Questions from Schwinger's particles, sources and fields

Expert SummarizerIn summary, the author discusses the concept of infinitesimal transformations and their use in studying the behavior of a system under small changes. The author uses these transformations to obtain equation (3-10.4) by substituting them into the action expression (3-10.1) and simplifying the resulting expression. The variation of the Lagrangian is not needed in this derivation.
  • #1
Gold Member
My first question from his first volume.

On page 254, he writes down the action expression:

[tex](3-10.1)W=\int (dx)[K\phi+K^{\mu}\phi_{\mu}+\mathcal{L}][/tex]
Where the lagrangian is:
[tex] \mathcal{L}=-\phi^{\mu}\partial_{\mu} \phi +1/2 \phi^{\mu}\phi_{\mu} -1/2 m^2 \phi^2 [/tex]The consideration of infinitesimal, variable phase transformations of the sources:

[tex](3-10.2)\delta K(x) = ieq \delta \varphi (x) K(x) \ \ \delta K^{\mu}(x) = ieq \delta \varphi (x) K^{\mu}(x)[/tex]

and of the compensating field transformations:
[tex] \delta \phi (x) = ieq \delta \varphi (x) \phi(x) \ \ \delta \phi ^{\mu} (x) = ieq \delta \varphi (x) \phi^{\mu} [/tex]

gives directly (I don't see it how exactly, can someone show me?):
[tex](3-10.4) \delta W = \int (dx) [\phi((x) ieq K(x) + ieq \phi^{\mu} K_{\mu} ] \delta \varphi (x)[/tex]

I don't see how did he get (3-10.4), can someone elighten me.

Shouldn't he also take varaition of the lagrangian?!
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  • #2


Thank you for your question. I am happy to help clarify this for you.

In order to understand how the author obtained equation (3-10.4), we need to understand the concept of infinitesimal transformations. In physics, infinitesimal transformations are small changes made to a system that are so small that they can be considered to be infinitely small. These transformations are used to study the behavior of a system under small changes.

In this case, the author is considering infinitesimal, variable phase transformations of the sources, denoted by \delta K(x) and \delta K^{\mu}(x), and compensating field transformations, denoted by \delta \phi (x) and \delta \phi^{\mu} (x). These transformations are related to each other through the parameter \delta \varphi (x), which represents the small change made to the system.

Now, in order to derive equation (3-10.4), the author starts with the action expression (3-10.1). This action represents the total energy of the system, which is given by the integral of the Lagrangian over all space (dx). The Lagrangian, denoted by \mathcal{L}, is a function of the fields \phi and \phi^{\mu}, and their derivatives.

Next, the author substitutes the infinitesimal transformations into the action expression. This results in equation (3-10.3), which is the action expression with the infinitesimal transformations included.

To get to equation (3-10.4), the author then uses the fact that the infinitesimal transformations are infinitesimally small, and therefore, can be neglected in the expression (3-10.3). This allows the author to simplify the expression and obtain equation (3-10.4).

So, to answer your question, the author did not need to take the variation of the Lagrangian in order to obtain equation (3-10.4). The variation of the Lagrangian is used to obtain the equations of motion, but in this case, the author is simply deriving the action expression with the infinitesimal transformations included.

I hope this helps to clarify things for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


FAQ: Questions from Schwinger's particles, sources and fields

What are Schwinger's particles, sources and fields?

Schwinger's particles, sources, and fields are concepts developed by physicist Julian Schwinger to explain the fundamental interactions between particles and fields in quantum electrodynamics.

What is quantum electrodynamics?

Quantum electrodynamics, or QED, is a theory that describes the interactions between charged particles and electromagnetic fields. It is a fundamental theory of physics that has been extensively tested and is considered one of the most successful theories in modern physics.

What is the significance of Schwinger's work in QED?

Schwinger's work in QED has greatly contributed to our understanding of the fundamental interactions between particles and fields, particularly in the field of quantum electrodynamics. His research has also led to the development of new techniques and mathematical tools that have been applied in various areas of physics.

How do Schwinger's particles, sources and fields relate to each other?

Schwinger's particles are virtual particles that are constantly being created and annihilated in the quantum vacuum. Sources refer to the charged particles that interact with the electromagnetic field, while fields describe the physical fields that exist in space and interact with particles. Together, these three concepts help to explain the complex interactions between particles and fields in QED.

What are some practical applications of Schwinger's work?

Schwinger's work has led to important practical applications, such as in the development of new technologies like lasers and transistors. His theories have also been used in the field of quantum computing, which has the potential to greatly advance computing power and data storage capabilities.

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