What Happens When Fundamental Physical Quantities Go Negative?

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In summary, according to the author, matter will have different properties if one or a few of the physical quantities are negative.
  • #1
I like to mess with the physical quantities
Since i got interested in phiolosophy, I always wondered
What phenomenon will we get if the following physical quantities are negative?

Electric potential
Electric charge
Electrical resistance
Refractive index
Thermal conductivity
Volume/Length, Area etc.
Specific heat capacity
particle spin

In addition, a phiolosophical question
Why are every entities (concepts, matter etc.) must have two sides (i.e. -+ or good evil)
Is it possible to have any entity that is mono sided, if so what happens?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
To me, negative of everything will just mean the shift of the scale. Say, 0kg becomes -1kg. The physical characteristics do not change;just the way how we see it is changed.

I appreciate your philosophical approach. It can create new ideas.

I do not understand well what you mean in the last paragraph. I would like to say there is no magnetic monopole.:smile:
  • #3
no! mono sided doesn't mean magnetic monopoles,
it means entities with only evil or good

The world (at least our own)
seems to against this idea
What's the problem if such mono sided entities exists?
  • #4
Is this supposed to be discussing physics or morality?
  • #5
Both physics and morality

As i often like to treat morality as particles with charges
  • #6
physics is not about good or evil!
  • #7
Good and evil are part of a spectrum; they are not binary. That's why you cannot have one without the other.
  • #8
Sorry have to clarify that the 'negatives' of the physical quantities are negative as in direction, numbers, not moral value

Only the phiolosophical question deals with moral negatives

Jack21222 said:
Good and evil are part of a spectrum; they are not binary. That's why you cannot have one without the other.

Also thanks for the advice

Edit: after a while of seraching I've the following conclusions

Negative gravity: Reverse gravity (in various sci fi)
Negative Mass: ?
Negative Electric potential: ?
Negative (Kelvin) temperature: ?
Negative Electric charge: e.g. electrons
Negative amount: ?
Negative Luminosity: ?
Negative Time: Anti time/ backward flowing time (in star trek)
Negative Electrical resistance: ?
Negative Refractive index: Left handed metamaterials
Negative Pressure: ?
Negative Thermal conductivity: ?
Negative Volume/Length, Area etc. : ?
Negative Specific heat capacity: ?
Negative particle spin: ?

What will be the properties of matter with one or few of the above quantities negative (number)?
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  • #9
Hmmm, this is rather entertaining.

Mass - something with negative mass...which I believe would float away from anything with positive mass? Gravitationally speaking, it would have the opposite acceleration applied to it as something normal. So it would shoot away from Earth at -9.8m/s^2, I think.
Electric potential - ?
Temperature - This is really a measure of energy. Negative energy would be...antimatter? So whatever the temperature of antimatter is might be your answer, haha.
Electric charge - ?
Amount - However much there is not...? I'm not sure on this one.
Luminosity - Something that projects darkness. Imagine you're somewhere bright, and I hold up a lamp. It's perfectly black in the center. There seem to be "rays" of darkness that come out of it. Otherwise, we only have black holes in real life.
Time - Hertz?
Electrical resistance - electrical conductance, or 1/R
Refractive index - ?
Pressure - Negative pressure, I would assume. Not too sure.
Thermal conductivity - thermal resistance :D
Weight - ?
Volume/Length, Area etc. - ?
Specific heat capacity - ?
particle spin - ?

You could probably kind of cheat on anyone of these by taking the units of the quantity in question and just invert the unit. What those inverted quantities mean physically is a whole different matter. An example was electrical resistance vs electrical conductance, but those make intuitive sense. Some others might not...

Out of all the answers I gave, I'm really only happy with my answer to luminosity.

As for your two sided thing, I think the answer you're looking for is that systems of measurement MUST be relative. Otherwise, what is there to measure? I might give more thought to this later, but for now I have to go.
  • #10
Some people would claim a system in population inversion (such as is found in a laser) has a negative temperature. This comes from defining temperature in a statistical mechanical way (from the Boltzmann distribution). Of course, this definition is valid only for systems at equilibrium (systems in population inversion cannot be at equilibrium) and does not jive with other definitions of temperature (e.g. the average kinetic energy of the system).
  • #11
Negative temperature applies to quasiparticles that have negative relative energy. That means, the more particles of this kind, the less energy. Note that "zero" energy is not vacuum, it is some positive amount of joules. It is not negative absolute energy.
An example of such particles are holes in semiconductors. It's simply lack of an electron. The more holes, the less energy. These holes have negative absolute temperature, since adding energy leads to decrease of entropy.

Negative resistance is also a common thing. There are electronic devices that give current of reversed sign relative to applied voltage. Of course, these things require external power source.

Bodies of negative charge emit negative electric potential.

Negative pressure is an effect of cosmological constant. It's antigravity of a kind, since it makes our universe expand. Superrelativistic gas (i.e. space filled with light) can have negative pressure.

Negative time means nothing. It's the matter of drawing an arrow. No physical consequences.

Negative particle spin - just as with electrical charge, i.e. antimatter.

Negative length, area and volume - it's just Minkowski spacetime. Time dimension is positive length, space is negative (matter of convention, actually). Positive area is an area of dimensions of one kind (space-space), negative area is composed of different dimensions (time-space).

And there is such thing as quantum phase. It may refer to negative amount (or rather complex amount). In double-slit experiment we get places, where no photon hits. In fact, there is positive quantity of a photon flowing from one slit and equal negative amount from second slit. They cancel out to zero.
So, there may exist such thing as negative physical amount. Fractional amount appears to us as probability.
  • #12
haael said:
Negative temperature applies to quasiparticles that have negative relative energy. That means, the more particles of this kind, the less energy. Note that "zero" energy is not vacuum, it is some positive amount of joules. It is not negative absolute energy.
An example of such particles are holes in semiconductors. It's simply lack of an electron. The more holes, the less energy. These holes have negative absolute temperature, since adding energy leads to decrease of entropy.

