Modified Einstein E=MC^2/∆T: Physical Meaning & Applications

  • Thread starter khalid.mostafa
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In summary: What you are saying is that if the universe was created with a certain amount of energy, it will continue to have that amount of energy, but the mass will increase. This is only an assumption, and has not been proven.
  • #1
E=MC^2/ ∆T
E ----- (Watt) M ------- (kg) c -------- (3* 108 m/s2) ∆T ------ (second)

Physical meaning:-
The energy take time to convert into mass and mass take time to convert into energy
So the universe mass must increase every second
Because of the initial energy is constant and it transform into mass by time pass .

Application of eq:-
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
{وَالسَّمَاء بَنَيْنَاهَا بِأَيْدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ} (سورة الذاريات:47)
"And the heaven we constructed with strength and indeed we are its expanders"
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  • #2
Is this a question or a statement? If it is a statement, do you have a reference to where it comes from? Also please note that personal theories are not allowed here (see guidelines). If it is a question, where's the question?
  • #3
it is not personal theories it just convert the eq from work formal to energy formal by divided on ∆T
and i ask about Physical meaning ? is it true ??:-
The energy take time to convert into mass and mass take time to convert into energy
So the universe mass must increase every second
Because of the initial energy is constant and it transform into mass by time pass .
  • #4
khalid.mostafa, welcome to Physics Forums, by the way! :smile:

Energy divided by time is not energy, it's Power (so your equation above does not make sense - the left hand side equals energy, the right hand side equals power).
khalid.mostafa said:
The energy take time to convert into mass and mass take time to convert into energy
Possibly (but ΔT would be very small for small particle systems). But how does this translate to any universal "law" for the Universe? I can't see any connection.
khalid.mostafa said:
So the universe mass must increase every second
khalid.mostafa said:
Because of the initial energy is constant...
Ok, let's assume this.
khalid.mostafa said:
...and it transform into mass by time pass .
Why? How? Who has said so? :confused:
I also should point out that the total energy and the total mass of the entire Universe is unknown.
  • #5

This modified version of Einstein's famous equation has significant implications in the field of cosmology. It suggests that the universe is constantly expanding and the rate of this expansion is directly related to the amount of energy present. This can help scientists better understand the evolution of the universe and its current state.

Furthermore, this equation can also be applied in the field of nuclear physics. It can help in the understanding of nuclear reactions and the conversion of mass into energy, which is the basis of nuclear power.

In addition, this equation can also have practical applications in energy production and storage. By understanding the relationship between energy, mass, and time, we can develop more efficient ways of producing and storing energy.

Overall, the modified Einstein's equation has both theoretical and practical significance in the scientific community. It sheds light on the fundamental relationship between energy and matter and has the potential to advance our understanding of the universe and improve our technology.

FAQ: Modified Einstein E=MC^2/∆T: Physical Meaning & Applications

1. What is the significance of the modified equation E=MC^2/∆T?

The modified equation E=MC^2/∆T is a variation of Einstein's famous equation, E=MC^2, which relates mass and energy. The addition of the time factor, ∆T, allows for a more precise calculation of energy when considering changes in time.

2. How does the time factor ∆T affect the equation?

The time factor, ∆T, represents the duration of a change in energy or mass. This allows for a more accurate calculation of energy when considering processes that occur over a period of time, such as nuclear reactions or particle decay.

3. What does the modified equation suggest about the relationship between mass and energy?

The modified equation still suggests that mass and energy are interchangeable, but it also highlights the importance of considering the time factor in these conversions. It acknowledges that the conversion of mass to energy or vice versa is not instantaneous, but rather occurs over a period of time.

4. In what practical applications can the modified equation be used?

The modified equation has practical applications in fields such as nuclear energy, particle physics, and astrophysics. It can be used to calculate the energy released in nuclear reactions and the amount of energy produced by stars. It can also aid in understanding the behavior of particles in particle accelerators.

5. How does the modified equation contribute to our understanding of the universe?

The modified equation provides a more accurate and precise way to calculate energy in various processes, which in turn deepens our understanding of the fundamental principles of the universe. It also helps us to better understand the relationship between mass and energy and how it governs the behavior of matter in the universe.

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