Piezoeletric voltage generation calculation

  • #1

I was wondering if someone could post or create/explain a simple piezoeletric problem in which a stress acts on a piezo material and creates a voltage.

I want to be able to understand how to caculate the voltage generated and current created.

Thanks for any help
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Try here, under applications.
  • #3
Thanks Timmay!
  • #4
Ok real quick so I followed throught it and understand

But when the start working the problem they say

d33= 25 pC/N

but when the work the problem the use 10.10^-10 for their e value to C?
shouldnt that e be 25pC/N?
  • #5
The first expression calculates the capacitance C of the sensor. Epsilon is the electrical permittivity of the material, A is the area, t thickness. C'' is the capacitance per unit area.

[tex]C^{''} = \frac {\epsilon} {t}[/tex]

[tex]C = \frac {\epsilon A} {t}[/tex]

[tex]C = 10E^{-10}\times\frac {1E^{-2}*1E^{-2}} {100E^{-6}}[/tex]

[tex]C = 100 pF[/tex]

To calculate the charge generated under a load of 10 N:

[tex]Q = 25 pC/N \times 10 N = 250 pC[/tex]

Knowing the relationship between voltage, charge and capacitance:

[tex]V = \frac {Q} {C}[/tex]

[tex]V = \frac {250 pC} {100 pF}[/tex]

[tex]V = 2.5 V[/tex]

Make a bit more sense?
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  • #6
Where exactly did you find these calculations. I am currently in a research team in high school working on developing piezoelectric nanofibers.