Mathematical logic & its branches

In summary, there are four main branches of mathematical logic: set theory, model theory, computability and recursion theory, and proof theory. To become better at mathematical logic, one can also study computational logic implementation such as ProLog and gain experience using different platforms and paradigms. It is recommended to study a book that touches on all subjects or an introductory book in a specific branch, based on one's major.
  • #1
What branches of mathematical logic are there? I've taken formal logic (that is, the logic where one has various operators, like conjunction, disjunction, etc). What other fields of logic should I take to become better at mathematical logic? Which fields of logic are the most useful and essential?
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  • #2
Hey Cinitiator.

One idea to help includes looking at a computational logic implementation known as ProLog:

This will give you a lot of experience if you use the platforms and get to used to the paradigm for these applications.

Getting used to using the software, doing a few queries and seeing how it all works and the feedback you will get will give you knowledge about how people think about not only describing logical systems, but also proving them or enumerating them.
  • #3
There are four main branches of mathematical logic:

1. Set theory
2. Model theory
3. Computability and recursion theory
4. Proof theory

(At least this is how the Handbook of Mathematical Logic is divided.)

You can study a book which touches on all subjects. For example:

Or you can try an introductory book in a subject of your choice. If your major is maths then first learn set theory. If your major is computer science then first learn Computability theory.
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FAQ: Mathematical logic & its branches

1. What is mathematical logic?

Mathematical logic is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of logical principles and their applications to mathematical reasoning. It provides a formal language and tools for representing and analyzing mathematical concepts and arguments.

2. What are the main branches of mathematical logic?

The main branches of mathematical logic include propositional logic, predicate logic, set theory, model theory, and proof theory. Each of these branches focuses on different aspects of logical reasoning and has its own set of tools and techniques.

3. How is mathematical logic used in other fields?

Mathematical logic has applications in various fields such as computer science, philosophy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. It provides a formal framework for reasoning and problem-solving, which is essential in these fields.

4. What is the importance of mathematical logic in mathematics?

Mathematical logic is crucial in mathematics as it helps to define and formalize mathematical concepts and arguments. It also provides a rigorous foundation for the study of mathematical structures and their properties.

5. What are some famous results in mathematical logic?

Some famous results in mathematical logic include Gödel's incompleteness theorems, which show the limitations of formal systems, and the resolution of the Entscheidungsproblem by Alan Turing, which laid the foundations for the theory of computation. Other significant results include the completeness and compactness theorems of first-order logic.
