Measuring distance of rotating object

In summary, the conversation discusses ways to measure the length from a stationary point "o" to a moving object "a" that is rotating uniformly in a circle. The length can range from 40cm to 70cm and the desired accuracy is +/- 0.5cm. The options discussed include using a ruler with a pointer attached, measuring the angle, or using a laser. The conversation also mentions using a motor from a power drill and a lab DC power supply to maintain a steady rotation. Other suggestions include projecting the shadow of the moving object onto a white background and measuring the distance to the pivot with a ruler, or using a hand calculation to find the tension and elongation of the string. Finally, the conversation suggests conducting an
  • #1
Please ignore the periods in the diagram as it won't allow me to properly draw it otherwise.

I have an object, attached to a string, rotating uniformly in a circle but at an angle to the horizontal plane. It is going at 80RPM (so relatively slow). How would one go about measuring the length from stationary point o to moving object a? the length can range anywhere from 40cm to 70cm and the accuracy for the measurement should IDEALLY +/- 0.5cm (doesn't mean it has to since real life is never ideal).


Nothing can be attached to "a" unless it is extremely light (such as reflective tape for a laser or something).

I have a very simple idea but the accuracy is easily +/- 1cm to 2cm or so. It's a simply ruler with a pointer attached and I slide it as close as possible. And I do the same for the vertical (either that or I measure the angle, whichever is more accurate). It goes something like this:


I thought about using a laser somehow but I can't seem to find any equipment suitable for this.
Engineering news on
  • #2
Is the distance your measuring from the axis of rotation or arbitrary? How quickly do you need the data (refresh rate)?

Is the rotation steady?

What type of equipment do you have at your disposal?
  • #3
I'm measuring from the axis of rotation (axis goes vertically through point "o").

Rotation is assumed to be steady; it is done by the motor taken from power drill and fed by a lab DC power supply which is kept at a constant amperage and voltage.

I have access to me equipment that is usually available in a well equipped lab. As well, I am free to order any other necessary parts. Granted, I'm not ordering thousands of dollars worth just to test a theory.
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  • #4
Well, if you're measuring from the axis of rotation, then isn't the distance to the object simply the distance of the string that you used to connect it?
  • #5
The problem is the string elongates during rotation and we need to know by how much.
  • #6
Can you project the shadow of the moving object onto a white background. Mark the location and measure the distance to the piviot with a ruler. The light would need to be in the plane of the rotating object.
  • #7
If the rotation is steady, then a hand calculation would probably get you just as close as any measurement. Take your rotating velocity and mass and find the tension that is generated in the string. Find the stress->strain and then elongation.
  • #8
Can you project the shadow of the moving object onto a white background. Mark the location and measure the distance to the piviot with a ruler. The light would need to be in the plane of the rotating object.

That's an idea...I could give that a try but I don't know how accurate it'd be.

If the rotation is steady, then a hand calculation would probably get you just as close as any measurement. Take your rotating velocity and mass and find the tension that is generated in the string. Find the stress->strain and then elongation.

I thought about that. But the stress->strain requires Youngs Modulus does it not? I don't think it'd be possible to find the modulus for the strings I'll be using. :S
  • #9
Chynkinese said:
I thought about that. But the stress->strain requires Youngs Modulus does it not? I don't think it'd be possible to find the modulus for the strings I'll be using. :S

Then do an experiment. Hang a weight from the string and measure the deflection. Boom, Young's modulus (or at least a very good number for you to use).

FAQ: Measuring distance of rotating object

1. How do you measure the distance of a rotating object?

To measure the distance of a rotating object, you need to determine the circumference of the object's rotation. This can be done by measuring the distance between two points on the object's edge and calculating the circumference using the formula C = 2πr, where r is the radius of the object's rotation.

2. What tools are needed to measure the distance of a rotating object?

The tools needed to measure the distance of a rotating object include a ruler or measuring tape, a protractor, and a calculator. A ruler or measuring tape is used to measure the distance between two points on the object's edge. A protractor is used to measure the angle of rotation, and a calculator is used to calculate the circumference of the object's rotation.

3. Can the distance of a rotating object be measured without physical contact?

Yes, the distance of a rotating object can be measured without physical contact using a non-contact measuring device such as a laser distance meter or a laser rangefinder. These devices use laser technology to measure the distance between the device and the object without the need for physical contact.

4. How accurate is the measurement of distance for a rotating object?

The accuracy of the measurement of distance for a rotating object depends on the precision of the tools used and the skill of the person taking the measurements. With proper tools and techniques, the measurement can be accurate to within a few millimeters.

5. What are the applications of measuring the distance of a rotating object?

Measuring the distance of a rotating object has various applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy. It can be used to calculate the speed of rotation, determine the size and shape of an object, and analyze the motion of celestial bodies. It is also essential in designing and testing machinery and equipment that involves rotating parts.
