone explain to me how the equation of the line AX+BY+C = 0 y=mx+c and the normals related ...
If you re-arrange and solve [itex]ax+by+c=0[/itex] for y...


so as you can see, the gradient of [itex]y=mx+k[/itex] is m, while the gradient of [itex]ax+by+c=0[/itex] is [tex] -\frac{a}{b}[/tex]

Also how does one fine a line perpendicular to another..
First find the gradient of one line by calculus or, better yet, doing it the way just above. Then use the formula [itex](m_1)(m_2)=-1[/itex]
Basically, for 2 lines to be perpendicular, their gradients must multiply to give -1.

For the general line above,


The gradient for the normal of this line must be [tex]m_1=\frac{-1}{m_2}[/tex]

So, [tex]\frac{-1}{-\frac{a}{b}}=\frac{b}{a}[/tex]

Hence, [tex]y=\frac{b}{a}x-\frac{c}{b}[/tex]
  • #3
Thanks for that post . I really appreciate the time you have taken to reply to my quesiton...

I understand how ax+by+c and y=mx+c are related. But then How is this related to the normals of the line..Is this somethin I have missed or not understoond
  • #4

The only actual relationship one can give between any line and its normal is that their gradients multiply to -1

So if you have a line [itex]y=mx+k_1[/itex] the normal would be [itex]y=\frac{-1}{m}x+k_2[/itex]

I'm not sure what else there is to say. If you're still unsatisfied, please, try and elaborate your problem a little further and I'm sure you'll get more help :smile:

FAQ: Understanding Line Intersections and Reflections in Collision Detection

1. What is the meaning of lines intersecting?

Lines intersecting means that two or more lines cross each other at a point, creating an intersection. This point is shared by both lines and is known as the point of intersection.

2. How do you determine if two lines intersect?

To determine if two lines intersect, you can use the slope-intercept form of the lines and solve for the point of intersection by setting the equations equal to each other. If the x and y values of the point of intersection are the same for both lines, then they intersect.

3. What happens when two lines intersect?

When two lines intersect, they create an intersection point where both lines share the same x and y coordinates. This point can be used to find the angle of intersection, as well as the distance between the two lines.

4. How can lines reflect off of each other?

Lines can reflect off of each other when they intersect at a right angle, forming a 90 degree angle. This is known as a perpendicular intersection. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, and the reflected line will be a mirror image of the original line.

5. What is the difference between intersecting lines and parallel lines?

Intersecting lines cross each other at a point, while parallel lines never intersect and remain at a constant distance from each other. Additionally, intersecting lines have a point of intersection, while parallel lines do not.

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