Exploring the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe

In summary: PlowrightIn summary, the conversation discusses a theory about the expansion and contraction of the universe, with a focus on the roles of matter and a theoretical substance called elasticon. The theory also suggests that the universe is constantly trying to escape into a vast vacuum and that the gravitational waves observed by Einstein may be explained by the web of elasticons. However, the conversation is seen as overly speculative and lacking in solid evidence or argumentation. The poster acknowledges their lack of resources and invites input and criticism.
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Hi guys, I've been working on a theory for a bit and am wondering what you guys think. So here it is:

The universe expands through the expansive era. Then it contracts through the contracton era. The universe contracts until it finally collides in the center of the universe. This collision is called the singularity. When the singularity occurs the universe rebounds back into the expansive era. This is the big bang Outside of our universe is an infinitely large vacuum called the vuoto vasto that the universe is constantly trying to escape into.

Make Up Of The Universe
Matter- Protons, electrons, neutrons, photons, etc.
Elasticon- It’s like an elastic. A new form of theoretical matter. Elasticons are classified as dark matter.

Expansive Era
When the universe collides at the singularity, it collides with such force it creates massive amounts of energy. This energy shoots out away from the singularity, the start of the expansive era. Our universe is the matter and elasticon, but there is also the vuoto vasto (comes from italion words for vast vacuum) which acts upon our universe, the universe expands through the vuoto vasto. The universe is constantly trying to escape into the vuoto vasto and as it expands more surface area is exposed to the vuoto vasto, causing the expansion to accelerate.

Contractive Era
The universe is like a web of elastics with marbles on it. Marbles are matter and elastics are elasticons. You can pull an elastic until it reaches it’s stretch capacity, where you will start to feel resistance when you reach it’s maximum stretch capacity you feel a lot of resistance and then suddenly the elastic will snap. But the resistance from the elasticon is stronger than the force generated by the expansion of the universe through the vuoto vasto. Because this force is stronger the universe recoils in on itself just like if you were to let go of the elastic when it reached it’s maximum stretch capacity. This contraction occurs until the universe collides with itself at the singularity where the cycle starts again.

The problem is I am only finishing grade 9 now... so i don't possesses the resources or mathematics to even start to try to prove this. So I would appreciate any input. Good or bad. It also supports Einstein a bit because the membrane that the web of elasticons make would be what the gravitational waves distort. Also they found that there wasn't enough gravity in a galaxy to hold it together and after 1 or so rotations they galaxy would fall apart so this supports that too. well any input would be nice. thanks
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FAQ: Exploring the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe

What is the theory of the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe?

The Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe is a scientific theory that proposes that the universe goes through cycles of expansion and contraction. This theory suggests that after a period of expansion, the universe will eventually begin to contract, leading to a collapse and a new cycle of expansion.

What evidence supports the theory of the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe?

There is significant evidence to support the theory of the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe, including observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the distribution of galaxies, and the rate of expansion of the universe. Additionally, computer simulations and models have demonstrated that this cycle is a possible outcome based on our current understanding of the laws of physics.

How does the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe relate to the Big Bang theory?

The Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe is an extension of the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang theory states that the universe began with a rapid expansion from a single point, while the Expansive and Contractive Cycles theory suggests that this expansion is not a one-time event, but a repeating cycle.

What implications does the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe have for the future of the universe?

If the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe theory is correct, it has significant implications for the future of the universe. It suggests that the universe will continue to expand until it reaches a critical point, at which it will begin to contract and eventually collapse. This could lead to the creation of a new universe, starting the cycle again.

How does the Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe impact our understanding of the origin of the universe?

The Expansive and Contractive Cycles of the Universe provides a different perspective on the origin of the universe compared to the traditional Big Bang theory. It suggests that the universe has undergone multiple cycles of expansion and contraction, rather than a single event. This theory also raises questions about what existed before the current cycle and what will happen after the next cycle.

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