Is the Mass-Density Relationship Always 1:1?

In summary: Styrofoam?Styrofoam doesn't interact with photons the same way as lead does, so it would take up more space than lead.
  • #1
Gold Member
Are mass and density always in a 1 to 1 relationship? For example, can there be a material that takes up more space without it having more mass than another material that takes up less space?


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  • #2
I can't parse your English. Can you rephrase the question?
  • #3
Yes. Ice vs water. When water freezes (to ice) it increases its volume (space) by about 9% due to the "open lattice" crystal structure.
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  • #4
DaleSpam said:
I can't parse your English. Can you rephrase the question?

If an object has mass X, then can there be another object, also with mass X, which takes up more space than the first object?
  • #5
TheAlkemist said:
If you mean mass and density being directly proportional, yes.

Example = Ice vs water

Ok, so a unit of water is smaller than if you freeze that water, but does the ice actually take up more space, not just the dimension lengths of the object, but taking up more space (more matter per unit area)?
  • #6
jaketodd said:
Ok, so a unit of water is smaller than if you freeze that water, but does the ice actually take up more space, not just the dimension lengths of the object, but taking up more space (more matter per unit area)?

What do you mean by "dimension lengths"?
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  • #7
TheAlkemist said:
What do you mean by "dimension lengths"?

The length, width and height of the object.
  • #8
Take some water and have 1-ounce remain liquid, while a second(separate) ounce is frozen.

They both weigh the same(same mass), but the frozen ounce has greater volume and less density than the liquid sample.
  • #9
pallidin said:
Take some water and have 1-ounce remain liquid, while a second(separate) ounce is frozen.

They both weigh the same(same mass), but the frozen ounce has greater volume and less density than the liquid sample.

This may clarify my question:

Under any circumstances, can something block more photons, for example, than something that has more mass?
  • #10
jaketodd said:
If an object has mass X, then can there be another object, also with mass X, which takes up more space than the first object?
Of course: otherwise all objects would have the Sam density.
  • #11
A kg of Al vs a kg of Iron? Or the other way round, compare the mass of 1cm3 of Al vs the mass of 1cm3 of Iron.

Could you try to be a bit more specific in your question.
  • #12
jaketodd said:
This may clarify my question:

Under any circumstances, can something block more photons, for example, than something that has more mass?

Please try to figure out just what you are asking. A m2 of card board has a much bigger shadow then a similer mass of iron or any other metal.
  • #13
Obviously, the mass will remain the same

But the volume can't be the same if you are considering water and ice


Density may change
  • #14
[tex]M=\oint\rho \partial V[/tex] isn't allowing latex preview so there's supposed to be a volume element
[tex]\partial V[/tex] in there in case its missing.

for a constant density case,

[tex]M =\rho V [/tex]

the rest i believe you can figure out yourself...through the equation
  • #15
jaketodd said:
This may clarify my question:

Under any circumstances, can something block more photons, for example, than something that has more mass?

Perhaps a material where all the molecules are polarized and facing the same direction compared with a material with the same number of molecules but forming structures that wouldn't let as many photons through? In this example, the two materials would have the same mass. Is this possible?


  • #16
completely possible, any reason why it shouldn't happen?
  • #17
vaibhav1803 said:
completely possible, any reason why it shouldn't happen?

  • #18
jaketodd said:
If an object has mass X, then can there be another object, also with mass X, which takes up more space than the first object?
Obviously yes. Consider a 1 kg piece of lead and a 1 kg piece of Styrofoam.

I think you are not asking what you really want to know. Please try to think your question through a bit better.
  • #19
jaketodd said:
This may clarify my question:

Under any circumstances, can something block more photons, for example, than something that has more mass?

jaketodd said:
Perhaps a material where all the molecules are polarized and facing the same direction compared with a material with the same number of molecules but forming structures that wouldn't let as many photons through? In this example, the two materials would have the same mass. Is this possible?



OK. I might get what you're asking here. I think it's a question of substance and form.

The mass of an object is equal to the sum of the masses of all the atoms/molecules that make it up.

The form a material assumes depends on the nature of the interactions between the atoms/molecules that it's made of. Between the interacting atoms/molecules is "space", the amount of which essentially determines the density of the material.

The way a material interacts with photons certainly depends on how the atoms/molecules are arranged.

DaleSpam explains this above with lead and Styrofoam.

FAQ: Is the Mass-Density Relationship Always 1:1?

What is the difference between mass and density?

Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object, while density is the measure of how tightly packed the matter is in an object.

How are mass and density related?

Mass and density are directly proportional to each other. This means that as the mass of an object increases, its density also increases.

What is the formula for calculating density?

The formula for density is density = mass / volume. This means that to calculate the density of an object, you need to know its mass and volume.

What are the units of measurement for mass and density?

Mass is typically measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg), while density is measured in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3).

How does the density of an object affect its buoyancy?

The density of an object determines whether it will float or sink in a fluid. Objects with a lower density than the fluid they are placed in will float, while objects with a higher density will sink.
