Could Wireless Technologies be a Cause of Parkinson's Disease?

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  • Thread starter waht
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In summary, low-frequency EM fields have been shown to induce a variety of biological changes in cells and animals. These changes include DNA damage, altered gene expression, increased protein synthesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis, changes in cell function, and changes in the function of the immune system. These effects have been observed at field levels below current safety standards. While the precise mechanisms by which these effects occur are not yet understood, research suggests that low-frequency EM fields may act through the formation of free radicals, changes in ion transport, alterations in calcium homeostasis, and interactions with other physiological systems. These effects have been observed in both laboratory and field studies, suggesting that they may play a role in the development of health effects in humans. Further research is
  • #1
What could be different causes of involuntary shaking like exhibited by Parkinsons disease?
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Biology news on
  • #2
Back in the early 80 some people came up with a street type heroin{1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine}, that was produced without the right equipment. As soon as it hit the street, people started dieing. We were getting up to 6 doa's a week in the Detroit area.
The people who did not die, began to show symptoms hours, days, or weeks after first shooting MPTP contaminated product. Inability to move properly, tremors, stiffness of the limbs, difficulty speaking. In other words the exact same symptoms as in advanced Parkinson's Disease, showing up in users of ages starting from their late teens.
  • #4
thanks that's very useful.

"tremor" is the keyword I was looking for.
  • #5
You can (informally, anyway) divide tremors into two classes. With Parkinson's disease the tremor occurs at rest and stops when the patient does something (like grasp a cup). In the other type, there is no tremor at rest but it occurs when the patient tries to do something (like grasping). These latter are called intentional tremors.

Vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with some essential tremors, but so are brain tumors and other nasty conditions. A visit to a neurologist is called for.
  • #6
Farrer (in Nature, 2006) displays several conditions that come under the popular rubrik of parkinsonism, e.g. synucleiopathies, including Parkinson disease; tauopathies, including dementias like frontal-temporal dementia and post-encephalopathic conditions, and other conditions with parkinsonian signs, including drug-induced and vascular.

I am suspicious of one that was not in Farrer's list, one that I would characterize as environmentally-induced, in a manner of speaking. Consider a patient over 80 with acquired diplopia that causes him difficulty walking; i.e. he cannot use visual sighting of space and target, and so begins to develop particular characteristics associated with this condition - slowed walking with shorter gait, slumped posture, balance difficulty, and head held habitually in an orientation to the ground. He complained of initiation difficulty in movement from a chair after seating for perhaps 15 minutes, and also difficulty initiating speech. The same patient was without cogwheeling rigidity, flat facies; but did endorse depressive symptoms, often with content about declining physical status, mostly balance and poor initiation, as well as the Parkinson's disease that had been diagnosed.

Has anyone had similar examples of a person having sensory problems that complicate the symptomatic picture of this group of disorders known as parkinsonism?
  • #7
Multiple peer reviewed studies have been emerging in recent years
concerning wireless pollution's extremely low frequency (ELF)
magnetic fields inducing stess response genes of Oxidative DNA damage to cells
and neurotoxic effects

Parkinson's type symptoms do come under the umbrella of neurotoxic

(medicine) Adverse effects on the structure or function of the central and/or peripheral nervous system caused by exposure to a toxic chemical, symptoms include muscle weakness, loss of sensation and motor control, tremors, cognitive alterations, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction

Univ of Albany dropped a bomb shell recently outlining evidence in that regard
BioInitiative Report:
A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard
for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)

Effects are not specifically segregated for ELF or RF, since many overlapping exposures
occur in daily life; and because this is an artificial division based on frequencies as
defined in physics that has little bearing on the biological effects. Both ELF and RF, for
example have been shown to cause cells to generate stress proteins, a universal sign of
distress in plant, animal and human cells.

Like second-hand smoke, EMF is a complex mixture, where different frequencies,
intensities, durations of exposure(s), modulation, waveform and other factors is known to
produce variable effects. Many years of scientific study has produced substantial
evidence that EMF may be considered to be both carcinogenic and neurotoxic.
SECTION 5: Evidence for Effects on Gene and Protein Expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research)
Dr. Xu and Dr. Chen
SECTION 6: Evidence for Genotoxic Effects – RFR and ELF DNA Damage
Dr. Lai
SECTION 7: Evidence for Stress Response (Stress Proteins)
Dr. Blank
SECTION 8: Evidence for Effects on Immune Function
Dr. Johansson
SECTION 9: Evidence for Effects on Neurology and Behavior
Dr. Lai
SECTION 14: Evidence for Disruption by the Modulating Signal
Dr. Blackman


Does "electromagnetic pollution" cause illness? An inquiry among Austrian general practitioners.
Leitgeb N, Schröttner J, Böhm M.
Institute of Clinical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.

