Mathematica not supporting graphs code is as

In summary, the conversation is about the speaker's attempt to create a graph using Mathematica, but encountering issues with the code due to imaginary numbers. They provide the code they used and mention they were able to successfully create the graph using MATLAB. They have converted the code to Mathematica and are seeking any support or assistance in troubleshooting the issue.
  • #1
adnan jahan
mathematica not supporting graphs,,,code is as

Dear Fellow I was trying to make graph using mathematica but because of imaginary appearing mathematica is not supporting don't now how to evaluate the graph,,where code for mathematica is as

rho = 1.74*10^(3);
lambda = 9.4*10^(11);
mue = 4.0*10^(11);
T0 = 293;
k = 0.6*10^(-2);
K = 1*10^(11);
K1 = 0.3*10^(-3);
CE = 383.1;
gamma = 0.779*10^(-8);
gamma1 = 0.1*10^(-5);
gamma11 = 0.5*10^(-3);
j = 0.2*10^(-21);
alpha0 = 0.779*10^(-4);
lambda0 = 0.5*10^(11);
lambda1 = 0.2*10^(11);
umega = 2;
t = 0.1;
aphat = 1.78*10^(-5);
f = 0.5;
p = 10;
b = 2;
w0 = -2;
xi = 1;
z = 0.1;
w = w0 + xi;
c2 = mue/rho;
c3 = (2*alpha0)/(3*rho*j);
c4 = (2*lambda1)/(9*rho*j);
c5 = (2*lambda0)/(9*rho*j);
c6 = (2*gamma11)/(9*rho*j);
w1 = (rho*CE*c2)/K1;
epsilon1 = ((gamma1^2)*T0)/(rho^2*CE*c2);
epsilon2 = K1/(rho*CE*c2);
epsilon3 = (K*w1)/(rho*CE*c2);
epsilon4 = (gamma1*gamma11*T0)/(rho^2*CE*w1*c2);
epsilon = epsilon2 + epsilon3*w;
c1 = (lambda + 2*mue + k)/rho;
a0 = (c2)/(c1);
a1 = lambda0/(lambda + 2*mue + k);
a2 = (rho*c2)/(mue + k);
a3 = k/(mue + k);
a4 = (k*c2)/(gamma*w1^2);
a5 = (rho*j*c2)/gamma;
a6 = (c3)/(c2);
a7 = (c4)/(w1^2);
a8 = (c5)/(w1^2);
a9 = (2*gamma11*c2)/(9*gamma1*j*w1^2);
A1 = b^2 + a0*(w^2 - umega^2);
A2 = 2*umega*a0*w;
A3 = b^2 + a2*(w^2 - umega^2);
A4 = 2*umega*a2*w;
A5 = b^2 + 2*a4 + a5*w^2;
A6 = b^2*a6 + a7 + w^2;
g1 = epsilon4*w - a1*epsilon1*w^2;
g2 = -epsilon4*w*A1 + a1*epsilon1*w^2*b^2;
g3 = a1*epsilon*b^2 + a1*w^2 + a0*epsilon4*w;
g4 = A2*epsilon4*w;
g5 = A3 + A5 - a3*a4;
g6 = A3*A5 - a3*a4*b^2;
g7 = g2 - g1*g5;
g8 = -g2*g5 + g1*g6 + g4*A4;
g9 = g2*g6 - g4*A4*A5;
g10 = -g3 - a1*epsilon*g5;
g11 = g3*g5 + a1*epsilon*g6;
g12 = g3*g6;
g13 = a6*(epsilon*b^2 + w^2) + A6*epsilon;
g14 = epsilon4*a9*w + A6*(epsilon*b^2 + w^2);
g15 = epsilon1*a6*w^2*b^2 + A6*epsilon1*w^2 - a8*epsilon4*w;
g16 = epsilon4*a8*w*b^2 - epsilon1*w^2*A6*b^2;
g17 = epsilon*(a6*g1 + a1*epsilon1*w^2*a6);
g18 = -a6*(epsilon*g7 + epsilon1*w^2*g10) + g13*g1 + a1*epsilon*g15;
g19 = a6*(epsilon*g8 + epsilon1*w^2*g11) - g13*g7 + g14*g1 -
a1*epsilon*g16 - g10*g15;
g20 = -a6*epsilon*g9 + g13*g8 - g14*g7 + g10*g16 + g11*g15 +
g21 = -g13*g9 + g14*g8 - g11*g16 + g12*g15;
g22 = -g14*g9 - g12*g16;
