Row operations performed on two matrices

In summary, performing row operations on a matrix A to convert it to the identity matrix allows you to use the same row operations on another matrix B, resulting in A^(-1)B. The actual sequence of B's numbers does not matter as long as the same row operations are applied in the same order. This is because the result of all row operations on A will always combine to be the same operation, regardless of the exact sequence of steps taken.
  • #1
if you perform row operations on a matrix A to convert it to the identity matrix and then use the same row operations and apply it to another matrix B, why is it that the end result of B^r does not depends on B's actual sequence
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  • #2
What do you mean by B's actual sequence?
  • #3
And, what do you mean by "B^r"? Every row reduction is equivalent to an "elementary matrix"- the result of applying that row reduction to the identity matrix. Applying a given row operation to a matrix is the same as multiplying the corresponding elementary matrix. And applying row operations to A to reduce it the identity matrix means that the product of the corresponding elementary matrices is [itex]A^{-1}[/itex]. Applying those row operations to B gives [itex]A^{-1}B[/itex].

That means, in particular, that if you have the matrix equation Ax= B, and apply the the row operations that reduce A to the identity matrix to B, you get [itex]x= A^{-1}B[/itex], the solution to the equation.
  • #4
When I say Bs actual sequence, I mean the numbers that compose that matrix such as a 3x3 matrix with the numbers 654,896,327 and when I say Br I mean performing the exact same row operations that you did on A and applying them to B in the same order and I want to know why it doesn't matter what the actual sequence of B is as long as you're performing the same row operations on it as you did with another matrix, A
  • #5
I guess the short answer is that the result you get does depend on the entries of B in exactly the way that HallsofIvy explained.

What doesn't matter I guess is the exact sequence of steps you took to row reduce A. As long as you do row operations that eventually reduce A to the identity, the result of all those row operations combines to be the same operation. When you apply that operation on B, you'll always get the matrix A^(-1)B.

FAQ: Row operations performed on two matrices

1. What are row operations performed on two matrices?

Row operations are mathematical operations performed on two matrices in order to manipulate or transform them. These operations include multiplying a row by a constant, swapping two rows, and adding a multiple of one row to another row.

2. Why are row operations important?

Row operations are important because they allow us to simplify or solve complex systems of equations, which arise in various areas of science and mathematics. They also help to identify patterns and relationships between matrices.

3. How do row operations affect the solution of a system of equations?

Row operations do not change the solution of a system of equations. They only change the form of the equations, making them easier to work with and solve. The solution remains the same as long as the operations are performed on both sides of the equations.

4. Can any row operations be performed on matrices?

No, there are certain rules and restrictions for performing row operations on matrices. For example, the same row operation must be performed on both matrices, and division by zero is not allowed. These rules ensure that the resulting matrices are still valid and represent the same system of equations.

5. How can row operations be used to determine if two matrices are equal?

Row operations can be used to determine if two matrices are equal by performing the same sequence of row operations on both matrices. If the resulting matrices are identical, then the original matrices are equal. If the resulting matrices are not identical, then the original matrices are not equal.

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