How Do You Simplify This Partial Fraction Equation?

In summary: A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4} + \frac{D}{4^2}The first one seems right, but I think you should simplify the denominator:\frac{3s + 1}{s^2 + 2s + 4 + 16} = \frac{3s + 1}{s^2 +
  • #1
if you have

[tex]\frac{3s + 1}{(s+2)^2 + 4^2}[/tex]

does it become...

[tex]3s + 1 = \frac{A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4} + \frac{D}{4^2}[/tex]


[tex]3s + 1 = \frac{A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4^2}[/tex]
Mathematics news on
  • #2
What is the difference between a FACTOR, and a TERM?
  • #3
no idea? I take it your saying its just [tex]\frac{C}{4^2}[/tex]

Edit: oh nvm, you just ignore the part after B.. then add it in later...
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  • #4
[tex]3s + 1 = \frac{A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4} + \frac{D}{4^2}[/tex]

seems the more logic answer to me ; but I personally have not yet studies partial fractions . If , underneath you have :
(s+2)² + 4²
, then why would it not be A divided by (s+2) + B divided by (s+2) instead of B being divided by (s+2)² ?

thought Like I said, I have not yet learned these. If anybody can correct me , as I'm probably wrong , it would be appreciated of course.
  • #5
Partial Fractions Only work like that on FACTORS of the denominator. Is 4 a factor or just a term?
  • #6
snowJT said:
if you have

[tex]\frac{3s + 1}{(s+2)^2 + 4^2}[/tex]

does it become...

[tex]3s + 1 = \frac{A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4} + \frac{D}{4^2}[/tex]


[tex]3s + 1 = \frac{A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4^2}[/tex]

Looks to me like a Lapace Transform. No partial fractions required, split them and do some algebra work and you shell get your transforms. Yeah, definitely a Lapace Transform, hey If you need any help, you are welcome to pm me, I can help you out. I saw your recent threads, that give me alittle clue. Here is a big hint, there will be a cosine and a sine answer.
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  • #7
This has an interesting solution which comes from splitting (s+2)^2+4^2 into imaginary parts. However we then have a new term in i, so that we need three equations to solve (for the numerical value, for the value in s and for the value in i):


Then cross multiplying on the first two terms and adding the third gives:
A(s+2-4i)+B(s+2+4i)+C=3s+1. Giving A=B=3/2, C=-5.

Now should this be done in order to facilate integration, since A and B are the same, by cross multiplying the first two terms, we can eliminate the i term and are left with:

[tex]\frac{3(s+2)}{(s+2)^2+4^2}-\frac{5}{(s+2)^2+4^2}[/tex] So that integration is easy to perform, the first resulting in a log form and the second ,with the substitution 4u=s+2, in an arctangent form:

(3/2)In(s+2)^2+4^2) -(5/4)arctangent((s+2)/4)

Of course for integration it is now clear the only form needed is: [tex]\frac{3(s+2)}{(s+2)^2+4^2}-\frac{5}{(s+2)^2+4^2}[/tex]
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  • #8
Umm Tiny error robert, (s+2)^2 + 4^2 factors into (s+2+2i)(s+2-2i). And Why did you put the 3rd fraction?
  • #9
My bad, I didn't mean separate them into two equations. I mean split them and use the Lapace Transform identity of sine and cosine functions.
  • #10
Ahh actually I see Why We need the C, because I tried it without that and It turned out 3 had to equal 1/2, So i needed a constant term..Let me do it one second
  • #11
why go through all that robert? you can do it so much quicker by separation?
  • #12
[tex]\frac{3s+1}{(s+2)^2+4^2}=\frac{A}{s+2+4i}+\frac{B} {s+2-4i}+\frac{C}{(s+2)^2+4^2}[/tex]

Cross multiply, equate co efficents.

[tex]3s+1 = (A+B)s + (2A+2B + C) + (4B-4A)i[/tex]

2A+2B + C =1
Since there are no imaginary terms in 3s+1, 4B-4A = 0.

Since 4B-4A=0, B=A. But A+B=3, A=B=1.5
Putting those values is to 2A+2B+C=1 gives C= -5.

