Quick Reply Smilies: Do You Manually Type Them?

  • Thread starter Mk
  • Start date
In summary, some people type smilies manually into quick reply, while others use quick reply but still type the smilies themselves.

How many of you manually type in the smilies in quicky reply?

  • Total voters
  • #1
I'm sure we all use quick reply, but how many of you manually type in the smilies?
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  • #2
I know a lot of people do that.
  • #3
I would manually type them if they were :), :(, etc but most of the time I can't remember the :code:.
  • #4
It's no big deal :surpissed: :rolf: :buggrin: :moonbear:


  • #5
Mk said:
I'm sure we all use quick reply, but how many of you manually type in the smilies?
The only time that I use quick reply is if I don't want smilies or text manipulation, so that's a 'no' vote for me.
  • #6
I use quick reply but I don't know how to type in the smilies, can anyone tell me how to type them in quick-reply edit box ?
  • #7
I almost always use quick reply. Most of the cool smilies are easy to remember: :cool: :biggrin: :smile: :cry: :smile:
  • #8
I can't get smilies to work when on my laptop. :-(

(I'd like to put a crying one here but can't!)
  • #9
I use the quick reply box for all my posts. I'm using it now. I was actually just wondering If I was the only one who types smilies manually. :bugeye: :biggrin:
  • #10
wow, i never use quick reply... except for right now... cause i thought i'd use it cause i never have... there should be a not applicable choice.
  • #11
Even when I'm using normal mode, I type all the tags and smilies manually
  • #12
Adrian Baker said:
I can't get smilies to work when on my laptop. :-(

(I'd like to put a crying one here but can't!)
Type in : cry : withouth the spaces between cry and : :cry:
  • #13
dextercioby said:
It's no big deal :surpissed: :rolf: :buggrin: :moonbear:



:smile: :smile: Yep, :buggrin: is my favorite! :-p

I manually type them in whether I'm in quick reply or advanced; it's just faster, especially when the smilies move around and I would have to hunt for the one I want in their new order. It doesn't stop me from noticing when they move though.
  • #14
I never use quick reply.
  • #15
  • #16
Evo said:
I never use quick reply.

That's good to know and it could turn out to be really handy,if the US ever enter a shortage of quick replies,like the ones in Finland.

  • #18
What is that?
  • #20
Moonbear said:
:smile: You find the best things to share! :biggrin:
I'm starting to wonder if she finds them, or they find her. :rolleyes:

FAQ: Quick Reply Smilies: Do You Manually Type Them?

1. How do I use Quick Reply Smilies?

To use Quick Reply Smilies, you can either manually type them or use the insert function provided by the messaging platform. If you choose to manually type them, you can simply type the corresponding characters to create the desired smiley face.

2. What are the benefits of using Quick Reply Smilies?

Quick Reply Smilies can add a personal touch to your messages and make them more visually appealing. They can also help to convey emotions and tone in a quick and efficient manner.

3. Can I customize the Quick Reply Smilies?

Some messaging platforms may allow you to customize the Quick Reply Smilies by creating your own set of characters or by adding images. However, others may only have a set number of pre-made smilies to choose from.

4. Are Quick Reply Smilies universal across all messaging platforms?

No, Quick Reply Smilies may vary between messaging platforms. Some may have different sets or may not have Quick Reply Smilies at all. It is best to check the specific platform's guidelines for using smilies.

5. Is there a limit to how many Quick Reply Smilies I can use in one message?

This may vary between messaging platforms, but typically there is no limit to the number of Quick Reply Smilies you can use in one message. However, it is important to keep in mind that using too many smilies may make the message difficult to read or come across as excessive.

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