Problem about spherical angle operators

I'm not sure what would be a good term, but "some" basis. But then you can represent \hat{p} in the position basis as -i\hbar\partial/\partial x. In summary, the conversation discusses the eigenfunctions and hermiticity of operators in quantum mechanics. It is suggested to use Dirac bra-ket notation to represent the operators and their eigenfunctions. To prove hermiticity, an integral representation of the braket is used and the operator must give the same result when operated on the wavefunction from either the left or right. The conversation also touches upon the completeness property and provides an example using the momentum operator. Finally, there is a discussion on the representation of an operator in
  • #1

Here's the problem I am trying to do.

a) Is the state [itex]\psi (\theta ,\phi)=e^{-3\imath \;\phi} \cos \theta [/itex]

an eigenfunction of [itex]\hat{A_{\phi}}=\partial / \partial \phi[/itex] or of
[itex]\hat{B_{\theta}}=\partial / \partial \theta [/itex] ?

b) Are [itex]\hat{A_{\phi}} \;\mbox{and} \;\hat{B_{\theta}}[/itex] hermitian ?

c)Evaluate the expressions [itex]\langle \psi \vert \hat{A_{\phi}} \vert \psi \rangle [/itex]
and [itex]\langle \psi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle [/itex]

Now [itex] \hat{A_{\phi}}[/itex] has imaginary eigenvalues , so its not hermitian.
I could show that [itex]\psi[/itex] is an eigenfunction of square of [itex] \hat{B_{\theta}}[/itex]. I have been able to show that the commutator of A and B is zero.
So with this information, how do I check the hermiticity of B ?

for part c) , since there are two state variables , I am little confused about how to go
about it ? any guidance will be appreciated... thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you know how to represent the braket as an integral? If so, then to prove hermiticity you need to show that <ψ|Βψ> = <ψΒ|ψ>, i.e. that operator B gives the same result when it operates either to the left or to the right.
  • #3
but this wavefunction has two variables, so how do I evaluate these amplitudes ?
  • #4
You do a double integral over two-dimensional spherical space.
  • #5
IssacNewton said:
Now [itex] \hat{A_{\phi}}[/itex] has imaginary eigenvalues , so its not hermitian.
I could show that [itex]\psi[/itex] is an eigenfunction of square of [itex] \hat{B_{\theta}}[/itex]. I have been able to show that the commutator of A and B is zero.
So with this information, how do I check the hermiticity of B ?
Commutator is irrelevant here. What is an eigenfunction of B? What is the corresponding eigenvalue? Is it real?
IssacNewton said:
for part c) , since there are two state variables , I am little confused about how to go
about it ? any guidance will be appreciated... thanks
What Kuruman said.
  • #6
[tex]\langle \psi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle = \int \langle \psi \vert \theta ,\phi \rangle \langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle d\theta \;d\phi [/tex]

is this the correct way ? so what next ? these kets in [itex]\theta[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] , sre those eigenfunctions of B ?
  • #7
That's almost right. You need to throw a factor of sin θ in there because the infinitesimal element of solid angle is [itex]d\Omega = \sin\theta\,d\theta\,d\phi[/itex].
  • #8
ok vela

so that would be

[tex]\langle \psi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle = \int \langle \psi \vert \theta ,\phi \rangle \langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle \sin \theta \;d\theta \;d\phi [/tex]

so now what ? how do I evaluate this ?
  • #9
I guess you don't know how to represent a braket as an integral.

[itex]<\psi|B|\psi>=\int \psi^*(B\psi) sin \theta \: d \theta \: d\phi[/itex]

You operate on the wavefunction with B to get a new function then integrate as indicated.
  • #10
Hi kuruman

to go from my equation to your equation , we need to assume the following

[tex]\langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle = \hat{B_{\theta}} \langle \theta , \phi \vert \psi \rangle [/tex]

am i right ? if so , is the above equality always true , for all operators ?
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  • #11
You really need to beef up your understanding of Dirac bra-ket notation. When we write
B|ψ> we mean "operate on function ψ with operator B", i.e. find a new function
[itex]f(\theta,\phi)=\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\psi(\theta,\phi)[/itex]

