No Job Offers? Local Supermarket Rejects You

  • Thread starter Smurf
  • Start date
In summary, the supermarket rejected the applicant because they didn't fit in with the rest of the work force and were over qualified. The most important thing is to fit in and try to find a job that uses the phrase "Do you want fries with that?"
  • #1
God damn crap **** ****. Even the local supermarket turned me down. Grrrrr :mad:
Physics news on
  • #2
Bad attitude dear? :wink:
  • #3
Evo said:
Bad attitude dear? :wink:
:-p I knew that would be one of the first responses. No, I was perfectly pleasant each time. It's only AFTER the rejection that I use that language. (by the way, I vowed never to buy from that supermarket again - bastards!)
  • #4
Maybe you can try to get a job that uses the phrase: "Do you want fries with that?" :smile:
  • #5
That's what unemployment is all about. There are people who spend years with that on their shoulders.
  • #6
mattmns said:
Maybe you can try to get a job that uses the phrase: "Do you want fries with that?" :smile:
I would rather starve. But thanks. (besides, it's aaaaalll the way down town)
  • #7
Smurf said:
God damn crap **** ****. Even the local supermarket turned me down. Grrrrr :mad:

Do you have any idea what the problem is? What position are you applying for? What positions are open? You do realize that most job are never advertised...are the supermarkets you applied at family owned?

The most important thing about applying for a new job is to fit you fit in with the rest of the work force at those supermarkets? Perhaps you're over qualified? Some things to think about...
  • #8
TRCSF said:
That's what unemployment is all about. There are people who spend years with that on their shoulders.
Yeah, but I'm in university! :rolleyes: I don't get welfare checks for going to uni!
  • #9
TRCSF said:
That's what unemployment is all about. There are people who spend years with that on their shoulders.

I am not saying this is true or false but I have yet to meet a single person who could not find a job if they wanted one.

Where did you say you were from TRCSF?
  • #10
Smurf said:
Yeah, but I'm in university! :rolleyes: I don't get welfare checks for going to uni!

Canada doesn't have finical aid?
  • #11
Townsend said:
Do you have any idea what the problem is? What position are you applying for? What positions are open? You do realize that most job are never advertised...are the supermarkets you applied at family owned?
They weren't advertised, I walked in and asked to talk to the manager. They had a couple of positions open, they decided to hire 2 other students instead of me a few days after my interview

The most important thing about applying for a new job is to fit you fit in with the rest of the work force at those supermarkets?
Why not, they hired other students.
Perhaps you're over qualified?
*scoff* And you're a commi.
  • #12
Townsend said:
I am not saying this is true or false but I have yet to meet a single person who could not find a job if they wanted one.

Where did you say you were from TRCSF?

Washington state. Once spent nine months looking for a job upon graduating with a BS in chemistry.

If you don't know a single person who couldn't find a job and not get one, you've never met anybody who's dealt with unemployment.
  • #13
Townsend said:
Canada doesn't have finical aid?
No it does. I just don't feel like sinking farther and farther into debt if I can't even find a job now.
  • #14
How about a job at your school? It may be a bit late now, but you could still try.
  • #15
Townsend said:
I am not saying this is true or false but I have yet to meet a single person who could not find a job if they wanted one.
A bit sheltered arn't you townsend? Even I have (granted I grew up in a 3rd world country - but that's besides the point!)
  • #16
mattmns said:
How about a job at your school? It may be a bit late now, but you could still try.
I still havn't tried anything down town yet. (it's quite a walk away) I think I'll do that tomorrow.
  • #17
The application process is a lottery - and I'm not sure you ever win if they just filed it away for future reference.

You need an interview to have a chance at the job. Best chance of that is lucky timing or a friend to recommend you (second method works best).

If you get an interview, you need some good interview skills. First, none of them cares about you or your hobbies. They're looking for someone to fill their needs. If you're smart, you'll scope out the place you're trying to be hired at before the interview (here's another place where knowing one of the employees can help). You should be pointing out the skills you have that seem most likely to applicable to the job you're applying for. It usually works best if you happen to have skills that would be the perfect solution for problems the place is having rather than pointing out the problems for the manager - he probably already knows his problems.

And don't try to emphasize how individualistic you are. Most workplaces require you to work with others and managers like conformists that will fit in with everyone else. Most people expressing their individualism either already have a job that they're not afraid of losing, don't have to work so who cares, or just go on very, very long frustrating job searches.
  • #18
BobG said:
The application process is a lottery - and I'm not sure you ever win if they just filed it away for future reference.

You need an interview to have a chance at the job. Best chance of that is lucky timing or a friend to recommend you (second method works best).
That's what it was at the last interview I got. Lucky timing. I planned to just drop off a resume and try to remember the manager's name. I hadn't expected to get an interview, so hadn't prepared myself mentally. I completely botched the interview.
  • #19
I've never known anyone that couldn't find a job, unless they were unhirable.

