Object in a Time Field: What Would It Feel?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a body floating in a time field and how time flow can affect the movement and behavior of the body. The participants discuss the possibility of the body feeling a force due to the difference in time flow at different ends of the body. They also question the idea of infinity in the universe and the concept of time flow as being continuous. The expert summarizer suggests that these issues have not yet been solved and invites further discussion on the topic.
  • #1
Time field

Suppose body floats in a Time field, such that timeflow at the bottom of the body is 1% faster than at the top, or just simply, there is timeflow rate difference at opposite ends of the body. No other forces are affecting the body. Assume that this timerate difference is not caused by any force, but is inherent property of given space.

Q: what would that body "feel"?

Considering probabilities of interactions, or any conventional QM wisdom, is that sufficient to think that such body WILL feel any sort of force?

Inuitively me thinks body would tend to move towards faster time due to higher probability of interactions. Its rigid structure would be stretched. And that feels like gravity. If time field sustains same rate difference even for moving body, then it will continue to accelerate?

Now if such body enters space where timerate slows down sharply, it will have bottom timerate slower than top, but somewhere inside the body timerate faster than either edge. Sort of wave will reflect back from that new slowrate space, oscillating inside the body and stretching/compressing it until the wave relaxes between 2 edges.
Seems like collision of matter.

Now if body has equal timeflow at any edge, but faster timeflow in the center of it, would it tend to collapse towards its center, lumping?
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  • #2
Comeon, guys. no one will comment?
  • #3

This is My "Law of the conservation of Time".
It allows to explain all known and unknown yet a forces and phenomenas.
  • #4
okay, this sounds sensible. But I'm at this point interested more in what body will feel. As you might see, I'm trying to realize if its enough to have timeflow difference to cause movement.
I'm not sure how one would approach this question with conventional tools.
  • #5
Originally posted by wimms
okay, this sounds sensible. But I'm at this point interested more in what body will feel. As you might see, I'm trying to realize if its enough to have timeflow difference to cause movement.
I'm not sure how one would approach this question with conventional tools.
I do not think that the unceasing timflow exists . This will brings you to a notion "infinity of the space". People take this error as the truth, but this is illusion, is look like a reality only.
It is appropriately to say : " do not trust with eyes " here. On existing presentations, the Universe is an object having infinity space, though 10 billions years is passed from BB . If take into account, that "space enlarges at the speed of light" then not in a complicated way to find the radius of the sphere in which the universe exists. It is known and its value is not infinity. Then the intrigue question appears :
- that there is outside the sphere?
No answer to this question.
No, also, answer to a question:
- whence has been taken really an infinity energy in such universe?
This list it is possible to continue much long.
All this problems does not solved yet and all errors are due to this
"continuity of space and time".
I reject this continuity and infinity of a space, which does expands into nowhere. I reject continuity of timeflow. It has undefined "place" where does it flows.
Considering all said above, I can not discuss the behaviour (the feeling, if you want) of the object in the ambience, which does not exist.
My apologies, wimms.
I invite you participate on my topics. It is completely privy to Time.

FAQ: Object in a Time Field: What Would It Feel?

1. What is an object in a time field?

An object in a time field refers to a physical entity, such as a particle or a system, that is subject to the effects of time. This means that its behavior and properties are influenced by the passage of time.

2. How does an object in a time field behave?

The behavior of an object in a time field can vary depending on the specific time field it is in and the properties of the object itself. In general, an object in a time field may experience changes in its position, velocity, or other physical characteristics over time.

3. What factors can affect an object in a time field?

There are several factors that can affect an object in a time field. These include the strength and direction of the time field, the mass and composition of the object, and any external forces acting on the object. Other variables, such as the speed of the object and its relative position in the time field, can also play a role.

4. How does an object in a time field differ from an object in space?

An object in a time field and an object in space both experience forces and can move and interact with other objects. However, an object in a time field is specifically influenced by time, while an object in space is influenced by gravitational and other physical forces.

5. What are the practical applications of studying objects in time fields?

Studying objects in time fields can have various practical applications, such as understanding the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics, predicting the movements of celestial bodies, and developing technologies such as time travel or time dilation. It can also help scientists better understand the fundamental nature of time and its role in the universe.
