What is Your Secret Dream for the Future?

  • Thread starter Clausius2
  • Start date
In summary, the person dreams of retiring before they die, of living a simple life with few material possessions, and of having a female companion.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Come On!

Write here what is your dream, what do you expect to be doing in the future in the best of your dreams. We are willing to read it.

Let's see, I will start:

To be sincere, all my efforts last years have been directed to studies. And that's not a casuality. When I got into ME, I promised myself my future was not going to be as usual as the future of the rest of classmates and friends. And since I come near fluid mechanics and combustion stuff, I got more interested on propulsion systems. My secret dream is to work in something related to Aerospace propulsion, emulating Von Braun, Koroliev, Goddard, Tupolev, Dassault... I will be the happiest guy on world if I could touch the Space Shuttle with one of my hands. Maybe my enrollment in Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering in USA for next year is the start point of my dream...or the confirmation of my failure...nobody knows.

This is my dream, tell me yours. :smile:

PS: you are all privilegiated, nobody except you know what is my dream. :rolleyes:
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  • #2
Not much of a 'secret dream' any more eh matey?! :smile:

Here's mine (subject to change):

I have always maintained a balance erring on the sociable side between my studies and fun. Travel, music, and several other activities (which shall remain drinking) fill out those hours when I'm not actually doing anything academic.

I want to be able to retire while I'm still young and healthy enough to go round the world to do silly things. As a result, I plan to become a kickarse R&D engineer, swiftly blag my way into a 100k job for a few years. Then, I will have enough skills to be able to set up my own lucrative business, which can be run from behind a leather-top desk, and where I'm allowed to get my hands dirty whenever I want. All being well, I'll be able to take my own 7-figure retirement deal at the age of 40, buy a few choice properties in choice locations, a few select automobiles, and see the world properly.

Amongst all this will be juxtaposed a lovely family, fine health, and a good dash of happiness. And my mum keeps telling me I need to get my priorities straight! :smile:

Ooh, and lastly, I keep meaning to brush off my climbing gear and get to the Alps for a summer. And Astronuc can teach me some winter skills any time he sees fit.
  • #3
Okay, this may sound far-fetched:

My dream is hard to relate, because I only have an inkling as to how it would work. I want to create, let's say, a 'mechanical procedure' (or set of separate procedures) for 'creative writing'. And not just any writing, but the next Shakespeare. Well, the system will be adaptable, but my version will be the next Shakespeare. Eh, yeah, that's it.

Hopefully, everyone will think I'm crazy and not try to beat me to it. :biggrin:
  • #4
My dream? To not die bankrupt in the pit of doom (my house) with the jaws of death (my dog).
  • #5
Evo said:
My dream? To not die bankrupt in the pit of doom (my house) with the jaws of death (my dog).

I've heard that Danger can do something about the dog...
  • #6
I want to know as much as I can about computers :smile:
  • #7
Evo said:
My dream? To not die bankrupt in the pit of doom (my house) with the jaws of death (my dog).

My dream - "TO NOT DIE WITH EVO!" :smile: :smile:
  • #8
I hope to obtain a stable job/earn a decent salary >70,000 annual would be more than plenty, and establish a regular schedule, enjoying every day of it. Nothing too spectacular, but hopefully win some awards, get myself entrenched in a special research topic and discover, be efficient, and basically be good at doing what I do. As for marriage, not too concerned at the moment, I think that I could do without marriage.
  • #9
I dream of having a big old cottage in the country miles from any where, and
be self sufficient, have a huge work shop with all manner of machines and tools
to keep me occupied, and a twin engined aeroplane so i can go any where i want, and female company, The cottage would be sited in a rolling green and
partly wooded land scape.
  • #10
Have you realized the only people who didn't talked here about money was Grotesque, Tsu?, hornestrosswater and me?

The rest of dreams of yours are linked to salary and material possiesions.

Maybe I am too young and I have not sighted the importance of these stuffs, but I would like to keep on dreaming on something which is not directly linked with earning lots of money in the future. I think that making lot of money a month is an indirect consequence of you are happy with what you are doing everyday.
  • #11
Clausius2 said:
Have you realized the only people who didn't talked here about money was Grotesque, Tsu?, hornestrosswater and me?

The rest of dreams of yours are linked to salary and material possiesions.

Maybe I am too young and I have not sighted the importance of these stuffs, but I would like to keep on dreaming on something which is not directly linked with earning lots of money in the future. I think that making lot of money a month is an indirect consequence of you are happy with what you are doing everyday.

So you do not need money to get a Phd :-p
  • #12
Clausius2 said:
Have you realized the only people who didn't talked here about money was Grotesque, Tsu?, hornestrosswater and me?

The rest of dreams of yours are linked to salary and material possiesions.

Ha, you didn't spot the tongue in cheek for the bulk of my post! Read the second-last paragraph again. :smile:
  • #13
WoW...This is interesting Thread!
My Dream is to always remain a student with only beautiful,gorgeous Ladies as my Teachers(Moonbear are you listening?)!
Well this is exceedingly notorious from my side
I actually want to do some first class work in Artifical Intelligence!
  • #14
brewnog said:
Ha, you didn't spot the tongue in cheek for the bulk of my post! Read the second-last paragraph again. :smile:
You :smile: alot. I think your dreams are about to come true. :wink:
  • #15
heman said:
WoW...This is interesting Thread!
My Dream is to always remain a student with only beautiful,gorgeous Ladies as my Teachers(Moonbear are you listening?)!
Well this is exceedingly notorious from my side
I actually want to do some first class work in Artifical Intelligence!

