Is Gauss' Lemma the Key to Non-UFDs in Polynomial Rings?

In summary: Similarly, ##s^{-1}(sb(x))\in R[x]##, and since ##rs=1##, we have ##s=r^{-1}##, so ##s^{-1}(sb(x))=r^{-1}(rb(x))=b(x)\in R[x]##. Therefore, ##a(x)## and ##b(x)## are both in ##R[x]##, which contradicts the assumption that ##a(x)\notin R[x]##.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
Exercise 1, Section 9.3 in Dummit and Foote, Abstract Algebra, reads as follows:

Let R be an integral domain with quotient field F and let \(\displaystyle p(x) \in R[x] \) be monic. Suppose p(x) factors non-trivially as a product of monic polynomials in F[x], say \(\displaystyle p(x) = a(x)b(x) \), and that \(\displaystyle a(x) \notin R[x] \). Prove that R is not a unique factorization domain. Deduce that \(\displaystyle \mathbb{Z}[2\sqrt{2}\) is not a unique factorization domain.

I found a proof on Project Crazy Project which reads as follows:

Suppose to the contrary that R is a unique factorization domain. By Gauss’ Lemma, there exist \(\displaystyle r, s \in F \) such that \(\displaystyle ra(x), sb(x) \in R[x] \)and \(\displaystyle (ra(x))(sb(x)) = p(x) \). Since p(x), a(x) and b(x) are monic, comparing leading terms we see that rs = 1. Moreover, since a(x) is monic and \(\displaystyle ra(x) \in R[x] \), we have \(\displaystyle r \in R \). Similarly, \(\displaystyle s \in R \), and thus \(\displaystyle r \in R \)is a unit. But then \(\displaystyle a(x) \in R \), a contradiction. So R cannot be a unique factorization domain.


Question (1)

Consider the following statement in the Project Crazy Project Proof:

"Moreover, since a(x) is monic and \(\displaystyle ra(x) \in R[x] \), we have \(\displaystyle r \in R \)."

My reasoning regarding this statement is as follows:

Consider [TEX] a(x) = x^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + ... ... + a_1x + a_0 [/TEX] ... ... ... (a)

Then [TEX] ra(x) = rx^n + ra_{n-1}x^{n-1} + ... ... + ra_1x + ra_0 [/TEX] ... ... ... (b)

In equation (b) r is the coefficient of [TEX] x^n [/TEX] and coefficients of polynomials in R[x] must belong to R

Thus [TEX] r \in R [/TEX]

Is this reasoning correct? Can someone please indicate any errors or confirm the correctness.


Question (2)
The last part of the Project Crazy Project (PCP) reads as follows:

Moreover, since a(x) is monic and \(\displaystyle ra(x) \in R[x] \), we have \(\displaystyle r \in R \) Similarly, \(\displaystyle s \in R \), and thus \(\displaystyle r \in R \)is a unit. But then \(\displaystyle a(x) \in R \), a contradiction. So R cannot be a unique factorization domain.Why does r and s being units allow us to conclude that [TEX] a(x) \in R[x] [/TEX]? (I am assuming that the author of PCP has made an error in writing R in this expression and that he should have written R[x]

I would be very appreciative of some help.


[Please note that this set of questions is also posted on MHF]
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  • #2
Since ##r## is a unit and ##ra(x)\in R[x]##, then the product ##r^{-1}(ra(x))\in R[x]##, that is, ##a(x)\in R[x]##.
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FAQ: Is Gauss' Lemma the Key to Non-UFDs in Polynomial Rings?

1. What is a polynomial ring?

A polynomial ring is a mathematical structure that is formed by combining a set of variables and coefficients with basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. The resulting expressions are called polynomials, and the set of all possible polynomials forms a ring.

2. What is a UFD?

A UFD, or unique factorization domain, is a type of ring in which every element can be expressed as a unique product of irreducible elements. This means that any element in a UFD can be broken down into a specific set of prime factors, much like how integers can be factored into prime numbers.

3. How are polynomial rings and UFDs related?

Polynomial rings can be thought of as a special type of UFD, as every polynomial in a polynomial ring can be factored into a unique product of irreducible polynomials. In fact, polynomial rings are often used to construct UFDs.

4. What is the importance of UFDs in mathematics?

UFDs are important in mathematics because they allow for unique factorization of elements, which can simplify calculations and proofs. They are also used in many areas of mathematics, such as algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry.

5. How can I determine if a ring is a UFD?

There are several criteria that a ring must meet in order to be considered a UFD. These include being a commutative ring with a unit element, having unique factorization of elements, and satisfying the ascending chain condition for principal ideals. There are also specific theorems and algorithms that can be used to determine if a ring is a UFD.

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