Non-Dimensionalize PDE: Boundary Conditions, Initial Conditions

  • Thread starter Dustinsfl
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In summary, by recasting this problem in terms of non-dimensional variables and introducing variable scaling, the diffusion equation and its boundary conditions can be put into a canonical form where the problem definition becomes: $\theta_{t_*} = \theta_{x_*x_*}$ with boundary conditions $\theta(0,t_*) = \theta(1,t_*) = 0$ and initial condition $\theta(x_*,0) = 1$.
  • #1
\frac{1}{\alpha}T_t = T_{xx}
B.C are
T(0,t) = T(L,t) = T_{\infty}
I.C is
T(x,0) = T_i.
By recasting this problem in terms of non-dimensional variables, the diffusion equation along with its boundary conditions can be put into a canonical form.
Suppose that we introduce variable scaling defined by
x_* = \frac{x}{L}\quad\quad t_* = \frac{\alpha t}{L^2}\quad\quad \theta = \frac{T - T_{\infty}}{T_i - T_{\infty}}
With this change of variables, show that the problem definition becomes
\theta_{t_*} & = & \theta_{x_*x_*} & & \\
\theta(0,t_*) & = & \theta(1,t_*) & = & 0\\
\theta(x_*,0) & = & 1

\frac{1}{L^2}\frac{\partial T}{\partial t_*} = \frac{1}{L^2}\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x_*^2}
Do I make the [itex]T[/itex] substitution just as [itex]T = \theta(T_i - T_{\infty}) + T_{\infty}[/itex]?
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  • #2
Yes, you can make the substitution $T = \theta(T_i - T_{\infty}) + T_{\infty}$. Then the equation becomes:$$\frac{1}{L^2}\frac{\partial \theta}{\partial t_*} = \frac{1}{L^2}\frac{\partial^2 \theta}{\partial x_*^2}$$For the boundary conditions, we have:$$T(0, t_*) = \theta(0, t_*)(T_i - T_{\infty}) + T_{\infty} = T_{\infty} \Rightarrow \theta(0, t_*) = 0\\T(L, t_*) = \theta(1, t_*)(T_i - T_{\infty}) + T_{\infty} = T_{\infty} \Rightarrow \theta(1, t_*) = 0$$For the initial condition, we have:$$T(x_*, 0) = \theta(x_*, 0)(T_i - T_{\infty}) + T_{\infty} = T_i \Rightarrow \theta(x_*, 0) = 1$$Therefore, the problem definition becomes:\begin{alignat*}{5}\theta_{t_*} & = & \theta_{x_*x_*} & & \\\theta(0,t_*) & = & \theta(1,t_*) & = & 0\\\theta(x_*,0) & = & 1\end{alignat*}

FAQ: Non-Dimensionalize PDE: Boundary Conditions, Initial Conditions

1. What is the purpose of non-dimensionalizing a PDE?

Non-dimensionalizing a PDE is a mathematical technique used to simplify the equations by removing any units and physical parameters, making them easier to solve and analyze. It also helps to identify the key governing parameters and their relative importance in the problem.

2. How do boundary conditions change when a PDE is non-dimensionalized?

When a PDE is non-dimensionalized, the boundary conditions are also scaled accordingly. This means that the boundary values will be expressed in terms of the non-dimensional parameters, rather than physical units. The boundary conditions themselves will remain the same, but the values will be different.

3. What are initial conditions in a non-dimensionalized PDE?

Initial conditions in a non-dimensionalized PDE refer to the values of the dependent variables at the start of the non-dimensionalized time or spatial domain. These values are typically given in terms of the non-dimensional parameters and are used to solve the PDE over the entire domain.

4. How do initial conditions affect the solution of a non-dimensionalized PDE?

The initial conditions play a crucial role in determining the solution of a non-dimensionalized PDE. They provide the starting values for the dependent variables and influence their behavior over time or space. A small change in the initial conditions can lead to significant changes in the solution of the PDE.

5. Can non-dimensionalizing a PDE affect the physical interpretation of the problem?

Non-dimensionalizing a PDE does not affect the physical interpretation of the problem. It simply transforms the equations into a dimensionless form, which can be solved and analyzed more easily. The physical meaning of the problem remains the same, and the solutions obtained from the non-dimensionalized PDE can be scaled back to the original physical units.

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