Oscillations between planets, gravitational work

Simplifying, we get:a = (G * (m1 / r1^2 + m2 / r2^2)) / m We can then use this acceleration to solve for the frequency of oscillation using the formula:ω = √(k / m) Where k is the spring constant, which can be calculated using Hooke's law:k = F / x Where x is the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position. In this case, x is equal to the distance between the centers of masses of the two planets. I hope this helps in your understanding of these concepts. Keep up the good work!In summary, we discussed how to
  • #1

Homework Statement

Centers of masses of planets mass m1 i m2 and radius r1 i r2 are standing still on a distance l. What is the distance between point T (which is located on a place where graviation is 0) and the surface of the first planet?

How much work do we do if we move a body of mass m from the surface of the first planet to the point T?

If we pull a guide perpendikulat to the path that connects the centers of masses of the planets, in the point T and give a small push to the mass, what is the frequency of oscillation?

(the guide is just an object which prevents the mass from going anywhere else than up or down)


The Attempt at a Solution

a) solved, which means that l1 and l2 are known values

b) (s is the distance variable, l1 is the distance between the surface of the first planet and point M)

[tex]dA=F ds [/tex]
[tex]F=F_1+F_2 [/tex]
[tex]F_1=G m_1 m /s^2 [/tex]
[tex]F_2=G m_2 m /(l-l_1-l_2-s)^2 [/tex]
[tex]A=G m_1 m \int_0^{l_1} \frac{1}{s^2}+G m_2 m \int_0^{l_1} \frac{1}{(l-l_1-l_1-s)^2}[/tex]

If i integrate that i get infinite work done. Hints?


[tex]F_{1y}=Sin(\varphi_1) \frac{ G m_1 m }{r_1^2} \\ [/tex]
[tex]F_{2y}=Sin(\varphi_2) \frac{ G m_2 m }{r_2^2} \\ [/tex]
[tex]y=r_2 Sin(\varphi_2)=r_1 Sin(\varphi_1)[/tex]


I should just write Newtons law and get a differential equation for oscillation, but i don't have a linear connection between the force and the displacement y. Hints?
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I appreciate your curiosity and interest in these scientific concepts. I would like to offer some suggestions and insights to help you solve these problems.

a) To find the distance between point T and the surface of the first planet, we can use the formula for the center of mass of two objects:

x_cm = (m1x1 + m2x2) / (m1 + m2)

In this case, x_cm represents the distance between the two centers of masses, and x1 and x2 represent the distances from the center of mass to the surface of each planet. We can rearrange this equation to solve for x1, which will give us the distance between point T and the surface of the first planet.

b) It is important to keep in mind that work is the product of force and displacement. In this case, we are moving the body from the surface of the first planet to point T, which has a distance of x1 from the center of mass. Therefore, the work done will be:

W = F * x1

We can calculate the force using the formula for gravitational force:

F = G * (m1 * m) / x1^2

Substituting this into the work equation, we get:

W = (G * m1 * m * x1) / x1^2

Simplifying, we get:

W = G * m * m1 / x1

c) For this problem, we can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. In this case, the force acting on the object is the sum of the gravitational forces from both planets.

F = F1 + F2

We can calculate the force using the formula for gravitational force:

F1 = G * (m1 * m) / r1^2

F2 = G * (m2 * m) / r2^2

Substituting these into the force equation, we get:

F = (G * m * m1 / r1^2) + (G * m * m2 / r2^2)

Using Newton's second law, we can set this equal to the mass times acceleration:

F = m * a

(G * m * m1 / r1^2) + (G * m * m2 / r

FAQ: Oscillations between planets, gravitational work

1. What causes oscillations between planets?

The oscillations between planets are caused by the gravitational forces between them. These forces pull the planets towards each other and create a back-and-forth motion as they orbit around a common center of mass.

2. How do these oscillations affect the orbits of planets?

Oscillations between planets can affect the shape and stability of their orbits. If the oscillations are too strong, they can cause the orbit to become more elliptical or even result in a collision between the planets. However, if the oscillations are balanced, they can help to maintain a stable orbit.

3. Can gravitational work be done during these oscillations?

Yes, gravitational work can be done during oscillations between planets. As the planets move closer together and then further apart, the gravitational forces between them are constantly changing and doing work on the system. This work can result in changes in the kinetic and potential energy of the planets.

4. How do scientists study oscillations between planets?

Scientists study oscillations between planets using various methods, including mathematical models, simulations, and observations from telescopes and spacecraft. They also use principles of physics, such as Newton's laws of motion and the law of gravitation, to understand and explain the behavior of these oscillations.

5. Can oscillations between planets impact other objects in the solar system?

Yes, oscillations between planets can have a ripple effect on other objects in the solar system. For example, the gravitational pull of a large planet like Jupiter can cause smaller objects, such as comets and asteroids, to change their orbits and potentially collide with other planets or moons. These oscillations can also affect the orbits of artificial satellites and spacecraft.
