MOND & Magnetism: A Physical Reason for Its Rightness?

In summary, the Modified version of Newtonian dynamics (MOND) suggests that the observed effects in galaxies and clusters of galaxies could be explained by the presence of a magnetic field interacting with charged particles in the galaxy. This would result in a force that could explain the observed deviations from traditional Newtonian gravity. However, this is just one possible explanation and further research is needed to fully understand the physical reasons behind MOND.
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It’s interesting that MOND splits Newtonian gravity into two cases
and the Modified version of Newtonain dynamics seems to happen in galaxies and clusters of galaxies with magnetic fields.What is the physical reason that MOND could be right?
If we assume that there is another force interacting with the stars in a galaxy –
which modifies the Newtonian force law, what generates this force?

One answer to this question could be this:
suppose some charged particles flow over the plane of a spiral galaxy and parallel to the plane, from intergalactic space. They encounter the magnetic field lines of the galaxy and a force acts on them obeying the equation force = qvB.
Assuming q v and B stay roughly constant as the charged particles cross the galaxy,
since in normal Newtonian dynamics acceleration = Force / mass of charged particle,
the charged particles experience a constant acceleration as they move (we will assume the particles are separated widely enough to make their coulomb attractions and repulsions insignificant).
Negative charges will experience a push in the opposite direction to positive charges-
the negative and positive charges will move closer together.
How much do they move?
Using s= ut + (a t ^ 2) / 2 , s = sideways distance moved,
and setting u, the initial and sideways speed of the charges as they just reach edge of the spiral galaxy disc ( we are assuming that this location is an approximation that will yield useful results) to zero:

s = (a t ^ 2) / 2

since the normal Newtonian acceleration on the charges is constant,
s is proportional to t ^ 2.

A charge moving towards the centre of the galaxy takes half the time to move
to a position 0.75 the distance from the centre to the edge of the disc, as it does to move to 0.5 that distance from the centre to the edge.

So if it moves to 0.75 the distance the value of s is (1/2) ^2 i.e
1 / 4 of what it would be for a movement of a particle to halfway across the galactic plane.So the force exerted on a star would be a force exerted by 1/4
the number of particles because the negative and positive charged particles
will not have moved so much sideways and so will not be so densely packed at 0.75 units distance as they would be at 0.5 units distance from the galactic centre.
The gravitational force depends on 1/ r^2 so at 0.75 units it would be
( 0.75 / 0.5 ) ^ 2 2.25 times weaker than at 0.5 units distance from the galactic centre.

So if at 0.5 units distance a star experiences a force due to gravity of X Newtons
and a force due to the charged particles of Y Newtons, the force on the star
is X + Y Newtons towards the galactic centre.

at 0.75 units distance, the star would experience a force of:

1 / 2.25 X + 0.25 Y
This will apply only for charged particles moving through a homogeneous region
of the galactic magnetic field and it is assumed that the electric forces between charges are negligible.The idea outlined above may need modifying but
hopefully it gives some insight into a physical mechanism for MOND.
It attempts to show that Newton’s laws are still valid and that MOND
is right just because it considers only the gravitational force and not other forces that could act upon stars.
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  • #2
This mechanism could also explain why MOND seems to occur in galaxies and clusters with magnetic fields, as the presence of a magnetic field would enhance the force acting on the charged particles and therefore, on the stars.

Additionally, this mechanism also addresses the question of what generates this force. In this scenario, the force is generated by the interaction between the charged particles and the magnetic field of the galaxy. This is a plausible explanation as we know that magnetic fields exist in galaxies and it is a fundamental principle in physics that charged particles will experience a force when moving through a magnetic field.

However, it is important to note that this is just one possible explanation for the physical reason behind MOND. There may be other factors at play that contribute to the observed effects of MOND in galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Further research and experiments will be needed to fully understand and validate this theory. But the idea presented here offers a potential explanation and highlights the importance of considering all possible forces and interactions when studying the behavior of galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
  • #3
By considering the influence of charged particles and their interaction with the magnetic field of the galaxy, we can see how the gravitational force alone can lead to the observed flat rotation curves of galaxies. This explanation also provides a potential reason for why MOND seems to be more relevant in galaxies and clusters of galaxies with strong magnetic fields - the presence of these charged particles and their interaction with the magnetic field could be more pronounced in these environments.

FAQ: MOND & Magnetism: A Physical Reason for Its Rightness?

1. What is MOND and how does it relate to magnetism?

MOND, or Modified Newtonian Dynamics, is a theory that attempts to explain the observed discrepancy between the predicted and observed rotation curves of galaxies without the need for dark matter. This theory suggests that there is a modification to the laws of gravity at low accelerations, which could also explain the observed phenomenon of magnetism.

2. What is the physical reason for the rightness of MOND?

The physical reason for the rightness of MOND is still being studied and debated. Some researchers suggest that it could be due to a modification of the laws of gravity at low accelerations, while others propose alternative theories such as dark matter or modifications to the laws of electromagnetism.

3. How does MOND explain the observed phenomenon of magnetism?

MOND proposes that there is a modification to the laws of gravity at low accelerations, which could also affect the behavior of electromagnetic fields. This could explain the observed phenomenon of magnetism, as the modified gravity would influence the motion of charged particles and thus result in the creation of magnetic fields.

4. What evidence supports the idea of MOND and its connection to magnetism?

There is currently no definitive evidence that supports the idea of MOND and its connection to magnetism. Some studies have shown that MOND can accurately predict the rotation curves of galaxies without the need for dark matter, but more research is needed to fully understand its validity and its relation to magnetism.

5. How does MOND compare to other theories, such as dark matter, in explaining the observed behavior of galaxies?

MOND is one of several competing theories that attempt to explain the observed behavior of galaxies. While some evidence supports the idea of MOND, other theories such as dark matter also have supporting evidence. Further research and observations are needed to determine which theory best explains the observed phenomena in our universe.
