My 27kJ capacitor bank seems to be only 27J. Need your help.

In summary, PietKuip suspects that the problem may be with the inductance of the supercapacitors PietKuip has tested. The author has also experimented with supercapacitors and found them to be useful for welding with low voltages, but warns that they can be problematic if not properly balanced or if used beyond their designated range.
  • #1
So, I've been doing a lot of spot welding and research/development of this manufacturing process I came up with a while ago, both of which involve high-energy capacitor discharges, and my previous 2.3kJ capacitor bank just wasn't cutting it anymore. So, I invested in 100 "Green-Cap" 2.7v 100F supercapacitors made by a company called Samwha. I spent the last two days soldering 74 of them in series to create the equivalent of a 200v 1.351 F capacitor, which according to my math, should be able to store about 27kJ of energy.

Which is why I was shocked when I tested it for the first time only minutes ago. Oddly enough, using only my 200W power supply, it charged to 200 v one or two seconds when it theoretically should have taken 135 seconds. Then, when I discharged it, the spark was so tiny, it didn't even make a noise. I've played with 50J camera capacitors that had more of a bang than this thing.

I must have checked 8 or 9 times, but, no, the polarity is correct, and the circuit is not shorted anywhere. What could cause this? What massive, fundamental error have I must have committed for my math to be 3-4 magnitudes off? Or did the semi-anonymous chinese dude who sold me these give me a box of lemons? Or could Samwha be guilty of false advertising? What is it? What could it be? I'm completely stumped here.
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  • #2
Supercapacitors are slow.
  • #3
As PietKuip hinted, this is the wrong part for the job.

Supercapacitors have a number of . Not only do they have an ESR, but they have a series inductance and parallel resistance. I suspect your problem is with the inductance.

Supercapacitors store their energy in an electrolyte. It can take hours to charge or discharge fully.

The name "supercapacitor" isn't that great. They are more like lame batteries than capacitors. They have niche uses where they are clearly the best part for the job, but outside those areas, they tend to be problematic.

I hope your vendor is willing to take them back, perhaps trading them for the real thing.

It always pays to read the datasheet before buying the part. I can't count the number of times I've had to change parts from what I thought I needed.
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  • #5
If you short a supercapacitor, then open it, you will see the voltage climb back up. The energy is there, but it acts like lots of small capacitors in parallel with resistors in in between. SO the last capacitors have extremely long time constants (high esr).

  • #6
I read that spot welding is done with low voltages, not 200V. Also 1 to 2 seconds of charging time for your caps just can't be. With a 200V, 1A power supply it should take 270s to fully charge them. How did you measure the voltage on those caps? And did you remember to add balancing resistors to avoid damaging them?
Anyway, super capacitors can certainly be used for welding metal. I found this article
And also there are quite a few videos on youtube demonstrating the power of those caps.

  • #7
I'm pretty out of date on this one. The series resistance of those youtube ultracaps is much less than I was aware of.

The spec for the caps the OP is using is 10 mOhm. So 74 in series would only be 0.74 ohms. ( )

Checking the numbers, given 1A, 200V, 1.3F where 1A = 1.35F *200V/T so T= 270 seconds.

You should experiment with 1 capacitor. Charge one to 2.5V and see how it discharges. Also, you need to read this and deal with balancing the charging for series capacitors. (see section on load balancing)

If you don't load balance you will blow the capacitors when charging (they explain why).
  • #8
ibuildstuff said:
So, I've been doing a lot of spot welding and research/development of this manufacturing process I came up with a while ago, both of which involve high-energy capacitor discharges, and my previous 2.3kJ capacitor bank just wasn't cutting it anymore. So, I invested in 100 "Green-Cap" 2.7v 100F supercapacitors made by a company called Samwha. I spent the last two days soldering 74 of them in series to create the equivalent of a 200v 1.351 F capacitor, which according to my math, should be able to store about 27kJ of energy.

You're math checks out.

You may want to be careful that the leakage current through one cap doesn't build up on the next in series by using voltage balancing resistors. [Edit: OK, this is load balancing that meBigGuy already covered.] Also, any capacitor with less capacitance than average will have a proportionally greater voltage across it.

You may be pushing the envelop operating so close to the rated voltage. Have you checked each cap for short?
  • #9
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FAQ: My 27kJ capacitor bank seems to be only 27J. Need your help.

1. What is the difference between kJ and J in terms of energy?

The unit "kJ" stands for kilojoules, which is equal to 1000 joules (J). Joules are a measure of energy, and kilojoules are a larger unit used to measure larger quantities of energy.

2. How can I determine if my capacitor bank is only producing 27J instead of 27kJ?

To determine the energy output of a capacitor bank, you can use the formula E=0.5*C*V^2, where E is the energy in joules (J), C is the capacitance in farads (F), and V is the voltage in volts (V). Make sure to convert the capacitance from kilofarads (kF) to farads (F) and use the correct voltage value in your calculation.

3. Is it possible for a 27kJ capacitor bank to only produce 27J?

No, it is not possible for a 27kJ capacitor bank to only produce 27J. It is likely that there is an error in the measurement or calculation of the energy output. Double check your measurements and calculations to ensure accuracy.

4. What could be causing my capacitor bank to produce a lower energy output than expected?

There could be several factors that could affect the energy output of a capacitor bank, such as incorrect measurements, faulty components, or incorrect calculations. It is important to carefully check all these factors to determine the cause of the discrepancy.

5. How can I increase the energy output of my capacitor bank?

To increase the energy output of a capacitor bank, you can either increase the capacitance or the voltage. However, be sure to check the specifications and limitations of your capacitor bank to avoid damaging the components or exceeding its capacity.
