How can I use self-taught skills in business management to advance my career?

In summary, you need to find a job that will allow you to pursue further education in "Business Management" and have experience working in a company.
  • #1
new skill needs job change:D

I would like to know how are they related ?

I am now working as an accountant and also trying to save my free time at night learning business administration and management, how can I persuade my future interviewers/employers that I do have skills in business management if later I leave the current company for another one. Teaching and training oneself some subjects can't be proven as working experience to most employers. Even when hired, I can't be evaluated as an experienced business manager, because I was an accountant and hence the expected salary might be much lower (than that for an experienced accountant). I am looking for a link between these two to step up. :cool: Thank you for your advice, suggestions and teachings.
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  • #2

Have you considered moving to one of the big (international client base) accountancy firms on the management consultancy side?
  • #3

What are you saying? That because you pursue further (after-hours) education in "Business Management" that someone should hire you to be Plant Manager, Financial Director, or Chief Executive Officer? That's not realistic. Education without experience has little use.

And the reality of the corporate world is this:
  • There is one or more ladders to the upper ranks of "Business Management" positions.
  • In any existing corporation, all of the rungs of those ladders already have people waiting to move up.
  • In any new company, you can only get to those upper Business Management positions if you have experience.

If you want to gain "Business Management" experience, then you'll have to do this in your own company or another. But either way you'll have to start at the lower levels and prove your managerial skills of people manangement & motivation, big- and bigger-picture thinking, and delivering positive results. It seems to have a bit of an advantage that you could bring to the negotiations: you already have a deeper understanding of accounting than probably the other candidate in the waiting room.

FAQ: How can I use self-taught skills in business management to advance my career?

1. What are some common reasons for needing to develop new skills in order to change jobs?

There are a few common reasons why someone may need to develop new skills in order to change jobs. One reason could be that the job market has shifted and certain skills are now in higher demand. Another reason could be that the individual's current skills are no longer relevant or necessary in their desired field. Additionally, advancements in technology and automation may require individuals to learn new skills in order to stay competitive in the job market.

2. How can I determine which skills I need to develop in order to change jobs?

The best way to determine which skills you need to develop is to research the job market and the specific industry you are interested in. Look at job postings and descriptions to see what skills are listed as requirements or preferred qualifications. You can also reach out to professionals in the field or attend job fairs and networking events to get a better understanding of the skills that are in demand.

3. Is it necessary to completely switch careers in order to develop new skills?

Not necessarily. While some individuals may choose to completely switch careers in order to develop new skills, it is not always necessary. Many skills are transferable across different industries and can be applied to a new job with some additional training or education. It's important to assess your current skills and determine which ones can be utilized in your desired field, and which ones may require further development.

4. How can I develop new skills while still working in my current job?

There are several ways to develop new skills while still working in your current job. One option is to take online courses or attend workshops and seminars related to your desired skills. Another option is to volunteer or take on side projects that allow you to practice and develop new skills. Additionally, you can also speak with your employer about opportunities for on-the-job training or professional development programs.

5. How long does it typically take to develop new skills for a job change?

The time it takes to develop new skills for a job change can vary depending on the individual, the specific skills being developed, and the intensity of the training or education. Some skills may only require a few weeks or months to develop, while others may take several years. It's important to set realistic goals and timelines for yourself, and to be patient and persistent in your learning process.

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