- #1
Morteza Rahimi
- 1
- 0
Homework Statement
The same question was asked on this forum about two years ago, however I did not find any of the given answers clear. The question was the following:
A small pond has a layer of ice 1cm thick floating on its surface. The air temperature is -10C.
(a) What is the temperature of the liquid water just below the ice?
(b) Write the expression for the rate of heat transfer through the ice as a function of thickness of the ice?
(c) Write the expression for the rate of heat flow required to freeze the water? Hint: first find how much heat must be removed to freeze a given thickness of ice.
(d) Find the rate in cm/hr at which ice is added to the layer.
(e) How long does it take for a 20cm layer to build up?
Homework Equations
H = dQ/dt = kA(TH - TC)/L
The Attempt at a Solution
for part b, I attempted to derive H with respect to L, and got the following:
dH/dL = -kA(TH - TC)/L2
I am not sure if I am misunderstanding what the question wants from me, and would appreciate any guidance anyone provides.