Merge sort using linked indexes

  • Thread starter rcgldr
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In summary: N[] is set to array of indexes to next index (-1 = end list)// low is starting index of N[]// end is ending index of N[] (1 past last)// returns starting index of A[]...// low is starting index of N[]// end is ending index of N[] (1 past last)// returns starting index of A[]...MergeLists(A, N, low, end);In summary, this program sorts an array of linked indexes to a primary array. Rather than having an array of indexes, the starting index is returned directly, each entry in the array is the index of the next entry in the array.
  • #1
Homework Helper
These are example programs that sort an array of linked indexes to a primary array. Rather than having an array of indexes, the starting index is returned directly, each entry in the array is the index of the next entry in the array. In otherwords, array(i) contains the index of the next element in both the linked index array as well as the original array, sort of like a linked list, but using indexes instead of pointers to next item and using -1 to indicate the end of a linked index list. The advantage is that only one index array is needed, while a typical merge sort of indexes according to original array would use two index arrays, merging back and forth between the two arrays.

This post shows a top down example:

//      msli.cpp        merge sort using linked indexes top down        //
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#define NUMREC (1024*4096)              // number of records

typedef unsigned long long UI64;

static clock_t dwTimeStart;             // clock values
static clock_t dwTimeStop;

// A[] is array to be sorted
// N[] is array of indexes to next index
// l is index of N[] to left  list
// r is index of N[] to right list
// returns starting index (l or r) for merged list

size_t MergeLists(UI64 A[],  size_t N[], size_t l, size_t r)
size_t head;
size_t *pprev = &head;                  // ptr: head or N[]
    while((l != -1) && (r != -1)){      // while not end lists
        if(A[l] <= A[r]){               //   if l <= r
            *pprev = l;                 //      link to l
            pprev = &N[l];              //      advance pprev
            l=*pprev;                   //      advance l
        } else {                        //   else
            *pprev = r;                 //      link to r
            pprev = &N[r];              //      advance pprev
            r=*pprev;                   //      advance r
    if(l == -1)                         // if end of l list
        *pprev=r;                       //   link to rest of r
    else                                // else
        *pprev=l;                       //   link to rest of l
    return head;

// A[] is array to be sorted
// N[] is set to array of indexes to next index (-1 = end list)
// low is starting index of A[]
// end is ending index of A[] (1 past last)
// returns starting index of N[] for merged list

size_t MergeSort(UI64 A[], size_t N[], size_t low, size_t end)
size_t mid, l, r;
    if((end - low) == 0){               // if size == 0
        return low;                     //  (only on first call)
    if((end - low) == 1){               // if size == 1
        N[low] = -1;                    //    set N[]
        return low;                     //    return index
    if((end - low) == 2){               // if size == 2
        if(A[low] <= A[end-1]){         //   if in order
            N[low]   = end-1;           //    set N[]
            N[end-1] = -1;
            return low;                 //    return index
        } else {                        //   else
            N[end-1] = low;             //    set N[]
            N[low]   = -1;
            return end-1;               //    return index
    mid = (low+end)/2;                  // size > 2, recursively
    l = MergeSort(A, N, low, mid);      //   split lists until
    r = MergeSort(A, N, mid, end);      //   size <= 2
    return MergeLists(A, N, l, r);      // merge a pair of lists

int main ()
    std::vector <UI64>   vData(NUMREC);
    std::vector <size_t> vNext(NUMREC);
    UI64 d;
    size_t i;

//      generate data

    for(i = 0; i < NUMREC; i++){
        d  = (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<< 0);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<< 8);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<16);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<24);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<32);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<40);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<48);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<56);
        *(((UI64 *)&vData[0])+i) = d ;}

//      set and sort N[] according to A[]

    dwTimeStart = clock();

    i = MergeSort(&vData[0], &vNext[0], 0, vData.size());

    dwTimeStop = clock();
    std::cout << "Number of ticks    " << (dwTimeStop-dwTimeStart) << std::endl;

//      output data according to N[]

    std::ofstream ofs("dsti.bin", std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc);
        goto exit0;
    while(i != -1){
        ofs.write((const char *)&vData[i], sizeof(UI64));
        i = vNext[i];
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  • #2
This post shows a bottom up example that merges single elements into an array of linked indexes, where linked array(i) contains a linked index list of 2^i elements. MergeLists() is the same as the one in the top down example.

