Optics Question (I think about Fresnel-Kirchoff)

  • Thread starter rabbit44
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So we can rewrite our equation as:u(x) = (1/4*pi) * int[A*(1+cos(2*pi*x/d)) * delta(x-(lambda/2*pi)*sin(theta)) * d(theta)]This integral will only have non-zero values for three values of theta, which correspond to the three beams that will emerge from the transparency. These three values are:sin(theta) = 0, sin(theta) = d/(2*lambda), sin(theta) = -d/(2*lambda)Plugging these values into the equation, we can solve for the angles at which the three beams will emerge:theta1 = 0, theta2 = arcsin(d/(2*lambda)), theta3 = -
  • #1

Homework Statement

A laser produces a beam of coherent light of wavelength lambda with plane
wave-fronts traveling along z. The amplitude of light transmitted by a trans-
parency in the x; y plane is independent of y and varies with x as

A[1 + cos(2*pi*x/d)]

where A is a constant and d > lambda. Show that three beams emerge
from the transparency, and find their angles to the z-axis.

Homework Equations

I think:

A(B) ~ int[u(x) exp(-iBx)]

Where B=k*sin(theta), u is the amplitude distribution given and A(B) is the amplitude at some theta.

The Attempt at a Solution

So I tried using that equation, hoping that only 3 values of theta would be valid or something, but it just didn't work at all. Am I completely off?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
for your question and attempt at a solution. Let's work through this problem together.

First, let's start with the given amplitude distribution:

A[1 + cos(2*pi*x/d)]

We can rewrite this as:


This tells us that the amplitude of the light is varying sinusoidally with x, with a maximum amplitude of A and a minimum amplitude of 0. This makes sense, as the cosine function varies between 1 and -1.

Next, let's consider the equation you provided:

A(B) ~ int[u(x) exp(-iBx)]

This equation represents the Fourier transform of the amplitude distribution, where u(x) is the amplitude distribution and B is the spatial frequency. We can use this equation to find the angles at which the three beams will emerge from the transparency.

First, we need to determine the spatial frequency, B. We know that B=k*sin(theta), where k=2*pi/lambda and theta is the angle of the beam with respect to the z-axis. So we can rewrite the equation as:

A(B) ~ int[u(x) exp(-2*pi*i*sin(theta)*x/lambda)]

Now, we can use the inverse Fourier transform to find the angle at which the three beams will emerge. The inverse Fourier transform is given by:

u(x) = (1/2*pi) * int[A(B) * exp(2*pi*i*sin(theta)*x/lambda) * d(theta)]

So we can plug in our values and solve for theta:

u(x) = (1/2*pi) * int[A*cos^2(pi*x/d) * exp(2*pi*i*sin(theta)*x/lambda) * d(theta)]

We can simplify this equation by using the trigonometric identity cos^2(x) = (1+cos(2x))/2:

u(x) = (1/4*pi) * int[A*(1+cos(2*pi*x/d)) * exp(2*pi*i*sin(theta)*x/lambda) * d(theta)]

Now, we can use the following property of the Fourier transform:

exp(2*pi*i*sin(theta)*x/lambda) = delta(x-(lambda/2*pi)*sin(theta))

Where delta(x) is the Dirac delta function. This tells us that the amplitude at a certain angle theta will only contribute at a certain value of x, which is given by (lambda/2*pi)*sin(theta).

FAQ: Optics Question (I think about Fresnel-Kirchoff)

1. What is the Fresnel-Kirchoff principle?

The Fresnel-Kirchoff principle is a fundamental law in optics that describes how light waves interact with surfaces. It states that the total amplitude of the reflected or transmitted light is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the incident light and the scattered light, taking into account the angle of incidence and the surface properties.

2. What is the difference between Fresnel-Kirchoff diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction?

The main difference between Fresnel-Kirchoff diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction lies in the distance between the light source and the diffracting object. In Fresnel-Kirchoff diffraction, the light source is close to the diffracting object, resulting in a curved wavefront. In Fraunhofer diffraction, the light source is far away, resulting in a plane wavefront. This difference affects the mathematical equations used to describe the diffraction patterns.

3. How is the Fresnel-Kirchoff principle applied in optics?

The Fresnel-Kirchoff principle is used to calculate the intensity and phase of light waves after they interact with a surface. It is commonly used in the study of diffraction, reflection, and refraction of light. It also has applications in fields such as holography, astronomy, and microscopy.

4. What are some limitations of the Fresnel-Kirchoff principle?

One limitation of the Fresnel-Kirchoff principle is that it assumes a linear relationship between the surface properties and the reflected or transmitted light. This may not hold true for certain materials, such as nonlinear crystals. Additionally, it does not take into account the effects of polarization and coherence of light, which may be important in certain situations.

5. Can the Fresnel-Kirchoff principle be extended to three-dimensional objects?

Yes, the Fresnel-Kirchoff principle can be extended to three-dimensional objects, but it becomes more complex. The Huygens-Fresnel principle, which is a special case of the Fresnel-Kirchoff principle, can be used to calculate the diffraction patterns of three-dimensional objects. However, the mathematical equations become more complicated and usually require the use of numerical methods for accurate calculations.

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