Recoil energy from neutrino question

In summary, the problem involves an Ar37 atom decaying into a Cl37 atom and a neutrino through electron K capture. The binding energy of the K capture is 3KeV and the mass difference between the two atoms is 816KeV. The task is to calculate the recoil energy of the Cl37 atom when the neutrino is emitted, which is known to be 9.6eV. After calculating the Q value to be 813KeV, the poster tried using linear momentum conservation but was unable to figure out the solution. However, the problem was eventually solved by using the equation E = p^2/2m and did not require taking into account the X-ray emission.
  • #1
Hi guys,

I've been struggling with this problem for a while now and can't seem to get anywhere with it. Roughly speaking:

We are given that an Ar37 atom decays through electron K capture into a Cl37 atom and a neutrino, plus a gamma ray of wavelength 4.2 Angstroms. The binding energy of the K capture is 3KeV and the mass difference between Ar37 and Cl37 is 816KeV. We've been asked to calculate the recoil energy of the Cl37 atom when the neutrino is emitted. We know the answer is 9.6eV but can't seem to get anywhere near it!

So far I've calculated the Q value to be 813KeV through the mass difference minus the binding energy of the captured electron. I've tried using linear momentum conservation knowing that the energy of the neutrino is E = pc. However, I can't even see how to begin.

Can anyone offer any starters? I've tried searching everywhere :( Thanks. I believe these are all the values we need to calculate it, but i am at a loss on what to do!
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  • #2
Hi guys (originally posted in the nuclear forum but since found this one),

I've been struggling with this problem for a while now and can't seem to get anywhere with it. Roughly speaking:

We are given that an Ar37 atom decays through electron K capture into a Cl37 atom and a neutrino, plus a gamma ray of wavelength 4.2 Angstroms. The binding energy of the K capture is 3KeV and the mass difference between Ar37 and Cl37 is 816KeV. We've been asked to calculate the recoil energy of the Cl37 atom when the neutrino is emitted. We know the answer is 9.6eV but can't seem to get anywhere near it!

So far I've calculated the Q value to be 813KeV through the mass difference minus the binding energy of the captured electron. I've tried using linear momentum conservation knowing that the energy of the neutrino is E = pc. However, I can't even see how to begin.

Can anyone offer any starters? I've tried searching everywhere :( Thanks. I believe these are all the values we need to calculate it, but i am at a loss on what to do!

[I realize this should be in a specific form but I'm literally about to go out right now, I will be back later and edit it if nessesary, thanks]
  • #3
Have you taken the X-ray into account in your momentum conservation calculations?
  • #4
Just want to say this has been solved now :)
  • #5
Thanks. This has been solved now! Didn't need to take into account the x-ray emission. It was simply a case of using E = p^2/2m...doh!

FAQ: Recoil energy from neutrino question

1. What is recoil energy from neutrino?

Recoil energy from neutrino is the energy transferred to a target particle when a neutrino interacts with it. This energy is a result of the collision between the neutrino and the target particle, and it can be measured by observing the recoil of the target particle.

2. How is recoil energy from neutrino measured?

Recoil energy from neutrino is typically measured using detectors that can capture and analyze the energy and direction of particles produced in the interaction between a neutrino and a target particle. These detectors can be large underground facilities or smaller, more portable devices.

3. What can we learn from studying recoil energy from neutrino?

By studying recoil energy from neutrino, scientists can gain insights into the properties of neutrinos, such as their mass and interaction strength. They can also use this information to study the characteristics of the target particles and potentially discover new particles or phenomena.

4. How does recoil energy from neutrino impact the Standard Model of particle physics?

The discovery and study of recoil energy from neutrino have provided evidence for the existence of neutrino oscillations, which is not accounted for in the Standard Model of particle physics. This has led to refinements and modifications of the model to better explain the behavior of neutrinos.

5. What are the potential applications of studying recoil energy from neutrino?

Studying recoil energy from neutrino has potential applications in various fields, including astrophysics, where it can help us understand the role of neutrinos in the evolution and behavior of stars and other celestial bodies. It also has applications in nuclear physics, where it can be used to study the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

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