Negative resistance is also a common thing. There are electronic devices that give current of reversed sign relative to applied voltage. Of course, these things require external power source.

Bodies of negative charge emit negative electric potential.

Negative pressure is an effect of cosmological constant. It's antigravity of a kind, since it makes our universe expand. Superrelativistic gas (i.e. space filled with light) can have negative pressure.

Negative time means nothing. It's the matter of drawing an arrow. No physical consequences.

Negative particle spin - just as with electrical charge, i.e. antimatter.

Negative length, area and volume - it's just Minkowski spacetime. Time dimension is positive length, space is negative (matter of convention, actually). Positive area is an area of dimensions of one kind (space-space), negative area is composed of different dimensions (time-space).

And there is such thing as quantum phase. It may refer to negative amount (or rather complex amount). In double-slit experiment we get places, where no photon hits. In fact, there is positive quantity of a photon flowing from one slit and equal negative amount from second slit. They cancel out to zero.
So, there may exist such thing as negative physical amount. Fractional amount appears to us as probability.

Negative particle spin: So does that means some sort of "anti spin matter"? , Will it behaves like antimatter (charged reversed) when collided with normal matter (from equations) ?

Negative temperature: So what would that thing be if it has 0 absolute energy?

Negative resistance: I never heard of that before, mind give some examples, explanations and insights?

Negative pressure: Woa I thought it will behave differently from antigravity (reverse gravity). So it'll just push things outwards, right?

Negative time: will make another thread to discuss this in detail, such as the concept of future and past and casuality

Negative amount: Now that's suprising, I can't believe such thing can exist!
  • #13
Negative particle spin: So does that means some sort of "anti spin matter"? , Will it behaves like antimatter (charged reversed) when collided with normal matter (from equations) ?
Yes, it's THE antimatter. When you have two electrically neutral particles with opposite spin, then they are mutually antiparticles.

Negative temperature: So what would that thing be if it has 0 absolute energy?
It's impossible for vacuum case. You cannot dig holes in the vacuum, since you can't take from it any more energy (by definition). You can only have holes in something that exists.

Negative resistance: I never heard of that before, mind give some examples, explanations and insights?
Here you are: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_resistance
It can be used as a stabilizer.

Negative pressure: Woa I thought it will behave differently from antigravity (reverse gravity). So it'll just push things outwards, right?
Actually, it's a bit more complicated :). It's just like a vacuum cleaner (sucks everything), but it's a self-amplifying phenomenon, kinda perpetuum mobile. In effect, it leads to exponential expansion of the spacetime - namely cosmic inflation.
You'll need hard maths to understand it well.

Negative amount: Now that's suprising, I can't believe such thing can exist!
No one does :).
  • #14
Secret said:
Is it possible to have any entity that is mono sided, if so what happens?

That would be a Mobius strip psychosis.
  • #15
[strike]Secret[/strike] has been negated.
  • #16
Phrak said:
[strike]Secret[/strike] has been negated.

Oh wee. He must have been too negative

  • #17
Oh Snap :smile:

Before this is locked, I wonder on a more 'whatever, its a Tuesday' theme..

Would negative temperature be negative entropy, I.e at zero kelvin you have zero entropy, so would you need to borrow energy from some other universe? Suppose you no longer emit energy, would you start absorbing it from the vacuum of space?
  • #18
cronxeh said:
Oh Snap :smile:

Before this is locked, I wonder on a more 'whatever, its a Tuesday' theme..

Would negative temperature be negative entropy, I.e at zero kelvin you have zero entropy, so would you need to borrow energy from some other universe? Suppose you no longer emit energy, would you start absorbing it from the vacuum of space?

I have seen a post (I think on this forum) that actually explains that negative temperatures actually do exist or are physically meaningfull, yet they don't signify temperatures lower then 0 K, but actually temperatures that are higher then the highest positive temperature. That is to say the termperature scale would then be:

0K ... (positive infinite temperature) (negative infinite temperature) ... -0K

So, -0K would be the highest temperature.

For explenation, I need to refind that thread...
  • #19
hmmm... and adding one more negative thing...

How about the hypothetical existence of matter with negative mass?

Is it impossible? And if yes, based on what?

FAQ: What Happens When Fundamental Physical Quantities Go Negative?

1. What is meant by "Negative of (almost) everything"?

The negative of (almost) everything refers to the idea that there are certain things in our world and in our lives that have a negative impact or influence. It suggests that not everything is positive or good, and that we must be aware of the negative aspects as well.

2. How does negativity affect us?

Negativity can have a significant impact on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress, and can even weaken our immune system. In the long-term, negativity can also affect our relationships, productivity, and overall quality of life.

3. Is it possible to avoid negativity altogether?

While it is not entirely possible to avoid all negative experiences and influences, we can take steps to limit their impact on our lives. This can include surrounding ourselves with positive people, practicing gratitude and mindfulness, and setting healthy boundaries.

4. Can negative experiences have any positive impact?

While negative experiences are often seen as undesirable, they can also serve as opportunities for growth and learning. In fact, facing and overcoming challenges can make us more resilient and better equipped to handle future difficulties.

5. How can we shift our mindset from negative to positive?

It is not always easy to shift from a negative to a positive mindset, but it is possible with practice and effort. Some strategies include reframing negative thoughts into more positive ones, focusing on gratitude and the present moment, and seeking support from others. It is also important to remember that it is okay to acknowledge and process negative emotions, but not to dwell on them for too long.

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