Purdue students sniff manure for science

In summary, the conversation discusses the unpleasant smells on hog farms and the experiences of a doctoral student, Luca Magnani, working in animal science. He mentions that hog farms are the worst to smell but he's used to it. He also mentions doing worse things, such as cleaning pens, and being offered money for muscle core samples. The conversation ends with a humorous suggestion of tasting the stinky air for $35.
  • #1
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http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080102/ap_on_sc/sniffing_stenches" ?

I only have one thing to say about this: "EEEEWWWWWWW!"

Luca Magnani, a doctoral student in animal science, said the hogs farms are the worst to smell, but he's used to being around animals, so it doesn't bother him much.

"Grad students are kind of poor. I've done worse than this, he said.

Er... such as what exactly, Luca?

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  • #2
Like de-winging fruit flys. I would of much rather sniffed some stinky air.
  • #3
I do not know what the farmers are using to manure the land these days but by heck it stinks.
  • #4
ZapperZ said:
Er... such as what exactly, Luca?

Going into the barns to clean the pens that the samples are coming from. :rolleyes:
  • #5
The OSU health sciences department was once offering what sounded like a pretty good deal for students: $1200 for some muscle core samples. At first, even as a non-starving student I had considered participating. But it turned out that for $1200 they wanted something like 50 cores over a period of a year! OUCH!
  • #6
ZapperZ said:
Er... such as what exactly, Luca?


Tasting it for $35?

FAQ: Purdue students sniff manure for science

1. What is the purpose of having Purdue students sniff manure for science?

The purpose of having Purdue students sniff manure for science is to collect data on the smell of manure and how it affects human sense of smell. This data can then be used to better understand the chemical compounds present in manure and their effect on the environment and human health.

2. How does sniffing manure help with scientific research?

Sniffing manure helps with scientific research by providing firsthand data on the smell of manure and its effects on humans. This data can be used to further study the chemical compounds present in manure and their impact on the environment and human health.

3. Are Purdue students chosen specifically for this task?

Yes, Purdue students are chosen specifically for this task because they have access to the university's research facilities and are trained in proper scientific research methods. Additionally, they are familiar with the local environment and agricultural practices, making them ideal candidates for this study.

4. What is the expected outcome of this study?

The expected outcome of this study is to gain a better understanding of the chemical compounds present in manure and how they affect human sense of smell. This information can then be used to develop strategies for reducing the negative impacts of manure on the environment and human health.

5. How will the results of this study be used?

The results of this study will be used to inform future research on manure management and its impact on the environment and human health. It may also be used to develop guidelines and regulations for handling and disposing of manure in a safe and sustainable manner.