When we write <ψ|Β|ψ>,
<ψ| stands for ψ*(θ,φ)
Β|ψ> stands for f(θ,φ)
and closing the braket stands for "do the integral" [itex]\int \psi^*(\theta,\phi)f(\theta,\phi) \: sin\theta \:d\theta\:d\phi[/itex]
  • #12
Or to put it a little more formally,[itex]\langle \theta,\phi \vert \psi \rangle[/itex] is the representation of [itex]\vert \psi \rangle[/itex] in the [itex]\vert \theta,\phi \rangle[/itex] basis. That is, [itex]\langle \theta,\phi \vert \psi \rangle = \psi(\theta,\phi)[/itex]. Similarly, you have [tex]\langle \theta,\phi \lvert \hat{B}_\theta \rvert \psi \rangle = \frac{\partial}{\partial\theta} \psi(\theta,\phi)[/tex]
Putting it all together, you get[tex]\langle \psi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle
= \int \langle \psi \vert \theta ,\phi \rangle \langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle \sin \theta \,d\theta \,d\phi
= \int \psi^*(\theta ,\phi) \left[\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta} \psi(\theta,\phi)\right] \sin \theta \,d\theta \,d\phi[/tex]
  • #13
kuruman , i was looking for more formal explanation. i am just using completeness property.

vela said:
Similarly, you have [tex]\langle \theta,\phi \lvert \hat{B}_\theta \rvert \psi \rangle = \frac{\partial}{\partial\theta} \psi(\theta,\phi)[/tex]

which is what i was saying exactly in post # 10 .

[tex]\langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle = \hat{B_{\theta}} \langle \theta , \phi \vert \psi \rangle [/tex]

is it not ?

i remember studying somewhere about the derivation of such relationship. i will give an example about the momentum operator [itex]\hat{P}[/itex]

[tex]\langle x \vert \hat{P} \vert \psi \rangle =\int \langle x \vert \hat{P} \vert p \rangle \langle p \vert \psi \rangle dp [/tex]

[tex]= \int p \langle x \vert p \rangle \langle p \vert \psi \rangle dp [/tex]

now we know

[tex]\langle x \vert p \rangle = \frac{1}{(2\pi \hbar)^{1/2}}\; e^{ipx/ \hbar} [/tex]

putting this in the integral ,

[tex]= \int p \;\; \frac{1}{(2\pi \hbar)^{1/2}}\; e^{ipx/ \hbar} \langle p \vert \psi \rangle dp [/tex]

[tex]= \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\int \frac{\hbar}{i} \frac{1}{(2\pi \hbar)^{1/2}}\; e^{ipx/ \hbar} \langle p \vert \psi \rangle dp [/tex]

[tex]= \frac{\hbar}{i} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \int \langle x \vert p \rangle \langle p \vert \psi \rangle dp [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{\hbar}{i} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \langle x \vert \psi \rangle [/tex]

this is what i was talking about. is there any such process by which we can show that ,

[tex]\langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle = \hat{B_{\theta}} \langle \theta , \phi \vert \psi \rangle [/tex]

thanks :cool:
  • #14
IssacNewton said:
which is what i was saying exactly in post # 10 .

[tex]\langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B_{\theta}} \vert \psi \rangle = \hat{B_{\theta}} \langle \theta , \phi \vert \psi \rangle [/tex]

is it not?
To be a bit pedantic, sort of, but not exactly. I have [itex]\partial/\partial\theta[/itex] on the right-hand side, not [itex]\hat{B}_\theta[/itex]. Consider [itex]\hat{B}_\theta[/itex] as some abstract operator while [itex]\partial/\partial\theta[/itex] is its representation in the [itex]\vert\theta,\phi\rangle[/itex] basis. So you have[tex]\langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B}_\theta \vert \psi \rangle = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} \langle \theta , \phi \vert \psi \rangle [/tex]
Though it's common, I see writing [itex]\hat{B}_\theta = \partial/\partial\theta[/itex] as kind of sloppy if you want to stick with the formalism of inserting complete sets, etc. It makes sense to apply [itex]\partial/\partial\theta[/itex] to the wave function of [itex]\theta[/itex], but not to an abstract ket.

