Questions bout the Chloride Shift in R.B.cell

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RBC, as it moves out, HCO3- is simply moving along with it.In summary, the chloride shift occurs in red blood cells when carbon dioxide dissociates into H+ and HCO3-. The HCO3- must go out and combine with sodium ions, while the H+ ions combine with hemoglobin. The presence of Cl- is still necessary for maintaining osmolarity and the altered pH of the RBC cytosol. This shift helps to neutralize the basic pH caused by HCO3- accumulating in the cell.
  • #1
Hi, i have a question bout the chloride shift that occurs in the red blood cell. After the carbon dioxide has dissociated into the Red Blood Cell's plasma and became H+ and HCO3- i would like to know why must the HCO3- must go out and combine with the Sodium ions and since the H+ ions have combined with Hemoglobin, Hb. Why is Cl- still needed and shifted into the Red Blood Cell? Doesn't H.Hb is already neutralized?

Sorry if you think this is a very easy question, but my book just told me there is a chloride shift, there is no explanation given on the mechanism. Thanks.
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  • #2
A wild guess:
Maybe there's not much space for all that HCO3- in the RBC, its m.wt. being 61 and for Cl- it is 35 ?

A better guess I think would be the altered pH of the RBC cytosol due to HCO3- accumulating in it causes it to become more basic?
Maybe the HCO3- may try to displace the H+ from H.Hb hence it has to be transported out?

Cl- is anyway needed for the maintenance of the osmolarity
  • #3

The chloride shift is an important mechanism that helps maintain the acid-base balance in the body. In the red blood cell, carbon dioxide (CO2) is converted into bicarbonate (HCO3-) and hydrogen ions (H+). The HCO3- is then transported out of the red blood cell and into the plasma where it can be carried to the lungs for elimination. However, in order to maintain electrical neutrality and prevent a buildup of positive charge in the red blood cell, chloride ions (Cl-) must enter the cell to replace the HCO3- ions that have left. This is known as the chloride shift.

As for your question about why H+ ions still need to combine with hemoglobin (Hb) and why Cl- ions are still needed, it is important to remember that the chloride shift is a dynamic process that is constantly occurring in the red blood cell. While H+ ions may have initially combined with Hb, as more CO2 is transported into the cell, more H+ ions are produced and need to be neutralized. Additionally, the HCO3- ions that were initially transported out of the cell may eventually be transported back in, further necessitating the need for Cl- ions to maintain electrical neutrality.

In summary, the chloride shift is an essential process in the red blood cell that helps maintain the body's acid-base balance. It involves the transport of HCO3- out of the cell and the simultaneous transport of Cl- ions into the cell to maintain electrical neutrality. This process is constantly occurring to ensure that the body's pH remains within a narrow range for optimal functioning. I hope this explanation helps clarify any confusion you may have had about the chloride shift.

FAQ: Questions bout the Chloride Shift in R.B.cell

1. What is the chloride shift in red blood cells?

The chloride shift, also known as the Hamburger effect, is a physiological process in which chloride ions (Cl-) move from the plasma into red blood cells (RBCs) in exchange for bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). This process helps to maintain the electrochemical balance in RBCs and is essential for proper carbon dioxide transport in the body.

2. Why is the chloride shift important?

The chloride shift is important for maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. It also plays a critical role in gas exchange, as it allows carbon dioxide to be transported from tissues to the lungs for exhalation. Additionally, the chloride shift helps to regulate the pH of RBCs, which is necessary for their proper functioning.

3. What triggers the chloride shift in RBCs?

The chloride shift is triggered by the presence of carbon dioxide in the blood. When carbon dioxide enters the RBCs, it combines with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which then dissociates into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions. The resulting increase in hydrogen ions causes a decrease in pH, which leads to the release of oxygen from hemoglobin and the uptake of chloride ions to maintain the electrochemical balance.

4. How is the chloride shift related to the Bohr effect?

The Bohr effect is a phenomenon in which the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen decreases in the presence of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions. This effect is closely related to the chloride shift, as the release of oxygen from hemoglobin during the chloride shift is triggered by the increase in hydrogen ions. Together, these processes help to ensure that oxygen is delivered to tissues in need.

5. Are there any disorders or diseases that can affect the chloride shift in RBCs?

Yes, there are several disorders and diseases that can affect the chloride shift in RBCs. For example, respiratory alkalosis, a condition in which the blood becomes too alkaline, can cause a decrease in the chloride shift. On the other hand, respiratory acidosis, a condition in which the blood becomes too acidic, can cause an increase in the chloride shift. Additionally, certain medications, such as diuretics, can also affect the chloride shift by altering the levels of bicarbonate and chloride ions in the blood.