Also, (separate from Smurf's issue) you should have a job offer before you graduate from University! If you haven't received an offer and it's getting close to graduation, you should probably start worrying. My experience is that companies proactively recruit people they want before they graduate. If they haven't... :rolleyes:
  • #20
TRCSF said:
Washington state. Once spent nine months looking for a job upon graduating with a BS in chemistry.

If you don't know a single person who couldn't find a job and not get one, you've never met anybody who's dealt with unemployment.

I have met people who were getting unemployment but it was a choice they made.

I find it hard to believe that someone with a BS in chemistry couldn't find a job...or perhaps you couldn't find a job that you would accept?
  • #21
Well I'm not worrying too much about job offers out of university... you know... having only just started my first year... in all practicality it's just another year of high school (although with much more interesting subjects)

Plenty of time to get job offers when I'm head of my class in year 4 :wink:
  • #22
Townsend said:
I have met people who were getting unemployment but it was a choice they made.

I find it hard to believe that someone with a BS in chemistry couldn't find a job...or perhaps you couldn't find a job that you would accept?

Unemployment isn't people who don't want to get a job. Unemployment is looking for a job and not getting one.

If you find it hard to believe then I'll have to agree with the person who mentioned the word "sheltered."
  • #23
Smurf said:
A bit sheltered arn't you townsend? Even I have (granted I grew up in a 3rd world country - but that's besides the point!)

Yeah, I guess...

Let's see...been around the world twice...been to Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE(Dubai), Hobart SA, Perth WA, Bahrain, Mexico(many times), Hawaii(to many times to count), Every state west of the Mississippi and many east of the miss too.

I spent 17 years living in Southern and central California, and then 5 years in Minnesota and 5 years in SE South Dakota...

Yeah, I need to get out more...
  • #24
Townsend said:
I have met people who were getting unemployment but it was a choice they made.
There are a lot of people like that, but not all of them are.
  • #25
TRCSF said:
Unemployment isn't people who don't want to get a job. Unemployment is looking for a job and not getting one.

If you find it hard to believe then I'll have to agree with the person who mentioned the word "sheltered."

I know the definition of unemployed...Unemployment is a check someone gets for losing their job.

What I say stands...getting a job is a very simple thing for most anyone who is employable...
  • #26
Smurf said:
There are a lot of people like that, but not all of them are.

Of course but how many are there that really can't find work? A small percentage of the pop. at most...
  • #27
Townsend said:
Yeah, I need to get out more...
I think I've been to more countries than you've listed there. :rolleyes:

Now, I don't mean to say that you're not worldly, because obviously you are. Navy right? (He He I remember that thread where everyone was calling you a liar about that).
  • #28
Smurf said:
I think I've been to more countries than you've listed there. :rolleyes:

Now, I don't mean to say that you're not worldly, because obviously you are. Navy right? (He He I remember that thread where everyone was calling you a liar about that).

So how is it that a person is worldly and sheltered too?
  • #29
Townsend said:
What I say stands...getting a job is a very simple thing for most anyone who is employable...
  • #30
Townsend said:
So how is it that a person is worldly and sheltered too?
You can be sheltered from more than one thing.
  • #31
You'll find a job, getting a part time job in a college town can be tough. Like Bob said, you've just got to be in the right place at the right time.

Bob's post was excellent advice, btw.
  • #32
Smurf said:

Two supermarkets turn you down and you think that means you cannot get a job?

And I suppose I could be sheltered from the poverty of the world but I just don't see how I managed to miss it all these years. I have seen homeless people but I cannot say they are unemployed because I don't know the whole story.
  • #33
Townsend said:
Two supermarkets turn you down and you think that means you cannot get a job?
Two? No, just one was a supermarket. And I've been looking for a job since I moved here... three weeks ago. (I'm starting to run out of moooonnneeeyyy)

And I suppose I could be sheltered from the poverty of the world but I just don't see how I managed to miss it all these years.
That's okay, I'm sure they're saying the exact same thing about wealth.
  • #34
Evo said:
You'll find a job, getting a part time job in a college town can be tough. Like Bob said, you've just got to be in the right place at the right time.
*sigh* it shouldn't be this hard to get a job.

Bob's post was excellent advice, btw.
Yeah, I know. How does one 'scope out' a business though? Keep in mind I'm not from town, I don't really know anyone.
  • #35
Smurf said:
Yeah, I know. How does one 'scope out' a business though? Keep in mind I'm not from town, I don't really know anyone.

Walk around and talk to employees...find out about the company...what their motto is and stuff like that. Then try to picture the perfect happy little Joe's Supermarket employee and then make yourself that person.

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