Is the Next Ice Age Near? Examining 11,000 Year Interglacials

In summary, the current interglacial period has lasted approximately 11,500 years and it is commonly believed that interglacial periods typically last around 11,000 years. However, there is no convincing evidence that the next ice age is imminent and it is likely that we will have to wait several tens of thousands of years for the next "Maritime Isotope Stage" event. Some people believe that global warming will save us from the next ice age, while others see it as a conspiracy theory. Either way, there is no concrete evidence to support this idea.
  • #1
Our current interglacial period has lasted about 11,500 years, now the common figure is that interglacial figures usually last around 11,000 years.

Has anyone heard any convincing evidence that the next ice age is indeed going to be upon us soon?
Earth sciences news on
  • #2
There isn't and it will not. We have to wait several tens of thousend years before the next "Martitieme Isotope Stage" event. More later.
  • #3
Global warming will save us.
  • #4
Chronos said:
Global warming will save us.
:smile: :smile: ok, so all these CFC emissions are really part of an underground international project to save us from the next Ice Age... hmm... I like it.
  • #5
Conspiracy theory du Jour. The X-Men are our salvation... Smurf, you need professional help. I like that.

FAQ: Is the Next Ice Age Near? Examining 11,000 Year Interglacials

1. What is an interglacial?

An interglacial is a period of warmer global temperatures between two glacial periods, or ice ages. It is characterized by melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and a generally milder climate.

2. How long do interglacial periods typically last?

The length of interglacial periods can vary, but they typically last between 10,000 and 15,000 years. The last interglacial period, known as the Holocene, has lasted approximately 11,700 years.

3. What evidence do scientists use to study past interglacials?

Scientists use a variety of methods to study past interglacial periods, including ice core samples, sediment records, and geological data. These sources can provide information about temperature, sea levels, and other environmental factors during past interglacials.

4. Is the current interglacial period expected to end soon?

Based on past interglacial cycles, it is likely that the current interglacial period will eventually come to an end and give way to another ice age. However, it is difficult to predict when this will happen, and human activities such as greenhouse gas emissions may also play a role in altering the Earth's climate.

5. How does studying past interglacials help us understand future climate change?

Studying past interglacial periods can provide valuable insights into how the Earth's climate has changed in the past and how it may change in the future. By understanding the factors that contribute to interglacial cycles, scientists can make more accurate predictions about the potential effects of human activities on the Earth's climate and inform efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
