Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem

In summary, The discussion revolves around the relativity postulate of special relativity and its implications for conserved quantities. Specifically, the focus is on the angular momentum, which is described by an antisymmetric tensor, and its relation to boosts and rotations. Some sources suggest that boosts relate more directly to the center of mass rather than angular momentum, and that the concept of Poincare invariance should be considered when discussing conserved quantities.
  • #1
Insights Author
Gold Member
Not sure its in the right place or not.If its not,sorry.

The relativity postulate of special relativity says that all physical equations should remain invariant under lorentz transformations And that includes Lagrangian too.
So it seems we have a symmetry(which is continuous),So by Noether's theorem,there should be a conserved quantity associated with it but I can't find what is that.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The conserved quantity is the angular momentum. Relativistically it's an antisymmetric tensor Jμν. See this recent thread.
  • #3
Bill_K said:
The conserved quantity is the angular momentum. Relativistically it's an antisymmetric tensor Jμν. See this recent thread.

Here http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/boosts.html is a discussion of the topic that focuses more directly on the boosts, as opposed to the rotations. Charles Torre's post near the bottom talks about how the distinction between boosts and rotations is not Lorentz-invariant. But putting aside this issue, I think it's fair to say that the boosts relate more directly to the center of mass, not to angular momentum, although the center of mass is part of what's described by the angular momentum tensor.

Another discussion: http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/12559/what-conservation-law-corresponds-to-lorentz-boosts
  • #4
You should better look at Poincare invariance which results in conserved quantities for spatial rotations (angular momentum), boosts (boosts ?) and energy / momentum (time / space translation).

FAQ: Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem

What is Lorentz covariance?

Lorentz covariance is the mathematical concept that describes how the laws of physics remain unchanged under Lorentz transformations, which involve a change in velocity or reference frame. This means that the fundamental principles of physics, such as conservation of energy and momentum, are the same for all observers in different inertial frames of reference.

What is Noether's theorem?

Noether's theorem is a fundamental principle in physics that states that for every continuous symmetry in a physical system, there exists a corresponding conserved quantity. This means that the laws of physics remain unchanged under certain transformations, and as a result, certain quantities such as energy, momentum, and angular momentum are conserved.

How are Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem related?

Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem are closely related because Lorentz covariance is a type of symmetry that is described by Noether's theorem. The Lorentz transformations that preserve the laws of physics lead to conserved quantities, and these conserved quantities are described by Noether's theorem.

Why are Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem important in modern physics?

Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem are important in modern physics because they are essential for understanding the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. They are used in many areas of physics, including relativity, quantum mechanics, and particle physics, and have led to groundbreaking discoveries and theories.

Are there any exceptions to Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem?

There are some exceptions to Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem, particularly in certain theories that attempt to unify the fundamental forces of nature. These theories may involve additional symmetries that go beyond Lorentz transformations, and as a result, may have different conserved quantities. However, in most cases, Lorentz covariance and Noether's theorem hold true and are crucial for understanding the behavior of physical systems.