a10 = lambda_ 0/(rho*c2);
a11 = c1/c2;
a12 = lambda/(rho*c2);
a13 = (mue + k)/(rho*c2);
a14 = (k)/(rho*c2);
a15 = (gamma*w1^2)/(rho*c2^4);
a16 = (alpha_ 0*w1)/(rho*c2^(3/2));
k1 = +0.0024
k2 = +0.0018 - 0.0015*I
k3 = 0.0018 + 0.0015*I
k4 = 0.0003 + 0.0019*I
k5 = 0.0003 - 0.0019*I
H21 = (A4*(k1^2 - A5))/(k1^4 - k1^2*g5 + g6);
H22 = (A4*(k2^2 - A5))/(k2^4 - k2^2*g5 + g6);
H23 = (A4*(k3^2 - A5))/(k3^4 - k3^2*g5 + g6);
H24 = (A4*(k4^2 - A5))/(k4^4 - k4^2*g5 + g6);
H25 = (A4*(k5^2 - A5))/(k5^4 - k5^2*g5 + g6);
H11 = (k1^4*a6*epsilon1*w^2 - k1^2*g15 - g16)/(k1^4*a6*epsilon -
k1^2*g13 + g14);
H12 = (k2^4*a6*epsilon1*w^2 - k2^2*g15 - g16)/(k2^4*a6*epsilon -
k2^2*g13 + g14);
H13 = (k3^4*a6*epsilon1*w^2 - k3^2*g15 - g16)/(k3^4*a6*epsilon -
k3^2*g13 + g14);
H14 = (k4^4*a6*epsilon1*w^2 - k4^2*g15 - g16)/(k4^4*a6*epsilon -
k4^2*g13 + g14);
H15 = (k5^4*a6*epsilon1*w^2 - k5^2*g15 - g16)/(k5^4*a6*epsilon -
k5^2*g13 + g14);
H31 = -((a4*A4*(k1^2 - b^2))/(k1^4 - k1^2*g5 + g6));
H32 = -((a4*A4*(k2^2 - b^2))/(k2^4 - k2^2*g5 + g6));
H33 = -((a4*A4*(k3^2 - b^2))/(k3^4 - k3^2*g5 + g6));
H34 = -((a4*A4*(k4^2 - b^2))/(k4^4 - k4^2*g5 + g6));
H35 = -((a4*A4*(k5^2 - b^2))/(k5^4 - k5^2*g5 + g6));
H41 = (a8*(k1^6 - b^2) - a9*H11)/(a6*k1^2 - A6);
H42 = (a8*(k2^6 - b^2) - a9*H12)/(a6*k2^2 - A6);
H43 = (a8*(k3^6 - b^2) - a9*H13)/(a6*k3^2 - A6);
H44 = (a8*(k4^6 - b^2) - a9*H14)/(a6*k4^2 - A6);
H45 = (a8*(k5^6 - b^2) - a9*H15)/(a6*k5^2 - A6);
H61 = a10*H41 - k1*a11*(-k1 + I*b*H21) + I*b*a12*(I*b + k1*H21) - H11;
H62 = a10*H42 - k2*a11*(-k2 + I*b*H22) + I*b*a12*(I*b + k2*H22) - H12;
H63 = a10*H43 - k3*a11*(-k3 + I*b*H23) + I*b*a12*(I*b + k3*H23) - H13;
H64 = a10*H44 - k4*a11*(-k4 + I*b*H24) + I*b*a12*(I*b + k4*H24) - H14;
H65 = a10*H45 - k5*a11*(-k5 + I*b*H25) + I*b*a12*(I*b + k5*H25) - H15;
H71 = I*b*(I*b*H21 - k1) - k1*a13*(I*b + H21*k1) + a14*H31;
H72 = I*b*(I*b*H22 - k2) - k2*a13*(I*b + H22*k2) + a14*H32;
H73 = I*b*(I*b*H23 - k3) - k3*a13*(I*b + H21*k3) + a14*H33;
H74 = I*b*(I*b*H24 - k4) - k4*a13*(I*b + H24*k4) + a14*H34;
H75 = I*b*(I*b*H25 - k5) - k5*a13*(I*b + H25*k5) + a14*H35;
M1 = 8.9842 10^045 + 6.2942 10^(046) I
M2 = 6.9622 10^046 - 5.3668 10^(046) I
M3 = 2.1724 10^046 + 3.7184 10^(046) I
M4 = -9.1931*10^046 + 7.5101 10^(046) I
M5 = -8.3987*10^045 - 1.2156 10^(047) I
U1 = (-k1 + I*b*H21)*M1*e^(-k1*x) + (-k2 + I*b*H22)*M2*
e^(-k2*x) + (-k3 + I*b*H23)*M3*e^(-k3*x) + (-k4 + I*b*H24)*M4*
e^(-k4*x) + (-k5 + I*b*H25)*M5*e^(-k5*x);
U = U1*e^(w*t + I*b*z);
Plot[Re, {x, 0, 5}],
any support in which I can find graph will be appreciated
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  • #2

Have you defined u? I see where you defined U, but not u.

