Number Theory Proofs: Square Numbers and Irrational Roots

In summary: Well, if k and l are coprime and k divides l evenly, then k = l.So if k and l are coprime and k does not divide l evenly, then k ≠ l.In other words, if one of the factors of a number is not equal to the other when both are coprime, then the number is not a perfect square.
  • #1
Hey all, I've got a few number theory exercises that are troubling me.

1. Prove a positive integer s is a square if and only if each of the exponents in its prime factorization is even.

2. Let c,d be positive, relatively prime integers. Prove that if cd is a square, c and d are squares.

3. Show that for four integers a,b,c,d, if a+b*sqrt(10)=c+d*sqrt(10), then a=c and b=d.

Hopefully someone can give me a start here. Thanks!
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  • #2
What have you tried doing?
  • #3
HINT 1: Could a number possibly be a perfect square if any of its prime factors occur an odd number of times?

HINT 2: See Hint 1.

HINT 3: Is [itex]\sqrt {10}[/itex] rational?
  • #4
I'm attempting a proof by contradiction on #1, along the lines of what Tide is hinting at. I just don't know how to show it formally.

And I know sqrt(10) is not rational, I'm just not sure how to use that yet.
  • #5
Can you show that if the exponents on the prime factorization of a positive number are even, then the number is a perfect square?
  • #6
Sure, that should be the easier case. How about the other way around?
  • #7
Well why don't you actually do that, so that we can see.

If you do understand that then the other way around is not much harder. If a number is a perfect square then it can be written as k * k, and what can you do with each of the k's?
  • #8
Yeah, I just had another look at #1 and it's not that difficult. Silly me...

And once I saw the reasoning #2 followed fairly easily, though I haven't quite figured out the notation.

So if anyone has suggestions for #3, I'd appreciate it!
  • #9
Well, it's crude, but I think I have #3 as well. Thanks for all the hints, guys. If anyone is interested in how I proved any of these questions, just ask and I will try to explain as best I can.
  • #10
randommacuser said:
I'm attempting a proof by contradiction on #1, along the lines of what Tide is hinting at. I just don't know how to show it formally.

And I know sqrt(10) is not rational, I'm just not sure how to use that yet.

It's really quite straightforward. Rearrange your equation to have all the rational terms on one side and all the irraitional ones on the other. Under what conditions is it possible for those two quantities be equal?

FAQ: Number Theory Proofs: Square Numbers and Irrational Roots

What is number theory?

Number theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of numbers, including integers, rational numbers, and real numbers.

What are prime numbers?

Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. They have exactly two factors and cannot be written as a product of other numbers.

What is the difference between prime and composite numbers?

Prime numbers have exactly two factors, while composite numbers have more than two factors. In other words, composite numbers can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 and themselves.

What is the significance of prime numbers in number theory?

Prime numbers play a crucial role in number theory, as they are the building blocks of all other numbers. They also have many applications in cryptography, coding theory, and other areas of mathematics.

What are some famous unsolved problems in number theory?

Some famous unsolved problems in number theory include the Goldbach conjecture, the Riemann hypothesis, and the Collatz conjecture. These problems have been posed for centuries and continue to intrigue mathematicians today.
