When Does Paid PF Contribution Show on Profile?”

  • Thread starter *Kia*
  • Start date
In summary, you get a yellow name (like Daddy W), and have the option of an avatar and signature and various other perks.
  • #1
Gold Member
Ummmmmmm if you're a piad up PF contributor - when does it show on your profile?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You get a yellow name (like Daddy W), and have the option of an avatar and signature and various other perks.
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  • #3
I know what you get but the question is when? :-p

My fingers didn't mean piad either they meant paid :blushing:
  • #4
Pretty soon, I'd think. Like within a day. I'm not sure if there's some elaborate hack in the system that sees you contribution and assigns you a new status, or if Greg does it manually. If the latter, it depends on how often Greg comes online and such, but I'd guess that this shouldn't take longer than a day.

Why do you ask ?
  • #5
because I paid up over a week ago :cry:
  • #6
Haha, you got screwed.

Really though, you should see if your payment went through.. because it seems you should be a member by now.
  • #7
*Kia* said:
because I paid up over a week ago :cry:
Sometimes there is a glitch. PM Greg Bernhardt and give him the details and he will manually fix it. When I did it, it was instantaneous.

Thanks for contributing! :approve:
  • #8
*Kia* said:
because I paid up over a week ago :cry:
If one paid electronically, as in credit card or Paypal, it should be quick. If one paid by mail, then it happens when the check arrives and the fee is verified, or so I would imagine.

I think mine took a few days - but that was last year, some time, IIRC.
  • #9
I'd say definitely PM Greg (unless you paid by check, then give it time to arrive and clear). I think when I first contributed, it was almost instantaneous. It shouldn't take a week. Greg might have to manually upgrade you if there was a glitch.
  • #10
did you pay in US currency or...

sorry couldn't resist :biggrin:

Its instantaneous if paid by paypal afaik
  • #11
Anyone that mails in a payment should send Greg a PM to let him know it's coming.
  • #12
It was paypal and it appears to be on my card statement.
I'm going to double check to be absolutely without a shadow of a doubt that that payment is the right one and then I shall pm Greg with my sorrows :smile:

thanks very much :wink:
  • #13
*Kia* said:
It was paypal and it appears to be on my card statement.
Well, I never had a 'card statement', whatever that is, but I also went by PayPal. It took almost a week to go through. It was worth the wait, though.
  • #14
Looks like it gotten taken care of. :smile:
  • #15
Thanks Greg and thanks you guys for teling me who to pm.
I appeared my payment had gone from my debit card (hence my card statement), and "got lost" it was sat there all lonely waiting to be claimed hehehe.

I feel special now!
  • #16
:mad: I wish I could afford a premium membership
  • #17
When I paid I had wondered how long it may take then I logged back on right after paying and I was already upgraded.
Yomamma, maybe you should get a job mowing lawns or delivering news papers. :biggrin:
  • #18
Kia, I'm trying to figure out what your avatar is (terrible they have to be so tiny). Is that a cat swimming with a rat? :bugeye: Nifty!

Now you need a signature too! :biggrin:
  • #19
looks like the cat is saving the rat?
  • #20
hahaha a cat with a rodent (rat I think - too big to be a mouse) laying on the floor! :smile: :smile:

Now that sig, hmmmmmmmmmmm well, none of my usual sigs would be applicable :rolleyes:

Just the same as I don't think "Deviant Cyber Mastiff" would be a fitting custom title... :eek:

FAQ: When Does Paid PF Contribution Show on Profile?”

1. What is a paid PF contribution?

A paid PF contribution refers to the amount of money that is contributed by an employee towards their Provident Fund (PF) account. This contribution is a percentage of the employee's salary and is deducted each month by the employer.

2. How long does it take for a paid PF contribution to show on my profile?

The time it takes for a paid PF contribution to show on your profile may vary depending on the processing time of your employer and the PF department. In general, it can take anywhere from 1-2 months for the contribution to reflect on your profile.

3. Can I see my paid PF contribution on my profile immediately after it is deducted?

No, you will not be able to see your paid PF contribution on your profile immediately after it is deducted. As mentioned before, it can take 1-2 months for the contribution to show on your profile.

4. What should I do if my paid PF contribution does not show on my profile after 2 months?

If your paid PF contribution does not show on your profile after 2 months, you should contact your employer and the PF department to inquire about the status of your contribution. They will be able to provide you with more information and assist you in resolving any issues.

5. Can I check my paid PF contribution online?

Yes, you can check your paid PF contribution online through the PF department's website. You will need to create an account and log in to view your contribution details. However, it may take some time for the contribution to reflect on the website, so it is recommended to wait for 1-2 months before checking.

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