Projection of surface area elements in vector calculus

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the normal, n, at a point on the surface S1 and using it to relate the size of the area element at that point to its projection on the xy-plane. The solution involves calculating the gradient and using the normal vector to find the projection, with the correct normalization factor.
  • #1

Homework Statement

(i) Find the normal, n, at a general point on the surface S1 given by; x2+y2+z = 1 and z > 0.

(ii) Use n to relate the size dS of the area element at a point on the surface S1 to its
projection dxdy in the xy-plane.

The Attempt at a Solution

To find n initially I have just done the grad giving 2x,2y,1

Then with the projection of the surface element I have done that dS=[itex]\hat{n}[/itex]dS and in this case because it is the xy plane it is just in the [itex]\hat{k}[/itex] direction.


and so I thought dxdy=[itex]\frac{dS}{\sqrt{1+4x+4y}}[/itex]

I'm really not sure about this so and pointers would be a great help, thanks.

Also, sorry about the poor LaTeX!
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  • #2
jj364 said:
Then with the projection of the surface element I have done that dS=[itex]\hat{n}[/itex]dS and in this case because it is the xy plane it is just in the [itex]\hat{k}[/itex] direction.
I think I'm following you here, but I'm not sure what your two "it"s are referring to.


This is just the k-component of ##\hat{n}##, right?
Check your normalization factor here, it's not quite correct.
Otherwise, I think you're on the right track.
  • #3
Yes sorry, wasn't being very clear, I did mean the k component of n hat there yes. Ok I see the problem with the normalisation factor there, should be 4x2 and 4y2, thank you very much!