Relative peculiar velocity of MBR vs that of neutrino background

In summary, the microwave background radiation is isotropic to its precursor, neutrino production, as both originate from the big bang and decouple from particles. Our planet's peculiar velocity with respect to the CMB should also apply to the overall production of neutrinos during the primordial production of protons. However, due to limitations in current neutrino detectors, this dipole in the CNB cannot be detected.
  • #1
Loren Booda
To what degree is the microwave background radiation isotropic to its precursor, neutrino production?
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  • #2
I looked at your link - I am not interested in chasing down the source of your assertion. In any case, the CMB results from the "Fact" that about 300,000 yrs after the big bang, the universe cooled down enough so that atoms formed from the protons, He4 nuclei, etc. combining with electrons. As a result the radiation, originating at the big bang, decoupled from the particles and flowed more or less freely. The radiation lost energy over time because of the universe expansion. Where neutrinos come into this picture I have no idea.
  • #3

Sorry, the link is actually part of my signature.

Our planet has a significant peculiar velocity relative to the Microwave Background Radiation (era of photon decoupling). I was wondering whether it could be theoretically determined if the same velocity applied to the overall production of neutrinos during the primordial production of protons (era of neutrino decoupling).
  • #4
Loren Booda said:
Our planet has a significant peculiar velocity relative to the Microwave Background Radiation (era of photon decoupling). I was wondering whether it could be theoretically determined if the same velocity applied to the overall production of neutrinos during the primordial production of protons (era of neutrino decoupling).

In theory, the CMB and CNB should define the same rest frame, so any motion we have with respect to the CMB would also be had wrt the CNB. In practice, however, our neutrino detectors are not yet capable of detecting this dipole in the CNB.

FAQ: Relative peculiar velocity of MBR vs that of neutrino background

1. What is the relative peculiar velocity of MBR and the neutrino background?

The relative peculiar velocity of the cosmic microwave background radiation (MBR) and the neutrino background is the difference in their velocities as observed from a stationary point in space. It is a measure of how fast the two backgrounds are moving relative to each other.

2. How is the relative peculiar velocity of MBR and the neutrino background measured?

The relative peculiar velocity can be measured using redshift data from the cosmic microwave background and the neutrino background. By comparing the redshift, which is a measure of how much the light from these backgrounds has been stretched due to their motion, the relative peculiar velocity can be calculated.

3. What causes the relative peculiar velocity between MBR and the neutrino background?

The relative peculiar velocity is caused by the expansion of the universe. As the universe expands, objects that are far apart from each other will have a higher relative velocity compared to objects that are closer together. The MBR and the neutrino background originate from different distances, hence their relative peculiar velocity.

4. How does the relative peculiar velocity of MBR and the neutrino background affect our understanding of the early universe?

The relative peculiar velocity can provide valuable insights into the early universe. It can help us understand the conditions and processes that led to the formation of these backgrounds. It can also give us clues about the density and distribution of matter in the early universe.

5. Is the relative peculiar velocity of MBR and the neutrino background constant?

No, the relative peculiar velocity is not constant. It varies depending on the distance between the MBR and the neutrino background, as well as the expansion rate of the universe. As the universe continues to expand, the relative peculiar velocity will also change.