More and more self-declared electromagnetic hypersensitive patients are entering physicians' practices seeking help. To assess the prevalence of cases and the opinion of Austrian physicians regarding the potential health-relevance of environmental electromagnetic fields ("electromagnetic pollution"), a statistical investigation among general practitioners was undertaken, with surprising results. Only one-third report on never having been asked about the health impact of electromagnetic pollution by patients. An overwhelming percentage of general practitioners (up to 96%) to some degree, or totally, believe in a health-relevant role of environmental electromagnetic fields, and only 39% have never associated health symptoms with "electromagnetic pollution". Two-thirds are consulted occasionally or even frequently by self-declared electromagnetic hypersensitive patients. However, sound information seems to be lacking. Knowledge on existing electromagnetic exposure limits and on environmental field levels in relation to them is poor. It is remarkable that authorities play a marginal role in informing physicians. Only 4% mention having received information on "electromagnetic pollution" from such a source. It is rather remarkable that there is such a widespread contradiction between physicians' opinions and established national and international health risk assessment. With respect to the frequency with which doctors are confronted with this issue, the results demonstrate an urgent need for action.


Electromagnetic pollution, caused by increasing human activity, in the area of utilization of electrical and electromagnetic energy, is slowly increasing without much appreciation of the consequential implications. While everyone is aware of the benefits derived from the high-tech electrical and electronic devices and systems, only few users are aware of the real or unsuspected dangers from them
Low frequency (< 300 Hz) electromagnetic (EM) fields induce biological changes that include effects ranging from increased enzyme reaction rates to increased transcript levels for specific genes. The induction of stress gene HSP70 expression by exposure to EM fields provides insight into how EM fields interact with cells and tissues. Insights into the mechanism(s) are also provided by examination of the interaction of EM fields with moving charges and their influence on enzyme reaction rates in cell-free systems. Biological studies with in vitro model systems have focused, in general, on the nature of the signal transduction pathways involved in response to EM fields.

long-term exposure to ELF-EMF which may cause oxidative DNA damage
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  • #8
gatga said:
Has anyone had similar examples of a person having sensory problems that complicate the symptomatic picture of this group of disorders known as parkinsonism?

The patients in Oliver Sacks' Awakenings had "post-encephalitic Parkinsons". The book has some detailed descriptions of the peculiar sensory distortions that caused some of their locomotion problems. Example: one patient who began running in tiny steps down the hall complained to Sacks that the floor had seemed to tilt down in front of him, which caused him to have to speed up to prevent himself from falling.

There were also experiences of time distortion: patients who appeared to be frozen in peculiar postures to the staff perceived themselves to be moving at an ordinary speed. Indeed, Sacks checked in on some of the patients over the course of the day and their frozen postures had changed.

There are many more bizarre sensory distortions reported in the book. A lot of these are in the copious footnotes, so anyone who reads it should not skip the footnotes.
  • #9
waht said:
What could be different causes of involuntary shaking like exhibited by Parkinsons disease?

I know a crystal meth user who has developed a hand tremor.
  • #10
zoobyshoe said:
The patients in Oliver Sacks' Awakenings had "post-encephalitic Parkinsons". The book has some detailed descriptions of the peculiar sensory distortions that caused some of their locomotion problems.

the temporal and spatial distortion is very interesting. I'll check the footnotes...
  • #11
zoobyshoe said:
I know a crystal meth user who has developed a hand tremor.

My mother supposely had Parkinson's She had lots of other symptoms but the
only shaking she had was just a right hand tremor It always seemed odd that
her tremors NEVER ESCALATED beyond the mere hand tremor
  • #12
I was notified that someone posted the below message but it seems to be removed Anyone know why? I do agree that Mercury could be part of the picture but I highly doubt that it is the one and only answer

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Mentors note: the original message was deleted, because the user was posting misinformation and was linking to a personal website.
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  • #13
Ya the symptoms of parkinson's disease are very prominent.One can easily come to know about it especially if that person is an elderly one.
  • #14
josephajain said:
Ya the symptoms of parkinson's disease are very prominent.One can easily come to know about it especially if that person is an elderly one.

Peer reviewed studies are releasing data that the advancement of wireless technologies
are indicating it is causing central nervous systems disorders of damaged to cells Parkinson's would fall into that category concerning central nervous system Michal J Fox wasn't elderly Sometimes diseases become prominient because much is kept away from the
publics knowledge of what could of helped a disease go in that direction in the first place
concerning damage within cells

FAQ: Could Wireless Technologies be a Cause of Parkinson's Disease?

1. What are the common symptoms of Parkinson's disease?

The most common symptoms of Parkinson's disease include tremors (shaking) in the hands, arms, legs, jaw, or face; stiffness in the arms, legs, or trunk; slow movement; and difficulties with balance and coordination.

2. Can Parkinson's disease be inherited?

Parkinson's disease is not typically inherited, but there are some rare cases where a genetic mutation can increase the risk of developing the disease. However, most cases of Parkinson's disease are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

3. What causes Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease is caused by a loss of nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine, a chemical messenger that helps control movement. The exact cause of this cell loss is still unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

4. How is Parkinson's disease diagnosed?

Parkinson's disease is typically diagnosed through a combination of a physical exam, medical history, and neurological tests. These tests may include a blood test, brain imaging, and a dopamine transporter scan.

5. Is there a cure for Parkinson's disease?

Currently, there is no cure for Parkinson's disease. However, there are medications and therapies that can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Research is ongoing to find new treatments and potentially a cure for the disease.
