Why Is PSU Creamery Ice Cream So Irresistible?

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    Ice State
In summary: But that's pretty much it.In summary, PSU Creamery ice cream is delicate and satisfying, with milkshakes that are also good. UW's Babcock Hall ice cream is also good, but I prefer PSU. The best ice cream I've ever had is at a small chain called Graeter's, which is also from Cincinnati.
  • #1
Have you ever had PSU Creamery ice cream?

The delicate texture is neither too soft nor too hard, but perfect. When your spoon (or tongue) comes into contact with your favorite flavor, the experience is at once wholesome and satisfying, but also teasing. I can't understand how I lived without it. The milkshakes, I hear, are pretty good as well. I'm going to give them a try within the next few days (it's HOT at University Park-- over 90 right now).
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  • #2
z-component said:
Have you ever had PSU Creamery ice cream?

The delicate texture is neither too soft nor too hard, but perfect. When your spoon (or tongue) comes into contact with your favorite flavor, the experience is at once wholesome and satisfying, but also teasing. I can't understand how I lived without it. The milkshakes, I hear, are pretty good as well. I'm going to give them a try within the next few days (it's HOT at University Park-- over 90 right now).

I'll challenge your PSU ice cream with U. of Wisconsin's Babcock Hall ice cream! :)

UW, being in a dairy state, of course has a creamery and a school on making ice cream. I remember way back when, when you asked for a single, you actually get 2 fat scoops of ice cream. Their best ever was a double double chocolate almond (the 2 double's weren't a typo). It was so rich in chocolate, I think the chocolate was melting out of the ice cream. They had that only for one season and it never reappeared for the rest of the years I was there.

OK, I hate you. Now I have a craving for some good ice cream. I may have to make a quick run to a ColdStone after I get home.

  • #3
We have a Cold Stone too, actually, but it's not as popular as PSU's. I had Cold Stone a few months ago, I believe it was the Birthday Cake special. It had their famous cake batter ice cream with chocolate and sprinkles.

Anyway, I can't say PSU's is better than U of Wi's but I can say that ice cream is now one of my favorite foods. "From cow to the cone in three days" is what the tour guides say here. It's awesome going into the Creamery and seeing boxes and boxes of ice cream in the freezer.

You know, I hate myself too. I want some but it's too hot outside!
  • #4
And I'd challenge both of you to compete against anything that comes out of the Ohio State Physics dept. liquid nitrogen ice cream maker.
  • #6
I've heard stories about Cornell's ice cream too...

EDIT: Why can't UA have ice cream :(
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
And I'd challenge both of you to compete against anything that comes out of the Ohio State Physics dept. liquid nitrogen ice cream maker.

And I challenge all of you to a staring contest.
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  • #8
I've just met my aunt and her daughter in a nearby store and we all went to Donald's for cones.
  • #9
Gokul43201 said:
And I'd challenge both of you to compete against anything that comes out of the Ohio State Physics dept. liquid nitrogen ice cream maker.
Brain Freeze! :biggrin: :smile:

Actually, I think the creameries at most Ag universities are pretty good. I used to get chocolate malts (with extra malt) at the creamery where I went to school. :-p
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  • #10
let us agree on one this coldstone is the world largest, most overpriced, and best tasting ice cream everywhere?
  • #11
Nope. I've had both too and The Creamery is still the best iced cream I've ever had.
  • #12
You guys are making miss Graeters! :cry: That's a small chain local to Cincinnati. It's the one thing I REALLY miss about living there, especially on a HOT day like today when ice cream would be perfect. It's just plain old store-bought here. :frown:
  • #13
Moonbear said:
You guys are making miss Graeters! :cry: That's a small chain local to Cincinnati.
It's up here in Columbus as well. They've got some Graet ice cream! Really!
  • #14
I hate to say it, but there's a place right outside Cornell (I forget the name, I used to go there after doing hockey camp at Cornell) that completely kicks every other places ass.

And I'm unbiased, since I'm not even going to Cornell
  • #15
Gokul43201 said:
It's up here in Columbus as well. They've got some Graet ice cream! Really!
Theirs is the best I've had anywhere! Even Ben & Jerry's or Haagen Dazs taste like cardboard by comparison. Black raspberry chip is just the thing for a hot summer day, and their butter pecan tastes like someone made it out of melted butter! :approve: The only thing I didn't like were their sorbets...too sweet for me. Oh...what was the name of the one they made specially for the Ohio State fans? Buckeye Blitz, or something like that? It has chocolate covered peanut butter balls that are supposed to resemble buckeyes.

