Hardness of Neutronium: Estimating Magnitude

In summary, neutronium is a harder form of degenerate matter. It has a higher charge mass ratio of the electron than the proton, and the weak force is so strong.
  • #1
on Mohs' scale what is the hardness of neutronium in its native environment?

we record the mass of a teaspoon full, so compared to the ratio of EM to gravity, what is the next level to fermi gas of degenerate matter? just how hard is it? an order of magnitude estimate will be fine. seems if a mountain on a 15km pulsar would be a millimeter and if it shifted on a magnetar it would blast (gee it doesn't have symbol font) [tex]\gamma[/tex] rays across the galaxy, it must be...unusual. [tex]\gamma[\tex] i am now an official texican.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
i wasnt being facetious.

similar to the charge mass ratio of the electron, what is the next ratio to this state? how strong is the weak force?

gravitationally speaking how much mass does a neutron star have, we can start with the core as a natural environment. what kind of pressure is there? counter-pressure would be a good measure of hardness. within some philosophical order of magnitude. (in other words, the numbers are probably accurate but its our minds...)

i ran into the equations for relativistic stars a while ago i may run into them again sometime.
  • #3
Neutronium is science fiction. You can derive an equation of state for the surface of a neutron star, but, it does not translate into earthly measures like mohr's hardness. The nature of neutron star interiors is very uncertain. It may be fairly similar to the surface, or an exotic quark soup.
  • #4
I don't know the hardness of "neutronium" but here's a quote from wiki, about pauli's exclusion principle, and our friendly neutron star.

Astronomy provides another spectacular demonstration of this effect, in the form of white dwarf stars and neutron stars. For both such bodies, their usual atomic structure is disrupted by large gravitational forces, leaving the constituents supported by "degeneracy pressure" alone. This exotic form of matter is known as degenerate matter. In white dwarfs, the atoms are held apart by the degeneracy pressure of the electrons. In neutron stars, which exhibit even larger gravitational forces, the electrons have merged with the protons to form neutrons, which produce a larger degeneracy pressure. Neutrons are the most "rigid" objects known - their Young modulus (or more accurately, bulk modulus) is 20 orders of magnitude larger than that of diamond.

That should give you a small idea of its hardness.
  • #5
excellent. i couldn't remember names of other scales. i ran across something in a book review i believe about this kind of thing, saying that neutron stars' exterior is a solid crust, but the interior is more of a dense liquid. so the core wouldn't quite be the place to look.

that was well written it almost sounded like sagan talking for most of it.

thank you :) element number zero.
  • #6
i was looking at some fields, with three quarks in the neutron, that combination of them must be harder than the set for the proton. weak force is so strong.

and still half life of a proton 10^33y if that and neutron 15 min or so.

they can hold back a near-black hole wow

FAQ: Hardness of Neutronium: Estimating Magnitude

1. What is neutronium and why is its hardness important?

Neutronium is a hypothetical substance composed entirely of neutrons. Its hardness is important because it can help us understand the properties of neutron stars, which are made up of extremely dense matter and have incredibly strong gravitational fields.

2. How is the hardness of neutronium estimated?

The hardness of neutronium is estimated using theoretical models and calculations, as it cannot be directly measured due to its extreme conditions. These models take into account the density and composition of the substance to determine its hardness.

3. What is the estimated magnitude of neutronium's hardness?

The estimated magnitude of neutronium's hardness is incredibly high, with some models suggesting it could have a hardness of up to 10^15 times that of diamond. However, this is still a theoretical value and cannot be confirmed without direct observation.

4. How does the hardness of neutronium compare to other substances?

Neutronium is believed to be one of the hardest substances in the universe, with a potential hardness surpassing even that of diamond and other materials commonly known for their strength. Its hardness is thought to be on a similar level to that of black holes.

5. Can the hardness of neutronium be altered or manipulated?

As neutronium is a hypothetical substance, it is not currently possible to alter or manipulate its hardness. However, with further advancements in technology and understanding of extreme conditions, it may be possible to create neutronium-like materials with varying levels of hardness in the future.