[tex]\frac{3s+1}{(s+2)^2+4^2}=\frac{3}{2(s+2+4i)}+\frac{3} {2(s+2-4i)}-\frac{5}{(s+2)^2+4^2}[/tex]
  • #13
Ok thanks for that, I just thought i could be treated like any other constant therefore didnt need any special treatment, but I see why I am wrong thanks.
  • #14
mathPimpDaddy:why go through all that robert? you can do it so much quicker by separation?

I don't know, except the original question ask to find a partial fraction form. I am adding the assumption that this is for integration, since that is frequently the case.
  • #15
I've checked his previous threads, they are all forms of laplace transforms. Look at his original form, doesn't it look familiar?
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  • #16
Personally, I avoid imaginary terms whenever possible, so factor the 3 out of the numerator and proceed with the common denominator.

[tex]3\(\frac{s+\frac{1}{3}} {(s+2)^2+4^2}\)[/tex]
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  • #17
simple partial fractions help (warning complex analysis :P )

Homework Statement

the question can be ignored - it involves laplace and Z transforms of RLC ckts.

Vc(s) =          0.2
             s^2 + 0.2s + 1

find the partial fraction equivalent such that it is :
  -j(0.1005)     +    j (0.1005)
--------------    ------------------
s + 0.1-(0.995)    s + 0.1 + j(0.995)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

      0.2                      A                     B
---------------  =  ---------------------  +  -------------------
s^2 + 0.25 + 1      s + (0.1 - j(0.995)))     s + (0.1 + j(0.995))

0.2 = A(s + 0.1 + j(0.995)) + B(s + (0.1 - j0.995))

0.2 = As + A(0.1 + j(0.995)) + Bs + B(0.1 - j0.995)

so As + Bs = 0
or (A + B) = 0
or A = -B
0.2 = j(0.995A) - j(0.995B)

somethings not right - if i evaluate this I don't get anywhere near the answer
  • #18
snowJT said:
if you have

[tex]\frac{3s + 1}{(s+2)^2 + 4^2}[/tex]

does it become...

[tex]3s + 1 = \frac{A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4} + \frac{D}{4^2}[/tex]


[tex]3s + 1 = \frac{A}{(s+2)} + \frac{B}{(s+2)^2} + \frac{C}{4^2}[/tex]

The first one seems right, but I think you should simplify the denominator:

[tex]\frac{3s + 1}{s^2 + 2s + 4 + 16} = \frac{3s + 1}{s^2 + 2s + 20} = \frac{3s + 1}{(s + 1 + \sqrt{19}j)(s + 1 - \sqrt{19}j)} [/tex]

So now you can do partial fractions:

[tex]\frac{3s + 1}{(s + 1 + \sqrt{19}j)(s + 1 - \sqrt{19}j)} = \frac{A}{(s + 1 + \sqrt{19}j)} + \frac{A^*}{(s + 1 - \sqrt{19}j)}[/tex]

I'm going to assume you know how to solve for A and A* so i'll just post the answer that I got:

[tex]3.078e^{-t}cos(\sqrt{19}t - 0.225)[/tex]

FAQ: How Do You Simplify This Partial Fraction Equation?

1. What are partial fractions?

Partial fractions are a method used to simplify and solve algebraic fractions. It involves breaking down a complex fraction into simpler fractions that are easier to work with.

2. When are partial fractions used?

Partial fractions are typically used in integration, where they can help solve integrals that would otherwise be difficult to solve. They are also used in solving linear differential equations.

3. How do you find the partial fraction decomposition of a given fraction?

To find the partial fraction decomposition, you first need to factor the denominator of the fraction into linear and irreducible quadratic factors. Then, you set up a system of equations and solve for the unknown coefficients. Once you have the coefficients, you can rewrite the original fraction as a sum of simpler partial fractions.

4. What is the purpose of using partial fractions?

The main purpose of using partial fractions is to simplify complex fractions and make it easier to solve equations or integrals involving fractions. It can also help identify patterns and relationships within the original fraction.

5. Are there any limitations to using partial fractions?

Yes, there are limitations to using partial fractions. This method can only be used if the denominator can be factored into linear and irreducible quadratic factors. It also may not work for fractions with repeated or complex roots.

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