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Homework Statement
I have a 5m long simply supported beam, with supports at points 0m and 5m. There's a UDL of 10kNm^-1 from 0m to 4m. It has downward forces acting at 2m (10kN) & 4m (15kN). I need to sketch a bending moment diagram to determine the position & value of the max bending moment. I'm asked to show workings using 1m intervals for bend moment calcs.
Homework Equations
Taking moments from one end to determine upward supports.
The Attempt at a Solution
UDL = 4m x 10kN^-1 = 40kNm^-1 @ 2m (centre of)
Taking moments from Support 1 (R1) = 10x2 + 40x2 + 15x4 = R2 x5
R2 = 160/5 = 32kN. ∴ R1 - 33kN (As the sum of downward forces = 65kN)
I've sketch a shear force diagram that I'm happy with, now to where I'm becoming undone.
Calculating the bending moments for the beam @ 1m intervals
M0 = 0
M1 = 33x1 - (10x0.5x1(UDL)) = 33-5 = 28kN @ 1meter
M2 = 33x2 - (10x1x2(UDL)) - (10x1) = 66-30 = 36kN @ 2meters
M3 = 33x3 - (10x1.5x3(UDL)) - (10x2) = 99-65 = 34kN @ 3meters
M4 = 33x4 - (10x2x4(UDL)) - (10x3) - (15x1) = 132-125 = 7kN @ 4meters
I'm assuming M5 has to be zero. This just doesn't feel right to me. I've got 15kN acting @ 4m and it doesn't seem to be having an effect on the diagram if graphed. I have to be doing something wrong?
Thanks for any help.