Where should I apply for undergraduate physics programs in the US?

In summary, if you are an American applicant and you want to go to a good physics program, I would recommend doing your undergrad at a quality state school.
  • #1
A brief introduction: I'm a senior, international, applying to universities in the US (and Cambridge). So far, I've applied to Cambridge, Caltech and University of Chicago (the last 2 were EA). But these are all, I would think, nearly impossible for me to get into - I have the scores (meaning that a fair amount of people have gotten in with worse than what I'm applying with), but I haven't been able to do anything that would demonstrate to them that I am actually interested in physics (and I'm almost certain that I want to major in physics and maths).

Now, I've talked to my physics teacher a fair bit and the one thing he stressed was that I should look at big universities with a lot of money (where I would get to play with 'the big toys'), and I'm inclined to agree with him. The trouble I'm having now is deciding on places where I have a decent chance of being accepted with a good-very good physics program and said 'big toys'. My question is if anyone has any recommendations here; are there any hidden gems, so to speak, that I should consider?

Also, for the most part, I have a rough idea of what universities are considered at least somewhat 'good' (though maybe not for physics?), and I know a few which I think I like (UC Berkeley, Reed College & UMich Ann Arbor). But I feel like I'm missing something here when I look things up - is there anything in particular I should be searching for (rather than just 'good physics universities')?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Berkeley is rich...probably the richest...
  • #3
Undergraduate (BS) or graduate school (PhD)?
  • #4
Woops, sorry; forgot to mention that. I'm applying for undergrad freshman; currently a senior in high school.
  • #5
ILikeJava said:
Woops, sorry; forgot to mention that. I'm applying for undergrad freshman; currently a senior in high school.

Well here is some rankings of the RESEARCH OUTPUT of american uni's (http://physics.about.com/b/2009/04/23/us-news-college-physics-rankings.htm). However, honestly if I was an american I'd recommend doing your undergrad at a quality state school. Undergrad classes will be pretty similar no matter where you go and if you excel at a state school there's nothing stopping you from going to one of the top 5 for grad school. And the reason I'd recommend it is that it's my understanding that state schools are less retardedly expensive than "private" schools. So I'd save your money because once you're in grad school no one cares where you did your undergrad (and once you're a post doc no one cares where you did your grad, and once you're a junior prof... etc.)

FAQ: Where should I apply for undergraduate physics programs in the US?

1. What should I consider when choosing a university?

When choosing a university, there are several factors to consider such as the program offerings, location, cost, reputation, and campus life. It is important to research and prioritize your preferences to find the best fit for your academic and personal goals.

2. How do I know if a university is accredited?

You can check if a university is accredited by looking at their website or contacting their admissions office. You can also search for the university on the website of the accreditation agency for your country. Accreditation ensures that the university meets certain standards of academic quality and will be recognized by other institutions and employers.

3. What are the top universities in my field of study?

The top universities in a specific field of study can vary depending on different rankings and criteria. It is important to research and compare multiple rankings to get a better understanding of the top universities in your field. You can also look at the faculty and research opportunities at each university to determine which one aligns with your interests.

4. How can I finance my education at a university?

There are various ways to finance your education at a university such as scholarships, grants, student loans, and part-time jobs. It is important to research and apply for any available financial aid opportunities to reduce the financial burden. You can also consider attending a less expensive university or community college for the first two years and then transferring to a university for the remaining years.

5. What resources does a university offer for students?

Most universities offer a wide range of resources for students such as academic support services, career counseling, health services, and extracurricular activities. It is important to explore the resources available at a university to take advantage of opportunities for personal and academic growth. You can also reach out to current students or alumni to get a better understanding of their experiences with the resources offered by the university.

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