//      mslia.cpp       merge sort using linked indexes and array       //
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#define NUMREC (1024*4096)              // number of records
#define NUMIDX (32)                     // number of indexes in array

typedef unsigned long long UI64;

static clock_t dwTimeStart;             // clock values
static clock_t dwTimeStop;

// A[] is array to be sorted
// N[] is array of indexes to next index
// l is index of N[] to left  list
// r is index of N[] to right list
// returns starting index (l or r) for merged list

size_t MergeLists(UI64 A[],  size_t N[], size_t l, size_t r)
size_t head;
size_t *pprev = &head;                  // ptr: head or N[]
    while((l != -1) && (r != -1)){      // while not end lists
        if(A[l] <= A[r]){               //   if l <= r
            *pprev = l;                 //      link to l
            pprev = &N[l];              //      advance pprev
            l=*pprev;                   //      advance l
        } else {                        //   else
            *pprev = r;                 //      link to r
            pprev = &N[r];              //      advance pprev
            r=*pprev;                   //      advance r
    if(l == -1)                         // if end of l list
        *pprev=r;                       //   link to rest of r
    else                                // else
        *pprev=l;                       //   link to rest of l
    return head;

// A[] is array to be sorted
// N[] is set to array of indexes to next index (-1 = end list)
// low is starting index of A[]
// end is ending index of A[] (1 past last)
// returns starting index of N[] for merged list
// S[] is array of starting indexes in N[]
// S[i] is starting index of list of size pow(2,i)

size_t MergeSort(UI64 A[], size_t N[], size_t low, size_t end)
size_t S[NUMIDX];                       // array of starting indexes
size_t i,j;
    if((end - low) == 0){               // if size == 0
        return low;                     //  (only on first call)
    for(i = 0; i < (end-low); i++)      // init N[]
        N[i] = -1;
    for(i = 0; i < NUMIDX; i++)         // init S[]
        S[i] = -1;
    for(j = low; j < end; j++){         // merge index lists into S[], N[]
        low = j;
        for(i = 0; (i < NUMIDX) && (S[i] != -1); i++){
            low = MergeLists(A, N, S[i], low);
            S[i] = -1;
        if(i == NUMIDX)
        S[i] = low;
    low = -1;                           // merge S[] lists to one list in N[]
    for(i = 0; i < NUMIDX; i++)
        low = MergeLists(A, N, S[i], low);
    return low;

int main ()
    std::vector <UI64>   vData(NUMREC);
    std::vector <size_t> vNext(NUMREC);
    UI64 d;
    size_t i;

//      generate data

    for(i = 0; i < NUMREC; i++){
        d  = (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<< 0);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<< 8);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<16);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<24);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<32);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<40);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<48);
        d += (((UI64)((rand()>>4) & 0xff))<<56);
        *(((UI64 *)&vData[0])+i) = d ;}

//      set and sort N[] according to A[]

    dwTimeStart = clock();

    i = MergeSort(&vData[0], &vNext[0], 0, vData.size());

    dwTimeStop = clock();
    std::cout << "Number of ticks    " << (dwTimeStop-dwTimeStart) << std::endl;

//      output data according to N[]

    std::ofstream ofs("dsti.bin", std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::trunc);
        goto exit0;
    while(i != -1){
        ofs.write((const char *)&vData[i], sizeof(UI64));
        i = vNext[i];
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FAQ: Merge sort using linked indexes

1. What is merge sort using linked indexes?

Merge sort using linked indexes is a sorting algorithm that uses a linked list data structure to divide and merge the elements of a list. It is an efficient sorting algorithm with a time complexity of O(n log n) and is commonly used in programming and data analysis.

2. How does merge sort using linked indexes work?

The algorithm works by first dividing the list into smaller sublists until each sublist contains only one element. Then, the sublists are merged in a sorted order by comparing the elements using their linked indexes. This process is repeated until the entire list is merged into a single sorted list.

3. What are the advantages of using merge sort using linked indexes?

Merge sort using linked indexes has several advantages, including:

  • Efficient time complexity of O(n log n)
  • Stable sorting, meaning the order of equal elements is preserved
  • Can handle large data sets without requiring additional memory
  • Easy to implement and understand

4. Are there any limitations of merge sort using linked indexes?

One limitation of merge sort using linked indexes is that it requires a linked list data structure, which may not be readily available in all programming languages. Additionally, it may not be the best choice for sorting small arrays or lists due to its recursive nature.

5. How does merge sort using linked indexes compare to other sorting algorithms?

Merge sort using linked indexes is considered to be one of the most efficient sorting algorithms with a time complexity of O(n log n). It is also a stable sorting algorithm, unlike quicksort or heapsort. However, it may not be the best choice for sorting small data sets or data sets with a large number of duplicate elements.

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