Observable [tex]G_{z}= -(xL_x+yL_y)[/tex]

  • Thread starter castlemaster
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In summary, we discussed the spectrum of Gz for a particle with no spin under an isotropic harmonic oscillator potential, the normalizability of the particle in a state where Gz is defined, and the physical interpretation of Gz.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the space of the states of a particle with no spin under an isotropic harmonic oscillator potential and the observable [tex]G_{z}= -(xL_x+yL_y)[/tex]
Obtain the spectrum of Gz. Will be ever he particle in a normalisable state where Gz is defined?

Can you interpret phisically Gz?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think [tex]G_{z}= zL_z[/tex]

but how do I calculate the possible values of the observable.I tried with anhilitation and creation operators, but what represents Gz?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
for your question! It seems like you are on the right track with your understanding of Gz. In this case, Gz represents the z-component of the angular momentum operator, which is defined as the cross product of the position vector and the linear momentum vector.

To calculate the possible values of Gz, you can use the eigenvalue equation for the angular momentum operator, which is given by L_z |l,m> = mħ|l,m>, where m is the eigenvalue and ħ is the reduced Planck's constant. For a particle with no spin, the possible values of m are integers ranging from -l to l, where l is the orbital angular momentum quantum number.

So in this case, the spectrum of Gz would be all possible values of m, which can be calculated by plugging in different values of l. As for the normalizability of the particle, it is possible for the particle to be in a normalizable state where Gz is defined, as long as the wavefunction is finite and square integrable.

Interpreting Gz physically, it represents the component of the angular momentum along the z-axis. This can have implications for the orientation and stability of the particle in the harmonic oscillator potential. I hope this helps clarify things for you!

FAQ: Observable [tex]G_{z}= -(xL_x+yL_y)[/tex]

1. What is Observable Gz?

Observable Gz is a mathematical expression used in quantum mechanics to describe the angular momentum of a system. It is defined as Gz = -(xLx + yLy), where x and y are the Cartesian coordinates and Lx and Ly are the components of the angular momentum operator.

2. How is Observable Gz measured?

Observable Gz is a quantum mechanical operator, which means it cannot be directly measured. Instead, it is inferred from the measurement of other related observables, such as the position and momentum of a particle. The values of these observables can be used to calculate the value of Gz using the above equation.

3. What is the physical significance of Observable Gz?

Observable Gz is related to the z-component of the angular momentum of a system. This means that it describes the rotational motion of a particle or system around its z-axis. It is an important quantity in quantum mechanics as it helps to understand the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

4. How does Observable Gz relate to other observables?

Observable Gz is related to other observables through the angular momentum operator. The angular momentum operator is a vector operator, meaning it has components in all three dimensions (x, y, and z). Gz is just one component of this operator, while the other two components are Gx and Gy. Together, these three observables describe the total angular momentum of a system.

5. Can Observable Gz change over time?

Yes, Observable Gz can change over time as the angular momentum of a system can change. This can occur due to external forces acting on the system, such as a torque, or due to interactions between particles within the system. In quantum mechanics, the change in Gz over time is described by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.
