Particle Distribution & Nano Modification of Acrylic Adhesives

In summary, for resources on nano modification of structural adhesives, the National Nanotechnology Initiative website is a great starting point, along with textbooks and papers on the subject that can be found through online searches and academic databases.
  • #1
Hi everyone. I'm doing some research into the nano modification of structural adhesives (glues), particularly acrylic adhesives. The aim of the research is to essentially find out what effect different nano scale additives have on the performance of the adhesive.

The problem is that I'm a mechanical engineer, and a lot of this is overlapping with the chemistry side of things.

Could anyone point me in the direction of some good resources (either textbooks, papers, webpages etc) regarding the following:

Particle distribution and it's relation to concentration
Nanomodification techniques

Thanks guys
Chemistry news on
  • #2
! A great resource to start with is the National Nanotechnology Initiative website. This is a US government-funded website that provides information on all aspects of nanotechnology, including particle distribution and nanomodification techniques. Additionally, the website provides links to other relevant websites and resources. In terms of textbooks and papers, there are a number of books available on the topic of nanomaterials and their applications. Some of these include: • Nanomaterials for Adhesives and Sealants by G.S.P. Rao and B.S. Murty • Nanocomposite Adhesives and Sealants by L.J. Gibson • Nano Science and Technology in Adhesives and Sealants by C.E. Banks There are also a number of scientific papers available online, which can be found by searching the web or through academic databases such as Google Scholar.

FAQ: Particle Distribution & Nano Modification of Acrylic Adhesives

What is particle distribution in acrylic adhesives?

Particle distribution in acrylic adhesives refers to the arrangement and size of the solid particles within the adhesive. This can affect the overall performance of the adhesive, including its strength and ability to bond to different surfaces.

How does particle distribution impact the strength of acrylic adhesives?

The particle distribution in acrylic adhesives plays a significant role in determining the strength of the adhesive. A uniform distribution of particles can result in a stronger bond, while an uneven distribution can lead to weak spots and decreased bond strength.

What is nano modification in acrylic adhesives?

Nano modification in acrylic adhesives involves incorporating nanoparticles into the adhesive formulation. These nanoparticles can improve the properties of the adhesive, such as increasing its strength and enhancing its adhesion to various surfaces.

How does nano modification affect the performance of acrylic adhesives?

Nano modification can improve the performance of acrylic adhesives in several ways. It can increase the adhesive's strength, improve its ability to bond to different surfaces, and enhance its resistance to environmental factors such as heat and moisture.

Are there any potential risks associated with using nano modified acrylic adhesives?

There are currently no known risks associated with using nano modified acrylic adhesives. However, as with any product containing nanoparticles, proper handling and safety precautions should be followed to prevent potential health hazards.
