Mr. Wizard Agrees to Interview on Coast to Coast AM

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the TV show "Mr. Wizard," which was a popular educational program focused on science and experimentation. The show was highly influential and paved the way for other educational shows such as Bill Nye and Nova. The participants in the conversation shared their memories and experiences with the show, including one person who got in trouble for being too enthusiastic during a school assembly with Mr. Wizard. The conversation also touched on other childhood shows such as Sesame Street and The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. One person even mistook Mr. Wizard for Michael Jackson. The conversation ended with playful banter about age and whether or not someone was considered old.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
If we have any members who grew up with Mr. Wizard and who might be interested, it was just announced that the good eighty years old Wizard has agreed to do an interview on Coast to Coast AM. I'll post a link to this thread when they announce the day and time.
Physics news on
  • #2
I had a difficult childhood. Back in the day, Mr. Wizard not only taught science, he also coined the phrase 'Trizzle, trazzle, truzzle trome...'
  • #3
I grew up where TV reception was limited. So at first I thought you were referring to Danger's little Danger. Seriously though, I have heard of the show, and I heard there was consideration of bringing it back in a modern way. I would be interested to check it out.
  • #4
In part at least, Bill Nye, Beakman's World, Nova etc continued the tradition. Back then there was nothing like these shows. In fact, I think Mr Wizard may have pioneered the very idea of a program dedicated to science and education.
  • #5
2CentsWorth said:
I grew up where TV reception was limited. So at first I thought you were referring to Danger's little Danger. Seriously though, I have heard of the show, and I heard there was consideration of bringing it back in a modern way. I would be interested to check it out.
Okay, how'd I get involved in this? :confused:
  • #6
Ivan Seeking said:
In part at least, Bill Nye, Beakman's World, Nova etc continued the tradition. Back then there was nothing like these shows. In fact, I think Mr Wizard may have pioneered the very idea of a program dedicated to science and education.
I still love Nova! Sesame Street also made education more fun, and for very young children.

Danger said:
Okay, how'd I get involved in this? :confused:
  • #7
SOS2008 said:
My own fault, I guess... :frown:
  • #8
I only saw the show a few times, but mr wizard actually came to my middle school. Or maybe it wasn't him, but the show or something... it was mr wizard though, i remember it well. It was a whole school assembly, and everyone was really mad cause we thought it was a lame thing, and the people walk onto stage and everyone starts like being jerks and cursing and being obnoxious. Then they setup the first experiment, and they're like "BLAH BLAH BLAH..." i forget what it was, but right after it, i was like "COOL!" really loud, and no one else said anything. I got in SO much trouble. Since i was so loud and the only one, the asst principal knew exactly who said it, and she pulled me out of the auditorium in front of everyone, and then yelled at me in the hallway, and refused to let me watch the rest of the show... it was so embarassing...
  • #9
Gale17 said:
the asst principal knew exactly who said it, and she pulled me out of the auditorium in front of everyone, and then yelled at me in the hallway, and refused to let me watch the rest of the show... it was so embarassing...
There shouldn't be a 't' on that.
It sounds as if you had the only proper reaction in the entire crowd. That ass principal should be drowned in an unflushed toilet.
  • #10
I seem to remember watching Mr. Wizard as a child. In the 70's on Saturday afternoons I think somewhere after Fat Albert and Picture Page. Can't remember exactly as I was only a few years old, but there was a science show that I used to watch at that age. When did Mr. Wizard go off the air?
  • #11
Okay here is your notice. Mr Wizard will be on Coast to Coast AM minute.

Sorry, I never saw it coming... The streaming audio will be available for 60 days.
  • #12
Was he the guy who brought kids in and they pretended like they weren't bored? :rolleyes:
  • #13
yomamma said:
Was he the guy who brought kids in and they pretended like they weren't bored? :rolleyes:

There are a lot of people who loved Mr. Wizard.
  • #14
I liked it, but it seems a little gay for today's TV
  • #15
Everyone was gay back then.
  • #16
Everyone was gay back then.

Then how come there are younger generations? :confused: :-p
  • #17
I thought you meant Mr. Wizard, who was always rescuing Tutor Turtle, on the Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. :biggrin:

Of course, I enjoyed Mr. Peabody and his pet boy Sherman. :biggrin:
  • #18
Berislav said:
Then how come there are younger generations? :confused: :-p


i used to watch that show when i was little lmao. i can barely remember it though, i think the only one i remember was when they did rockets in a coke bottle using paper towels and baking soda/vinegar or something like that. i think he also came to my elementary school one time and did some kind of show for us
  • #19
Kakarot said:
rockets in a coke bottle
i think he also came to my elementary school one time and did some kind of show for us
Are you sure that wasn't Michael Jackson?
  • #20
Danger said:
Are you sure that wasn't Michael Jackson?

I'm pretty sure you could tell michael jackson from an old guy that does science experiments. :biggrin:
  • #21
yomamma said:
I'm pretty sure you could tell michael jackson from an old guy that does science experiments. :biggrin:
Well, I never saw him in action...
Hey, Jacko's the same age as me; does that mean that there's somebody here who doesn't consider me old?
  • #22
I meant back theenn. Sorry danger... :redface:
  • #23
yomamma said:
I meant back theenn. Sorry danger... :redface:
  • #24
wait you are right, it was michael jackson!
  • #25
your're still old to me danger! :biggrin:
  • #26
yomamma said:
your're still old to me danger! :biggrin:
As my hero W.C. Fields was won't to say, 'Go away, little boy; you bother me.' :-p
  • #27
everything bothers old people :-p

FAQ: Mr. Wizard Agrees to Interview on Coast to Coast AM

1. Who is Mr. Wizard and why is his interview on Coast to Coast AM significant?

Mr. Wizard, also known as Don Herbert, was a popular American television personality and science educator in the 1950s-1980s. His appearance on Coast to Coast AM, a radio show known for discussing paranormal and supernatural topics, is significant because it presents a unique opportunity for him to discuss science and critical thinking in a different platform.

2. What topics can we expect Mr. Wizard to discuss during the interview?

As a renowned science educator, Mr. Wizard may discuss a variety of topics related to science, such as the importance of critical thinking, the scientific method, and current scientific advancements. He may also touch on the intersection of science and the paranormal, given the nature of the show.

3. Is Mr. Wizard still alive and actively involved in science education?

No, unfortunately Mr. Wizard passed away in 2007 at the age of 89. However, his legacy lives on through his television shows and books, which continue to educate and inspire young minds about the wonders of science.

4. Will Mr. Wizard's interview be live or pre-recorded?

This information is not currently available, but it is likely that the interview will be pre-recorded and then aired during the show.

5. Are there any other notable scientists who have been interviewed on Coast to Coast AM?

Yes, there have been several notable scientists who have been interviewed on Coast to Coast AM, including physicist Michio Kaku, astronomer Seth Shostak, and biologist Richard Dawkins. These interviews provide a unique platform for scientists to discuss their work and engage with a different audience.

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