I wouldn't be surprised if a Moonbear-bot will come out in a few decades from wherever Heman works.
  • #16
wolram said:
So you do not need money to get a Phd :-p

ehemmmm... yes, I need it, and I am going to be paid for researching. But here in Spain, working as a professional, I can earn five times more than doing a Ph.D. in USA.
  • #17
My dream (as it has been since I was 12 and not changed) in a few words is to become an astronaut and be the first person to step foot on Mars... :rolleyes: :smile:
  • #18
rocketboy said:
My dream (as it has been since I was 12 and not changed) in a few words is to become an astronaut and be the first person to step foot on Mars... :rolleyes: :smile:
Would you even accept a one-way ticket?
  • #19
rocketboy said:
My dream (as it has been since I was 12 and not changed) in a few words is to become an astronaut and be the first person to step foot on Mars... :rolleyes: :smile:
Your dream reminds me of a blonde joke. :rolleyes:
  • #20
rocketboy said:
My dream (as it has been since I was 12 and not changed) in a few words is to become an astronaut and be the first person to step foot on Mars... :rolleyes: :smile:

Yes, but don't forget I am going to be the spacecraft commander. I will give you the pleasure of stepping on Mars while I see you from the spacecraft in orbit, because some unaware man has to take the risk of landing there. I could throw you a water bottle from up there if you see the Mars ambient too dry :smile: .
  • #21
arildno said:
Perhaps I'll be serious just for once:
My dream is to be the lover to the guy I've loved for the last 4 years.
Unfortunately, I'm not his type, and he himself has been besotted with a good-for-nothing straight guy even longer.
I'm grateful for the friendship we have, even though I wish it could become something more..

AWW, poor old Arild.
  • #22
wolram said:
AWW, poor old Arild.
Yeah, I pity myself occasionally (not on the age matter, though, the guy is older than me).
  • #23
You were too late this time, arildno! :wink:
  • #24
Lisa! said:
You were too late this time, arildno! :wink:
That seems to be the perennial case with me.. :frown:
  • #25
arildno said:
That seems to be the perennial case with me.. :frown:
What do you mean? I've noticed that you're not as fast as before .Seriously, what's happening to you? :cry:
  • #26
arildno said:
Yeah, I pity myself occasionally (not on the age matter, though, the guy is older than me).

Well i am sure there are better fish in the sea, go dangle your line, you may
end up with a young cod instead of an old trout :biggrin:
  • #27
wolram said:
Well i am sure there are better fish in the sea, go dangle your line, you may
end up with a young cod instead of an old trout :biggrin:

Now, "cod", that's medieval for .., isn't it?
As it happens, I do dangle my line now and then as you so delicately put it , but I still would most like a well-grown trout ! :cry:

(BTW, there isn't anyone better; my friend is the most handsome, warm and generous person I've ever met)
  • #28
Dream dream: discover something extraordinary (observe a graviton, find hidden dimensions of space or time...), be a Nobel prize in physics laureate and have something important named after me (equation, theorem, particle, element, institute, laboratory, cyclotron...). :approve:

Plan dream: get a PhD in physics and possibly get a job at one of the more famous laboratories (CERN, Fermilab or something), universities or institutes. o:)
  • #29
My dream only consists of two things:

Finding a girl who loves me very much who I can spend countless happy moments with, and:

Becoming a physicist, not even an extraordinary one, just enough so that I will be content. Although trying to accomplish this seems difficult, and I often doubt my own capabilities. Its slanted in my mind to where only the real geniuses and the fastest thinkers can ever become one :frown:. Nevertheless, I'm persistent, hard-working and downright stubborn about these things. Perhaps it'll come my way. Perhaps not.
  • #30
The rest of dreams of yours are linked to salary and material possiesions.
if you don't mind living in a shack, sure.

I guess, the priority is to be content and excited about the work, such a thing that will constantly preoccupy your mind and stimulate you.

I wouldn't mind though, coming home to a well lighted, clean, spacious house with adequate air conditioning, plenty of leisure appliances...but most of all, for supporting my family the "material" aspect is important.

I don't consider myself incredibly gifted such that the pure aspect of the gift is all I care about (one might bring up the example of Tesla, who did not seem to care so much about cashing in and persisting on lucrative potentials, rather kept skipping idea after idea). Sooner or later, I imagine that I would be "basely" content with some aspects of material possessions.
  • #31
*Raises right pinky to corner of mouth*

One Hundred Billion Dollars
  • #32
dduardo said:
*Raises right pinky to corner of mouth*

One Hundred Billion Dollars
plus one hundred more.
  • #33
klusener said:
I wouldn't be surprised if a Moonbear-bot will come out in a few decades from wherever Heman works.

well you see that will not be all!...what i mean is that i will try and develop(although its real tough to emulate prodigies!)a klusener-bot too...which will try to make fun of every human being it sets its sights on!...just kidding :smile: ...well you see dreams aren't a thing to be made fun of...and well i think u could've done a bit more by telling us all about your dreams(i am waiting to hear from you!) :smile:
  • #34
arildno, you break my heart. I know how you feel. :frown:
  • #35
honestrosewater said:
arildno, you break my heart. I know how you feel. :frown:
Thank you for your empathy&sympathy, honestrosewater.
At times, life just don't turn out the way we'd like it to.

ok, not a very deep or controversial statement, that; it's true nonetheless.

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