I might have to visit you just as an excuse to go to a Graeters! Columbus is a bit closer than going all the way to Cincinnati. :biggrin:
  • #16
You bet! Most all weekends this summer are good for me. No impending conferences for nearly 9 months and nothing else that's keeping me permanently chained to the lab. Maybe, we should have a Summer gathering at Columbus, wot?

Meanwhile, I've got to try me the butter pecan. Sounds yummy!
  • #17
Best icecream? In my taste, Italian icecream, in Italy!
  • #18
Gokul43201 said:
You bet! Most all weekends this summer are good for me. No impending conferences for nearly 9 months and nothing else that's keeping me permanently chained to the lab. Maybe, we should have a Summer gathering at Columbus, wot?
Ooh, that would be fun! I should have a few free weekends coming up if anyone else wants to plan a Columbus get-together in the next month or two. I propose we meet at Graeters! :biggrin:

Meanwhile, I've got to try me the butter pecan. Sounds yummy!
I made it my mission to try every flavor they had before I moved. Actually, I had avoided the mint chip, because I'm not usually fond of that flavor, then a friend had six pints of it shipped to me as a thank you gift for rescuing them from near kitchen disasters over Christmas (I wouldn't dare try shipping it this time of year...it'd melt before I got it, even with it packed on dry ice), and included mint chip with it...I even liked their mint chip, and I never like mint chip!
  • #19
Teecher said:
And I challenge all of you to a staring contest.

...I win.
  • #20
I like baskin robbins pumpkin ice cream. You can only get it in october. It's good.
  • #21
MeJennifer said:
Best icecream? In my taste, Italian icecream, in Italy!

I wouldn't doubt it.

There is an Italian Ice Cream Parlour here in town. Expensive, but worth it. Mmmmm... good.
  • #22
JasonRox said:
I wouldn't doubt it.

There is an Italian Ice Cream Parlour here in town. Expensive, but worth it. Mmmmm... good.

Actually, there are two types of "italian ice cream" or more commonly known as gelato. The ones that are predominantly from southern Italy are more like sorbet, i.e. the contain very little or no fat. The ones from the northern part of Italy are creamier.

Strangely enough, the cremier gelato has typically less milk fat than the super premium ice cream we find in the US such as Ben and Jerry and Hagen Daz. What makes the gelato feels very creamy and silky is that it isn't whipped as much, and so it contains less air and more dense, but the ice crystals are extremely small. This gives it the very smooth texture. This texture is what is missing in cheap ice cream.

  • #23
The more milk fat, the better! Of course they should add only as much as needed. Häagen-Dazs is very fattening indeed and overpriced in my opinion. Eating quality ice cream here at PSU spoiled me forever... I'll never be able to eat Edy's or Breyers again.

FAQ: Why Is PSU Creamery Ice Cream So Irresistible?

1. Why is Penn State ice cream so popular?

Penn State ice cream is popular because of its rich and creamy texture, delicious flavors, and high-quality ingredients. It is also made on campus at the Penn State Creamery, giving it a unique and special touch.

2. What makes Penn State ice cream different from other brands?

Penn State ice cream is made with fresh milk and cream from the university's own dairy cows, giving it a farm-to-cone experience. It also uses minimal additives and preservatives, making it a more natural and wholesome choice.

3. How many flavors of Penn State ice cream are there?

There are over 100 different flavors of Penn State ice cream, ranging from classic favorites like vanilla and chocolate to unique flavors like "Peachy Paterno" and "Bittersweet Mint."

4. Is Penn State ice cream only available on campus?

While the Penn State Creamery on campus is the main location for purchasing ice cream, there are also retail locations throughout the state of Pennsylvania and online ordering options for those outside of the area.

5. Is Penn State ice cream made with sustainable practices?

Yes, Penn State ice cream is made with sustainable practices in mind. The university follows eco-friendly methods for producing and packaging their ice cream, and also supports local farmers and suppliers for their ingredients.

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