FYI, this is a horrible mess. You need to start with something simple and gradually build up to something complicated.
  • #3

yes, U=U1 * e^(w*t+Ibz),
basically i did it on MATLAB and found graph now converted the code related to mathematica because want to confirm it,,,,but mathematica is not supporting
  • #4

Yes, I saw that U was defined, but I never saw where u was defined. You are plotting u, not U. Remember, Mathematica is case sensitive. It is not Mathematica's fault that you are asking it to plot something you haven't defined.
  • #5

oopps sory ,,that is "U" not "u"
  • #6

Then there is a problem in your definition of U. For example:

Plot[Re[Exp[-I x]], {x, 0, 5}]

plots fine. So there is not a problem with Plot.
  • #7

In code it is U,,, and U is still not working
  • #8

Is it possible that mathematica is not plotting because the complexity level is high??
  • #9

adnan jahan said:
In code it is U,,, and U is still not working
Yes U is very messy, I am not surprised it is not working. The problem is your definition of U, not a problem with Plot.

If you evaluate
U /. x->1
do you get what you expect?
  • #10

adnan jahan said:
Is it possible that mathematica is not plotting because the complexity level is high??
I doubt it. Much more likely you did not correctly define U because the complexity level is high. You should break your code down into smaller chunks and test each chunk to make sure that it is correct at each step. What you have written is a mess.
  • #11

yap it is making graph of simple complex ,,,,and even in my last research paper I have plotted for a complex number but this is not working ...

I will make the code bit simple by using mathematica symbls then I will chk what results are,,,
  • #12

and I will reply after confirming that,,, thanku so much for your support "DALESPAM"
  • #13

Welcome, sorry I cannot help you troubleshoot U other than general advice to break things up and test each small piece.
  • #14

e is not the same as e^1 in Mathematica. You need to either specify E or Esc e e Esc. That's one problem, also the way you defined u, you need to make the substitution U/.x->myvariable. So try changing the last part to:

U1 = (-k1 + I*b*H21)*M1*E^(-k1*x) + (-k2 + I*b*H22)*M2*
    E^(-k2*x) + (-k3 + I*b*H23)*M3*E^(-k3*x) + (-k4 + I*b*H24)*M4*
    E^(-k4*x) + (-k5 + I*b*H25)*M5*E^(-k5*x);
U = U1*E^(w*t + I*b*z);
Plot[Re[U /. x -> x], {x, 1, 5}]
  • #15

Dear Fellows by your support and encouragement I successfully draw the graph in mathematica,,,If corrected form is required then do contact,

Thanks to all of you
  • #16

How I can find solution of system of linear equation using mathematica??

need to find the values of x1,x2 and x3 using mathematica

FAQ: Mathematica not supporting graphs code is as

1. Why doesn't Mathematica support graphs code?

Mathematica is a powerful software used for symbolic and numeric computing. While it does have some graphing capabilities, it is primarily designed for mathematical and scientific calculations. As such, it does not have the same level of functionality for creating and manipulating graphs as other software specifically designed for graphing.

2. Can I still create graphs in Mathematica?

Yes, you can still create graphs in Mathematica, but it may require more manual coding and may not have as many options for customization compared to other graphing software. Additionally, you may need to use specific packages or functions within Mathematica to create different types of graphs.

3. Are there any advantages to using Mathematica for graphing?

While Mathematica may not have the same level of graphing capabilities as other software, it does have the advantage of being integrated with its powerful mathematical and computational functions. This allows for easy visualization and analysis of data and equations within the same software.

4. Are there any alternatives to Mathematica for graphing?

Yes, there are many alternatives to Mathematica for graphing, such as MATLAB, R, and Python. These software have specialized packages and functions for creating and manipulating graphs, and may have a more user-friendly interface for those specifically interested in graphing.

5. Can I import graphs created in other software into Mathematica?

Yes, you can import graphs created in other software into Mathematica. However, the level of compatibility and ease of importing may vary depending on the software and file format. It is recommended to consult Mathematica's documentation for specific instructions on importing graphs from other software.

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