It's just like how [itex]\hat{p}[/itex] is the momentum operator in a general sense while [itex]p[/itex] and [itex](\hbar/i) \partial/\partial x[/itex] are its representations in, respectively, the momentum and position bases. Say you have some ket [itex]\vert \psi \rangle[/itex]. Then you have \begin{align*}
\langle x \lvert \hat{p} \rvert \psi \rangle &= \frac{\hbar}{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\langle x \vert \psi \rangle = \frac{\hbar}{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \psi(x) \\
\langle p \lvert \hat{p} \rvert \psi \rangle &= p\langle p \vert \psi \rangle = p\psi(p)
It wouldn't make sense to use [itex](\hbar/i) \partial/\partial x[/itex] when you're working in the momentum basis and vice-versa. Once you choose a basis, you know how to represent the operator and you have also chosen which wave function to use.

So getting back to your original question, I think saying [itex]\hat{B}_\theta = \partial/\partial\theta[/itex] pretty much tells you that you're working in a particular basis and that
[tex]\langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B}_\theta \vert \psi \rangle = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} \langle \theta , \phi \vert \psi \rangle [/tex]
  • #15
You could also look at this way:
[tex]\langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B}_\theta \vert \psi \rangle = \langle \theta , \phi \vert \hat{B}_\theta \psi \rangle = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} \psi(\theta,\phi)[/tex]
  • #16
so vela ,

is this the definition of the the way operator acts on the ket ?

so when an operator acts on the ket [itex]\vert \psi \rangle[/itex] one way to evaluate it
is to take the inner product of this ket with some bra [itex]\langle x \vert[/itex] and then
use the representation of the operator in the basis of this bra. i am using the book,
"Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications" by Nouredine Zettili and he uses
the operators in a sloppy way. Can you suggest any book or online resource where the formalism of quantum mechanics is presented the way it should be.
  • #17
I wouldn't say it's a definition, but yeah, what you're describing is essentially what it boils down to. When you multiply a ket by [itex]\langle x \vert[/itex] on the left, you're finding the representation of the ket in that basis. This is what I was getting at in post #15. When you act on [itex]\vert \psi \rangle[/itex] with [itex]\hat{B}_\theta[/itex], you get the state [itex]\vert \hat{B}_\theta \psi \rangle[/itex]. Then when you multiply by [itex]\langle \theta, \phi \vert[/itex], you're choosing a basis. In that basis, the state is represented by the derivative with respect to θ of the [itex]\psi(\theta,\phi)[/itex].

You could also say
\hat{A} \vert \psi \rangle &= \int dx \vert x \rangle \langle x \vert \hat{A} \vert \psi \rangle \\
&= \int dx \vert x \rangle \int dx'\langle x \vert \hat{A} \vert x'\rangle\langle x' \vert \psi \rangle
which you can interpret as the representation of operator A in the x basis multiplied by the representation of the state ψ in the same basis.

In any case, don't get too caught up in the mathematical formalism. What kuruman said back in post #11 is what you need in a practical sense.
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FAQ: Problem about spherical angle operators

1. What are spherical angle operators?

Spherical angle operators are mathematical tools used in spherical trigonometry and geometry to describe the positions and orientations of points, lines, and planes on a sphere. They involve the use of three angles, typically denoted as theta (θ), phi (φ), and lambda (λ), to represent the location of a point on the surface of a sphere.

2. How do spherical angle operators differ from traditional coordinate systems?

Spherical angle operators differ from traditional coordinate systems, such as Cartesian coordinates, in that they are specifically designed to describe positions and orientations on a sphere rather than a flat plane. This means that they take into account the curvature of the sphere and use angles instead of linear measurements.

3. What are some practical applications of spherical angle operators?

Spherical angle operators have a variety of practical applications in fields such as astronomy, navigation, and geodesy. They can be used to calculate the positions of celestial objects, determine the shortest distance between two points on a sphere, and map out the Earth's surface.

4. How are spherical angle operators related to spherical trigonometry?

Spherical angle operators are closely related to spherical trigonometry, as they involve the use of trigonometric functions to calculate the relationships between angles and sides on a sphere. In fact, spherical angle operators are often used to solve problems in spherical trigonometry.

5. Can spherical angle operators be used in three-dimensional space?

No, spherical angle operators are specifically designed for use on a sphere and cannot be applied to three-dimensional space. However, they can be extended to describe positions and orientations on other curved surfaces, such as ellipsoids or hyperboloids.
