Prove the convergence/divergence of a given series

  • Thread starter mahler1
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In summary, the series with general term ##a_n=\dfrac{1}{n^plog(n)^q}, n\geq 2## converges if ##q>0## and ##p>1##; ##q>1## and ##p=1##, and diverges if ##q>0## and ##p<1##; ##0<q\leq 1## and ##p=1##. The convergence and divergence can be shown using the integral test, Cauchy condensation test, and comparison test.
  • #1
Homework Statement .

Show that the series with general term ##a_n=\dfrac{1}{n^plog(n)^q}, n\geq 2##

converges if: ##q>0## and ##p>1##; ##q>1## and ##p=1##
diverges if: ##q>0## and ##p<1##; ##0<q\leq 1## and ##p=1##

The attempt at a solution.

I could solve the problem for the cases ##q>1## and ##p=1##, and ##0<q\leq 1## and ##p=1##:

For these two cases I can use the integral test where ##f(x)=\dfrac{1}{xlog(x)^q}##.

By making the substitution ##u=log(x)##, I got that ##\int_2^{+\infty} f(x)dx## converges if and only if q>1.

Now, I don't now how to show the convergence and divergence respectively for the other two remaining cases (q>0). I would appreciate any suggestions.
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  • #2
Do you know the Cauchy condensation test?
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  • #3
micromass said:
Do you know the Cauchy condensation test?

Sure, so now I have to analyze the convergence of the series of term ##b_n=\dfrac{2^n}{(2^n)^plog(2^n)^q}##. So ##\dfrac{2^n}{(2^n)^plog(2^n)^q}=\dfrac{2^{n(1-p)}}{n^qlog(2)^q}=\dfrac{(2^{1-p})^n}{n^qlog(2)^q}##.

I know that the series ##\sum \dfrac{1}{n^q}## converges if ##q>1## and that the geometric series ##\sum (\dfrac{1}{2^{p-1}})^n## converges for ##p-1\geq 1##, which means, for ##p>1##.

Now, I have some doubts on the following: Is it true that if ##\sum a_n## and ##\sum b_n## converge ##\implies## ##\sum a_nb_n## converges? If this is the case, by what I've previously said, the original series would converge for ##p>1## and ##q>1##. For the same reason, if what I've asked is true, then for ##q=1## and ##p>1## the original series converges as well.

I still don't know what to do if ##q>0## and ##p<1##
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  • #4
mahler1 said:
Sure, so now I have to analyze the convergence of the series of term ##b_n=\dfrac{2^n}{(2^n)^plog(2^n)^q}##. So ##\dfrac{2^n}{(2^n)^plog(2^n)^q}=\dfrac{2^{n(1-p)}}{n^qlog(2)^q}=\dfrac{(2^{1-p})^n}{n^qlog(2)^q}##.

I know that the series ##\sum \dfrac{1}{n^q}## converges if ##q>1## and that the geometric series ##\sum (\dfrac{1}{2^{p-1}})^n## converges for ##p-1\geq 1##, which means, for ##p>1##.

Now, I have some doubts on the following:

Is it true that if ##\sum a_n## and ##\sum b_n## converge ##\implies## ##\sum a_nb_n## converges?

In this case (series of positive numbers) it is true. But you could just apply the comparison criterion instead of this theorem, which I guess you will need to prove in order to use it (you can prove it by the comparison criterion!)

If this is the case, by what I've previously said, the original series would converge for ##p>1## and ##q>1##.

Try the comparison test.

I still don't know what to do for the cases ##q=1## and ##p>1##

Comparison test will work here too. The idea is that the exponential will always dominate the polynomial factor. So if the exponential goes to ##0##, then it will do so way faster than any polynomial factor, making the series diverge.

##q>0## and ##p<1##

The exponential factor will diverge here and this will again dominate the entire series. So try to show divergence. Think about the limit of the sequence of terms.
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  • #5
micromass said:
In this case (series of positive numbers) it is true. But you could just apply the comparison criterion instead of this theorem, which I guess you will need to prove in order to use it (you can prove it by the comparison criterion!)
Try the comparison test.
Comparison test will work here too. The idea is that the exponential will always dominate the polynomial factor. So if the exponential goes to ##0##, then it will do so way faster than any polynomial factor, making the series diverge.
The exponential factor will diverge here and this will again dominate the entire series. So try to show divergence. Think about the limit of the sequence of terms.
For convergence I could prove with the comparison test, as you've suggested. For q>0 and p<1, I could show divergence by the ratio test, thanks for the help!

FAQ: Prove the convergence/divergence of a given series

What is the definition of convergence/divergence of a series?

The convergence or divergence of a series refers to the behavior of the terms in the series as the number of terms approaches infinity. A series is said to converge if the terms approach a finite limit, and it is said to diverge if the terms do not approach a limit or approach infinity.

How do you prove the convergence/divergence of a series?

To prove the convergence or divergence of a series, one can use various tests such as the comparison test, limit comparison test, ratio test, and root test. These tests involve analyzing the behavior of the terms in the series and using mathematical techniques to determine if the series converges or diverges.

What is the role of the limit in determining the convergence/divergence of a series?

The limit plays a crucial role in determining the convergence or divergence of a series. In the definition of convergence, the limit represents the value that the terms in the series approach as the number of terms increases. If this limit exists and is a finite value, the series is said to converge. If the limit does not exist or is infinite, the series is said to diverge.

How do you use the comparison test to prove the convergence/divergence of a series?

The comparison test involves comparing the given series to a known series whose convergence or divergence is already known. If the known series converges and the given series is smaller than the known series, then the given series must also converge. Similarly, if the known series diverges and the given series is larger than the known series, then the given series must also diverge.

What is the difference between absolute and conditional convergence?

A series is said to have absolute convergence if the series of absolute values of its terms converges. On the other hand, a series has conditional convergence if the series itself converges, but the series of absolute values of its terms diverges. In other words, a series with absolute convergence will always converge, while a series with conditional convergence may or may not converge depending on the values of its terms.

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