How Fast Does Wine Level Decrease in a Conical Barrel During a Mythical Party?

In summary, the wood nymphs and satyrs are having a party in honor of Bacchus with a giant cone-shaped barrel filled with wine. The wine is disappearing at a rate of 6 cubic feet per hour and the question asks at what rate the depth of wine is decreasing when it reaches 4 feet. By using the formula for the volume of a cone and setting the rate of change of volume equal to -6, it can be determined that the rate of change of the depth of wine is -24/3(pi). However, the correct approach is to have the volume as a function of the depth only, which can be achieved by setting the ratio of the radius to the height as a constant value of 1/
  • #1
1.Suppose the wood nymphs and satyrs are having a hot party in honor of Bacchus and the wine is flowing freely from the bottom of a giant cone-shaped barrel which is 12 feet deep and 6 feet in radius at the top. if the wine is disappearing at a rate of 6 cubic feet per hour, at what rate is the depth of wine in the tank going down when the depth is 4 feet?

2. Homework Equations
volume of a cone: 1/3(pi)(r^2)(h)
Physics news on
  • #2
What have you done to try and solve it?
  • #3
i figured that dv/dt= -6
and that I am looking for dh/dt
-24/3(pi)= dh/dt

is that right?
  • #4
You need to have V as a function of h only, not both h and r. You seem to have done that by replacing r by 2 and I can see no reason to do that.

You are told that the entire cone has h= 12 and r= 6 and, as the level reduces it must retain that shape and that ratio: r/h= 6/12= 1/2 so r= (1/2)h.

Oh, I see where you got r= 2: when h= 4, r must be half that, 2. But when you differentiate, you need r as a function of h, not just the value at that particular time.

FAQ: How Fast Does Wine Level Decrease in a Conical Barrel During a Mythical Party?

1. What are related rates in mathematics?

Related rates is a mathematical concept that involves finding the rate of change of one variable with respect to another variable. It is often used to solve problems involving changing quantities, such as rates of motion or rates of growth.

2. How do related rates relate to wood nymphs?

The concept of related rates can be applied to various real-world scenarios, including the movement of natural objects such as wood nymphs. By understanding the relationship between different variables, we can determine the rate at which a wood nymph moves or changes position over time.

3. What are some common examples of related rates problems?

Some common examples of related rates problems include finding the rate at which a balloon is deflating, determining the speed of a car based on its position, and calculating the growth rate of a plant.

4. What are the steps for solving a related rates problem?

The steps for solving a related rates problem include identifying the changing variables, writing an equation that relates the variables, taking the derivative of the equation with respect to time, plugging in known values and solving for the unknown rate, and finally, answering the question in the context of the problem.

5. How can I practice and improve my skills in solving related rates problems?

One way to practice and improve your skills in solving related rates problems is by working through practice problems and seeking help from a tutor or teacher if needed. You can also try to apply the concept to real-world situations and think critically about the relationship between variables. Additionally, studying and understanding the underlying principles and formulas involved in related rates can also help improve your skills.
