Point-Counterpoint: Political Issues

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: Ah, that would make sense. But actually, he was speaking at a summit on malaria and thanking those who have responded to the call to act against the disease. He acknowledges the progress made and renews the commitment to a world without malaria.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
It might be intersting to list only one point and counterpoint wrt to political issues. Of course a point or counterpoint can be used again as a point. Obscure quotes should be supported with a link. Personal opinions may be used as counterpoints or points, but please limit all statements to no more than two lines of text.

No other discussion please.

Point [McCain~]: I won't surrender in Iraq. I won't surrender to terrorists.

Counterpoint [Obama~] We need to be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in. We need to create alliances so as to reduce the burden on the US. The war on terror is everyone's war.
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  • #2
I used to play Point - Counterpoint with my ex (based on the old 60 minute segment). I always played the devil's advocate. He didn't get it.

<back to our regularly scheduled programming>
  • #4
Ms. South Carolina: "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uhmm, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and uh, I believe that our, I, education like such as uh, South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uhhh, our education over here in the US should help the U.S., umh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us."

GWB: "Because of your work, children who once wanted to die are now preparing to live." (Dec. 14, 2006)
  • #5
GWB: “We got issue in America. Too many good docs are getting out of business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their... their love with women all across the country.” — Sept. 6, 2004

Michael Moore: “The United States is number 37 in health care around the world, just slightly ahead of Slovenia.” — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sicko"
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  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
Ms. South Carolina: "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uhmm, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and uh, I believe that our, I, education like such as uh, South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uhhh, our education over here in the US should help the U.S., umh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us."

GWB: "Because of your work, children who once wanted to die are now preparing to live." (Dec. 14, 2006)
I'm lost. How is this point - counterpoint?

It seems more like an example of dumb and dumber! :biggrin:
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
GWB: "Because of your work, children who once wanted to die are now preparing to live." (Dec. 14, 2006)


What is the context of this?
  • #8
President Bush Attends White House Summit on Malaria

THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for inviting me to what sounded like a festive occasion. (Laughter.) I'm honored to be here. I'm pleased to visit with you all here at the National Geographic Society, and I am won't to thank you for inviting me to come to this important conference. I appreciate all of today's speakers, including my personal favorite -- (laughter) -- Laura.

As you conclude this summit, we turn our thoughts to those who carry the burden of sickness during this holiday season. There are members of our own families here in America who are ill, and they live in villages halfway around the world away. For many of their illnesses, there is a known relief -- for many there is no known relief. Yet for malaria, we know exactly what it takes to prevent and treat the disease. The only question is whether we have the will to act. All of you have heard the call to act -- and you have responded, and I appreciate your compassion.

Because of your work, children who once wanted [sic] to die are now preparing to live, and whole regions are replacing suffering and fear with hope and health. We can take pride in the progress we have made, and today we will renew our commitment to a world without malaria...
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  • #9
ShawnD said:
Because of your work, children who once wanted [sic] to die are now preparing to live
What is the context of this?

Ivan Seeking said:
President Bush Attends White House Summit on Malaria

THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for inviting me to what sounded like a festive occasion. (Laughter.) I'm honored to be here. I'm pleased to visit with you all here at the National Geographic Society, and I am won't to thank you for inviting me to come to this important conference. I appreciate all of today's speakers, including my personal favorite -- (laughter) -- Laura.

As you conclude this summit, we turn our thoughts to those who carry the burden of sickness during this holiday season. There are members of our own families here in America who are ill, and they live in villages halfway around the world away. For many of their illnesses, there is a known relief -- for many there is no known relief. Yet for malaria, we know exactly what it takes to prevent and treat the disease. The only question is whether we have the will to act. All of you have heard the call to act -- and you have responded, and I appreciate your compassion.

Because of your work, children who once wanted [sic] to die are now preparing to live, and whole regions are replacing suffering and fear with hope and health. We can take pride in the progress we have made, and today we will renew our commitment to a world without malaria...

Thanks. For a minute, I was imagining Bush speaking at an anti-abortion rally.
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  • #10
Gokul was having some fun here. Let's keep it on the level please. :biggrin:
  • #11
Point: "Senator Clinton supports governors like Governor Spitzer who believe they need such a measure (drivers licenses for illegal aliens) to deal with the crisis caused by this administration's failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform," http://www.boston.com/news/nation/a..._drivers_license_plan_for_illegal_immigrants/

Counterpoint: "I support Governor Spitzer's decision today to withdraw his proposal," Clinton said in a statement. "As president, I will not support driver's licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration including border security and fixing our broken system." http://www.anchorrising.com/barnacles/004922.html

Who could argue with that?
  • #12
Point Romney: "John McCain is a dishonest and liberal Washington insider unworthy of the Republican presidential nomination".

Counterpoint Romney: "I endorse John McCain for President of the US".

The talking heads are having heart attacks! Even their "conservative" Romney has betrayed them.
  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
Point Romney: "John McCain is a dishonest and liberal Washington insider unworthy of the Republican presidential nomination".

Counterpoint Romney: "I endorse John McCain for President of the US".

LOL. :-p
  • #14
Point - March 2008:
[Narrator] It's 3 AM, and your children are safe and asleep. But there's a phone in the White House, and it's ringing. Something's happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call, whether it's someone who already knows the world's leaders, knows the military, someone tested and ready to lead in a dangerous world. It's 3 AM, and your children are safe and asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?

[SEN. HILLARY CLINTON] I'm Hillary Clinton, and I approve this message.


Counterpoint - October, 2004:
[FMR. PRES. CLINTON] Now, one of Clinton's laws of politics is this: If one candidate's trying to scare you and the other one's trying to get you to think, if one candidate's appealing to your fears and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope.

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FAQ: Point-Counterpoint: Political Issues

What is Point-Counterpoint?

Point-Counterpoint is a debate-style format where two individuals or groups present opposing arguments and evidence on a particular topic or issue.

What is the purpose of Point-Counterpoint?

The purpose of Point-Counterpoint is to provide a platform for discussing and analyzing different perspectives on a political issue, in order to promote critical thinking and informed decision-making.

How does Point-Counterpoint differ from a traditional debate?

Unlike a traditional debate, Point-Counterpoint allows for a more in-depth and nuanced discussion of a political issue, as both sides are given equal time and opportunity to present their arguments and rebuttals.

What are the benefits of using Point-Counterpoint in political discussions?

Point-Counterpoint encourages individuals to consider multiple viewpoints and think critically about complex political issues, leading to a more well-rounded understanding and potentially finding common ground or potential solutions.

How can Point-Counterpoint be used effectively in political discourse?

Point-Counterpoint should be used as a tool for respectful and constructive dialogue, where both sides actively listen to each other's arguments and avoid personal attacks. It can also be utilized in educational settings to teach students how to analyze and evaluate different perspectives on political issues.

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